Migrating a schema from one database to other - db2

As part of some requirement, I need to migrate a schema from some existing database to a new schema in a different database. Some part of it is already done and now I need to compare the 2 schema and make changes in the new schema as per gap finding.
I am not using a tool and was trying to understand some details using syscat command but could not get much success.
Any pointer on what is the best way to solve this?

A tool really is the best way to solve this – IBM Data Studio is free and can compare schemas between databases.
Assuming you are using DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, you can do a rudimentary compare by looking at selected columns in SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS (for table definitions), and SYSCAT.INDEXES (for indexes). Exporting this data to files and using diff may be the easiest method. However, doing this for more complex structures (tables with range or database partitioning, foreign keys, etc) will become very complex very quickly as this information is spread across a lot of different system catalog tables.
An alternative method would be to extract DDL using the db2look utility. However, you can't specify the order that db2look outputs objects (db2look extracts DDL based on the objects' CREATE_TIME), so you can't extract DDL for an entire schema into a file and expect to use diff to compare. You would need to extract DDL into a separate file for each table.

Use SchemaCrawler for IBM DB2, a free open-source tool that is designed to produce text output that is designed to be diffed. You can get very detailed information about your schema, including view and stored procedure definitions. All of the information that you need will be output in a single file, and can be compared very easily using a standard diff tool.
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler

unfortunately as per company policy, cannot use these tools at this point of time. So am writing some program using JDBC to get the details and do some comparison kind of stuff.


db2look from SQL

Is it possible to get the table structure like db2look from SQL?
Or the only way is from command line? Thus, by wrapping a external stored procedure in C I could call the db2look, but that is not what I am looking for.
Clarification added later:
I want to know which tables have the non logged option from SQL.
It is possible to create the table structure from regular SQL and the public DB2 catalog - however, it is complex and requires some deeper skills.
The metadata is available in the DB2 catalog views in the SYSCAT schema. For a regular table you would first start off by looking into the values in SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS. From there you would need to branch off to other views depending on what table and column options you are after, whether time-travel tables, special partitioning rules, or many other options are involved.
Serge Rielau published an article on developerWorks called Backup and restore SQL schemas for DB2 Universal Database that provides a set of stored procedures that will do exactly what you're looking for.
The article is quite old (2006) so you may need to put some time in to update the procedures to be able to handle features that were added to DB2 since the date of publication, but the procedures may work for you now and are a nice jumping off point.

DB2/400 Query - record format level identifiers for all tables in a library

We have multiple copies of the same library for testing, QA, development etc. consisting of hundreds of tables. Over time these libraries got out of sync and we run into a lot of level check problems. I would like to list all tables with a different Record Level Format Identifier from the corresponding tables in a model library. Is this possible using SQL? If not what other choices do we have?
A quick peek into SYSTABLES didn't show anything, but the QDBRTVFD API has that information in the file definition header. If APIs are not your thing, you can use DSPFD FILE(somelib/*ALL) TYPE(*RCDFMT) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) FILEATR(*PF *LF) OUTFILE(QTEMP/RCDFMTS) to create a file you CAN use SQL on.

Loading DB2 table rows as Marklogic documents

Is there any tool to quickly convert a DB2 table rows into collection of XML documents that we can load to Marklogic?
DB2 supports the SQL/XML publishing extensions that were introduced in SQL:2003. These functions include XMLSERIALIZE, XMLELEMENT, XMLATTRIBUTE, and XMLFOREST, and are easily added to a SQL SELECT statement to produce a simple, well-formed XML document for each row in the result set. By writing queries that retrieve the table names and column layouts from DB2's catalog views, it is possible to automate the creation of the XML-publishing SELECT statements for a large number of tables.
One way of doing this would be to use the MLSQL toolkit ( http://developer.marklogic.com/code/mlsql ). It allows accessing relational databases from within your XQuery code in MarkLogic. Not sure how the returned data actually looks like, but it should be easy to process it within XQuery, and insert your data as XML into MarkLogic.
Just make sure not to try to load a million records in one statement, but instead try to spawn batches of lets say 1000 records at a time. Spawning will also allow for handling it with multiple threads, so should be faster for that reason too..
Do you need to stream from DB2 to MarkLogic? Or can you temporarily dump all the documents to an intermediary filesystem and then read them in? If you can dump, then simply use some DB2 tooling (like #Fred's answer above) to export the rows to a bunch of XML documenets in a filesystem and use one of many methods for reading in a directory full of XML files into MarkLogic (like Information Studio (UI or apis), RecordLoader, and so on).
If you have don't want to store them in the filesystem as an intermediary, then you could write an InformationStudio plugin for MarkLogic that will pull out each row and insert a document into MarkLogic. You'd like need some web-service or rest endpoint that the plugin could call to extract the document data from DB2.
Alternatively, I suspect you could use the DB2 tooling (described by #Fred) that will let you execute some code per row of your table. If you can do that in Java (or .Net), then pull in the MarkLogic XCC APIs which will give you the ability to write documents into MarkLogic.

