REDSHIFT if value in list - amazon-redshift

I am trying to set some variables on the top of my query via CTEs to make maintenance of a long query more easy to handle.
I have extracted an example of what I am trying to achieve. I am not managing to make 'tags' be perceived as a list rather than a whole string. I have tried split_part but have not managed to get what I require.
WITH tmp AS (
'tag1, tag2, tag3' as tags
CASE WHEN 'tag1' in (select tags from tmp) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END matched_tags
Basically what I need is to have a string 'tag1' and see if it exists in the list 'tag1','tag2' or 'tag3'. This should give me 1 as there is a match
This is obviously not working because it is taking the 'tag1, tag2, tag3' as one string so there is no match.
Can anyone help me with this?

The STRPOS() function should do what you want.
Something like this:
WITH tmp AS (
'tag1, tag2, tag3' as tags
CASE WHEN STRPOS(tags, 'tag1') > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as matched_tags
FROM tmp;


Returning values based on delimited string entries

In TSQL, the string in the database record is 'A/A/A' or 'A/B/A' (examples). I want to parse the string and for the first instance return '1'; in the 2nd instance, return '2'. That is, if all the values between the separators are the same, return a value; otherwise return another value. What is the best way to do this?
A bit blind answer:
Read the whole value in a variable. Read the first value part in another:
declare #entire nvarchar(max), #single nvarchar(max)
select/set #entire=....
set #single=left(#entire,charindex('/',#entire)-1)
Compare entire with #single replicated after removing slashes:
set #entire=replace(#entire,'/','')
select case when replicate(#single,len(#entire)/len(#single))=#entire
then 1 else 0 end as [What you want]
Something like this should work:
END Result
FROM dbo.YourTable t
) x
Based on your simple example (no edge cases accounted for) the following should work for you:
select string, iif(replace(s,v,'')='',1,0) as Result
from t
cross apply (
values(left(string,charindex('/', string)-1),(replace(string,'/','')))
Example Fiddle

TSQL Column Values used in WHERE...LIKE

Okay so I currently have tables called ModTable, Slots, and I want to pass All of the values from the column [Modules] in ModTable to a LIKE. In effect, I need to search my Slots table, specifically the SlotValue column, for entries matching the entries in ModTable, which I have reformatted to be %//[Module]/%. I did it this way because the values in Slots.SlotValue that I want to pull follow the pattern of %//[Module]/%, but there are multiple modules in the column. My code looks like this:
FROM [Slots]
SELECT [Module]
FROM [ModTable]
WHERE [Slots].[SlotValue] LIKE(%//XYZ/% OR %//ABC/% OR %//LMN/%)
FROM [Slots]
JOIN [ModTable] ON SlotValue LIKE ModTable.Module
This might give you more than one row with the same value -- so you can use a distinct if you want.
Use a correlated EXISTS:
FROM dbo.[Slots] S
FROM dbo.[ModTable] MT
WHERE S.SlotValue LIKE MT.Module

sp_executesql vs user defined scalar function

In the table below I am storing some conditions like this:
Then, generally, in second table, I am having the following records:
and what I need is to compare these values using the right condition and store the result ( let's say '0' for false, and '1' for true in additional column).
I am going to do this in a store procedure and basically I am going to compare from several to hundreds of records.
What of the possible solution is to use sp_executesql for each row building dynamic statements and the other is to create my own scalar function and to call it for eacy row using cross apply.
Could anyone tell which is the more efficient way?
Note: I know that the best way to answer this is to make the two solutions and test, but I am hoping that there might be answered of this, based on other stuff like caching and SQL internal optimizations and others, which will save me a lot of time because this is only part of a bigger problem.
I don't see the need in use of sp_executesql in this case. You can obtain result for all records at once in a single statement:
select Result = case
when ct.Abbreviation='=' and t.ValueOne=t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='>' and t.ValueOne>t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='>=' and t.ValueOne>=t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<=' and t.ValueOne<=t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<>' and t.ValueOne<>t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<' and t.ValueOne<t.ValueTwo then 1
else 0 end
from YourTable t
join ConditionType ct on ct.ID = t.ConditionTypeID
and update additional column with something like:
;with cte as (
select t.AdditionalColumn, Result = case
when ct.Abbreviation='=' and t.ValueOne=t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='>' and t.ValueOne>t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='>=' and t.ValueOne>=t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<=' and t.ValueOne<=t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<>' and t.ValueOne<>t.ValueTwo then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<' and t.ValueOne<t.ValueTwo then 1
else 0 end
from YourTable t
join ConditionType ct on ct.ID = t.ConditionTypeID
update cte
set AdditionalColumn = Result
If above logic is supposed to be applied in many places, not just over one table, then yes you may think about function. Though I would used rather inline table-valued function (not scalar), because of there is overhead imposed with use of user defined scalar functions (to call and return, and the more rows to be processed the more time wastes).
create function ftComparison
#v1 float,
#v2 float,
#cType int
returns table
as return
Result = case
when ct.Abbreviation='=' and #v1=#v2 then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='>' and #v1>#v2 then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='>=' and #v1>=#v2 then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<=' and #v1<=#v2 then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<>' and #v1<>#v2 then 1
when ct.Abbreviation='<' and #v1<#v2 then 1
else 0
from ConditionType ct
where ct.ID = #cType
which can be applied then as:
select f.Result
from YourTable t
cross apply ftComparison(ValueOne, ValueTwo, t.ConditionTypeID) f
select f.Result
from YourAnotherTable t
cross apply ftComparison(SomeValueColumn, SomeOtherValueColumn, #someConditionType) f

