Remove last character from string column in SQL Server CE - tsql

In SQL Server Compact, I'm trying to remove a trailing comma that came from a goof which affected several thousand rows of a NVARCHAR column.
UPDATE myTable
SET col = LEFT(col, LEN(col)-1)
WHERE col LIKE '%,';
throws the error:
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token in error = LEFT ]
Can SQL Server CE not parse that query? Or, can someone offer another approach?
Note: I tried this in CompactView, I'm not sure if that's the problem.

Based off this example I was able to get it done using SUBSTRING:
UPDATE myTable
SET col = SUBSTRING(col, 0, LEN(col))
WHERE col LIKE '%,';

The proposed solution with using SET col = SUBSTRING(col, 0, LEN(col)) is a bit unclear.
This is working as a side effect of the SUBSTRING second parameter starting_position being "1 based". So 0 in this case is kind of negative (you could also use i.e. -3 and 4 characters would be stripped then instead of 1).
IMHO it would be much more clear to use this:
UPDATE myTable
SET col = SUBSTRING(col, 1, LEN(col)-1)
WHERE col LIKE '%,';
Which shows the code's intent

UPDATE myTable
SET col = SUBSTR(col, 0, (LENGTH(col) - 1))
WHERE col LIKE '%,';


How to use tSQL to match and remove everything after a string?

How can I use tSQL to find a string, and if it exists, return everything before that string?
i.e. in the example below, in an ETL process, how would we take the column from source, identify the string ?uniquecode= and therefore remove that, and everything else after it, in the SELECT statement for the sink column?
How can I best modify this tSQL statement below to return the values in SinkPageURL column above?
SELECT SourcePageURL FROM ExampleTable
I have attempted a Fiddle here -!18/3b60a/4 using the below statement. It is disregarding the values where '?uniquecode=' does not exist though, and also leaves the '?' symbol. Need this to work with MS SQL Server '17.
Somewhat close, but no cigar. Help appreciated!
SELECT LEFT(SourcePageURL, CHARINDEX('?uniquecode=', SourcePageURL)) FROM sql_test
Try this query:
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('?uniquecode=', SourcePageURL) > 0
CHARINDEX('?uniquecode=', SourcePageURL) - 1)
ELSE SourcePageURL END AS new_source
FROM sql_test;
If you instead wanted to update the source URLs in your example using this logic, you could try the following:
UPDATE sql_test
SET SourcePageURL = SUBSTRING(SourcePageURL,
CHARINDEX('?uniquecode=', SourcePageURL) - 1)
WHERE SourcePageURL LIKE '%?uniquecode=%';

How to find a substring and delete it as well as everything that comes after it

I've been searching for a way to update some columns of a certain table.
This update would try to find a certain substring and to delete it as well as every other characters that comes after it.
It's easy to delete everyhting after a certain character but I can't find a way to do the same thing with a substring.
Thanks for the help
Considering that:
the column to update is called haystack
the substring to search for is called #needle
Here's the expression you're looking for:
when charindex(#needle, haystack) = 0 then #haystack
else substring(haystack, 1, charindex(#needle, haystack) - 1)
Here's an online test of the two cases (match/no match):!3/d41d8/21209
#substring varchar(32) = 'anySubString'
colomnName =
(CASE WHEN charindex(#substring, colomnName) = 0 THEN
substring(colomnName , 1, charindex(#substring, colomnName) - 1)

TSQL split comma delimited string

I am trying to create a stored procedure that will split 3 text boxes on a webpage that have user input that all have comma delimited strings in it. We have a field called 'combined_name' in our table that we have to search for first and last name and any known errors or nicknames etc. such as #p1: 'grei,grie' #p2: 'joh,jon,j..' p3: is empty.
The reason for the third box is after I get the basics set up we will have does not contain, starts with, ends with and IS to narrow our results further.
So I am looking to get all records that CONTAINS any combination of those. I originally wrote this in LINQ but it didn't work as you cannot query a list and a dataset. The dataset is too large (1.3 million records) to be put into a list so I have to use a stored procedure which is likely better anyway.
Will I have to use 2 SP, one to split each field and one for the select query or can this be done with one? What function do I use for contains in tsql? I tried using IN win a query but cannot figure out how it works with multiple parameters.
Please note that this will be an internal site that has limited access so worrying about sql injection is not a priority.
I did attempt dynamic SQL but am not getting the correct results back:
CREATE PROCEDURE uspJudgments #fullName nvarchar(100) AS
FROM new_judgment_system.dbo.defendants_ALL
WHERE combined_name IN (' + #fullName + ')')
EXEC uspJudgments #fullName = '''grein'', ''grien'''
Even if this did retrieve the correct results how would this be done with 3 parameters?
You may try use this to split string and obtain a tables of strings. Then to have all the combinations you may use full join of these two tables. And then do your select.
Here is the Table valued function I set up:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Split] (#sep char(1), #s varchar(8000))
WITH splitter_cte AS (
SELECT CHARINDEX(#sep, #s) as pos, 0 as lastPos
SELECT CHARINDEX(#sep, #s, pos + 1), pos
FROM splitter_cte
WHERE pos > 0
SELECT SUBSTRING(#s, lastPos + 1,
case when pos = 0 then 80000
else pos - lastPos -1 end) as OutputValues
FROM splitter_cte

select first letter of different columns in oracle

I want a query which will return a combination of characters and number
Table name - emp
Columns required - fname,lname,code
If fname=abc and lname=pqr and the row is very first of the table then result should be code = ap001.
For next row it should be like this:
Fname = efg, lname = rst
Code = er002 and likewise.
I know that we can use substr to retrieve first letter of a colume but I don't know how to use it to do with two columns and how to concatenate.
OK. You know you can use substr function. Now, to concatenate you will need a concatenation operator ||. To get the number of row retrieved by your query, you need the rownum pseudocolumn. Perhaps you will also need to use to_char function to format the number. About all those functions and operators you can read in SQL reference. Anyway I think you need something like this (I didn't check it):
select substr(fname, 1, 1) || substr(lname, 1, 1) || to_char(rownum, 'fm009') code
from emp

Select from any of multiple values from a Postgres field

I've got a table that resembles the following:
a 0.3 common
the 0.3 common
gray 1.2 colors
steeple 2 object
I need to pull the weights for several different words out of the database at once. I could do:
SELECT * FROM word_weight WHERE WORD = 'a' OR WORD = 'steeple' OR WORD='the';
but it feels ugly and the code to generate the query is obnoxious. I'm hoping that there's a way I can do something like (pseudocode):
SELECT * FROM word_weight WHERE WORD = 'a','the';
You are describing the functionality of the in clause.
select * from word_weight where word in ('a', 'steeple', 'the');
If you want to pass the whole list in a single parameter, use array datatype:
FROM word_weight
WHERE word = ANY('{a,steeple,the}'); -- or ANY('{a,steeple,the}'::TEXT[]) to make explicit array conversion
If you are not sure about the value and even not sure whether the field will be an empty string or even null then,
.where("column_1 ILIKE ANY(ARRAY['','%abc%','%xyz%']) OR column_1 IS NULL")
Above query will cover all possibility.