suggest a postgres tool to find the difference between the schema and the data

Dear all ,
Can any one suggest me the postgres tool for linux which is used to find the
difference between the 2 given database
I tried with the apgdiff 2.3 but it gives the difference in terms of schema not the data
but I need both !
Thanks in advance !
Comparing data is not easy especially if your database is huge. I created Python program that can dump PostgreSQL data schema to file that can be easily compared via 3rd party diff programm: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576557-dump-postgresql-db-schema-to-text/?in=user-186902
I think that this program can be extended by dumping all tables data into separate CSV files, similar to those used by PostgreSQL COPY command. Remember to add the same ORDER BY in SELECT ... queries. I have created tool that reads SELECT statements from file and saves results in separate files. This way I can manage which tables and fields I want to compare (not all fields can be used in ORDER BY, and not all are important for me). Such configuration can be easily created using "dump schema" utility.
Check out dbsolo DBSOLO. It does both object and data compares and can create a sync script based on the results. It's free to try and $99 to buy. My guess is the 99 bucks will be money well spent to avoid trying to come up with your own software to do this.
Data Compare
Object Compare
apgdiff https://www.apgdiff.com/
It's an opensource solution. I used it before for checking differences between differences in dumps. Quite useful
It's for differenting by schema only

Data Warehousing Postgres

We're considering using SSIS to maintain a PostgreSql data warehouse. I've used it before between SQL Servers with no problems, but am having a lot of difficulty getting it to play nicely with Postgres. I’m using the evaluation version of the OLEDB PGNP data provider (http://www.postgresql.org/about/news.1004).
I wanted to start with something simple like UPSERT on the fact table (10k-15k rows are updated/inserted daily), but this is proving very difficult (not to mention I’ll want to use surrogate keys in the future).
I’ve attempted (Link) and (http://consultingblogs.emc.com/jamiethomson/archive/2006/09/12/SSIS_3A00_-Checking-if-a-row-exists-and-if-it-does_2C00_-has-it-changed.aspx) which are effectively the same (except I don’t really understand the union all at the end when I’m trying to upsert) But I run into the same problem with parameters when doing the update using a OLEDb command – which I tried to overcome using (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141773.aspx) but that just doesn’t seem to work, I get a validation error –
The external columns for complent.... are out of sync with the datasource columns... external column “Param_2” needs to be removed from the external columns.
(this error is repeated for the first two parameters as well – never came across this using the sql connection as it supports named parameters)
Has anyone come across this?
The fact that this simple task is apparently so difficult to do in SSIS suggests I’m using the wrong tool for the job - is there a better (and still flexible) way of doing this? Or would another ETL package be better for use between two Postgres database? -Other options include any listed on (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extract,_transform,_load#Open-source_ETL_frameworks). I could just go and write a load of SQL to do this for me, but I wanted a neat and easily maintainable solution.
I have used the Slowly Changing Dimension wizard for this with good success. It may give you what you are looking for especially with the Wizard
The External Columns Out Of Sync: SSIS is Case Sensitive - I encountered this issue multiple times and it makes me want to pull my hair out.
This simple task is going to take some work either way. SSIS is by no means an enterprise class ETL product yet, but it does give you some quick and easy functionality, and is sufficient for most ETL work. I guess it is also about your level of comfort with it as well.
SCD is way too slow for what I want. I need to use set based sql.
It turned out that a lot of my problems were with bugs in the provider.
I opened a forum topic (http://www.pgoledb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=49) and had a useful discussion with the moderator/support/developer person.
Also Postgres doesn't let you do cross db querys, so I solved the problem this way:
Data Source from Production DB to a temp Archive DB table
Run set based query between temp table and archive table
Truncate temp table
Note that the temp table is not atchally a temp table, but a copy of the archive table schema to temporarily stored data in.
Took a while, but I got there in the end.
This simple task is going to take some work either way. SSIS is by no means an enterprise class ETL product yet, but it does give you some quick and easy functionality, and is sufficient for most ETL work. I guess it is also about your level of comfort with it as well.
What enterprise ETL solution would you suggest?