TSQL split comma delimited string

I am trying to create a stored procedure that will split 3 text boxes on a webpage that have user input that all have comma delimited strings in it. We have a field called 'combined_name' in our table that we have to search for first and last name and any known errors or nicknames etc. such as #p1: 'grei,grie' #p2: 'joh,jon,j..' p3: is empty.
The reason for the third box is after I get the basics set up we will have does not contain, starts with, ends with and IS to narrow our results further.
So I am looking to get all records that CONTAINS any combination of those. I originally wrote this in LINQ but it didn't work as you cannot query a list and a dataset. The dataset is too large (1.3 million records) to be put into a list so I have to use a stored procedure which is likely better anyway.
Will I have to use 2 SP, one to split each field and one for the select query or can this be done with one? What function do I use for contains in tsql? I tried using IN win a query but cannot figure out how it works with multiple parameters.
Please note that this will be an internal site that has limited access so worrying about sql injection is not a priority.
I did attempt dynamic SQL but am not getting the correct results back:
CREATE PROCEDURE uspJudgments #fullName nvarchar(100) AS
FROM new_judgment_system.dbo.defendants_ALL
WHERE combined_name IN (' + #fullName + ')')
EXEC uspJudgments #fullName = '''grein'', ''grien'''
Even if this did retrieve the correct results how would this be done with 3 parameters?
You may try use this to split string and obtain a tables of strings. Then to have all the combinations you may use full join of these two tables. And then do your select.
Here is the Table valued function I set up:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Split] (#sep char(1), #s varchar(8000))
WITH splitter_cte AS (
SELECT CHARINDEX(#sep, #s) as pos, 0 as lastPos
SELECT CHARINDEX(#sep, #s, pos + 1), pos
FROM splitter_cte
WHERE pos > 0
SELECT SUBSTRING(#s, lastPos + 1,
case when pos = 0 then 80000
else pos - lastPos -1 end) as OutputValues
FROM splitter_cte

How to refactor this sql query

I have a lengthy query here, and wondering whether it could be refactor?
Declare #A1 as int
Declare #A2 as int
Declare #A50 as int
SET #A1 =(Select id from table where code='ABC1')
SET #A2 =(Select id from table where code='ABC2')
SET #A50 =(Select id from table where code='ABC50')
Insert into tableB
Case when #A1='somevalue' Then 'x' else 'y' End,
Case when #A2='somevalue' Then 'x' else 'y' End,
Case when #A50='somevalue' Then 'x' else 'y' End
From tableC inner join ......
So as you can see from above, there is quite some redundant code. But I can not think of a way to make it simpler.
Any help is appreciated.
If you need the variables assigned, you could pivot your table...
FROM Table
) t
(MAX(Id) FOR Code IN ([ABC1],[ABC2],[ABC3],[ABC50])) p /* List them all here */
...and then assign them accordingly.
SELECT #A1 = [ABC1], #A2 = [ABC2]
FROM Table
) t
(MAX(Id) FOR Code IN ([ABC1],[ABC2],[ABC3],[ABC50])) p /* List them all here */
But I doubt you actually need to assign them at all. I just can't really picture what you're trying to achieve.
Pivotting may help you, as you can still use the CASE statements.
Without taking the time to develop a full answer, I would start by trying:
select id from table where code in ('ABC1', ... ,'ABC50')
then pivot that, to get one row result set of columns ABC1 through ABC50 with ID values.
Join that row in the FROM.
If 'somevalue', 'x' and 'y' are constant for all fifty expressions. Then start from:
select case id when 'somevalue' then 'x' else 'y' end as XY
from table
where code in ('ABC1', ... ,'ABC50')
I am not entirely sure from your example, but it looks like you should be able to do one of a few things.
Create a nice look up table that will tell you for a given value of the select statement what should be placed there. This would be much shorter and should be insanely fast.
Create a simple for loop in your code and generate a list of 50 small queries.
Use sub-selects or generate a list of selects with one round trip to retrieve your #a1-#A50 values and then generate the query with them already in place.