db2look from SQL - db2

Is it possible to get the table structure like db2look from SQL?
Or the only way is from command line? Thus, by wrapping a external stored procedure in C I could call the db2look, but that is not what I am looking for.
Clarification added later:
I want to know which tables have the non logged option from SQL.

It is possible to create the table structure from regular SQL and the public DB2 catalog - however, it is complex and requires some deeper skills.
The metadata is available in the DB2 catalog views in the SYSCAT schema. For a regular table you would first start off by looking into the values in SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS. From there you would need to branch off to other views depending on what table and column options you are after, whether time-travel tables, special partitioning rules, or many other options are involved.

Serge Rielau published an article on developerWorks called Backup and restore SQL schemas for DB2 Universal Database that provides a set of stored procedures that will do exactly what you're looking for.
The article is quite old (2006) so you may need to put some time in to update the procedures to be able to handle features that were added to DB2 since the date of publication, but the procedures may work for you now and are a nice jumping off point.


Save simple information for a database within postgress

I have a multi tennant application which will use the SILO Model to save data (each tennant will get an own database).
Because tennant names could be redundand my database are with GUIDs: MyApp_[GUID].
Now I want to save simple but neccesary information for each database like a tennant name and 3 to 5 more informations.
Is there a simple way to write and get these data?
The only way I can think of is to create a special table for this with only 1 row - but it seems a bot of wasting.
If you're looking for a simpler solution than a table per database (and having to deal with the awkward constraint that it must have exactly one row), you could
use a custom configuration parameter. You can change them with ALTER DATABASE. The downside is that you can only store strings, and that the settings might be overridden per session.
use a COMMENT on the database. The downside is that you can only store a single string per databasebase; the advantage is that it is automatically shown in many lists of databases such as psql's \l+ command
add your own columns to the pg_database system table. You should not mess with that, so it's a spectacularly bad idea even if you knew what you were doing, but in a relational model it's the closest to what you were asking for so I'd mention it for completeness.
I don't really advocate any of these solutions, although they do what you were asking for there's probably a better solution to your actual problem. It might be as simple a table of databases, possibly with a foreign key to pg_database, in an extra database shared by all tenants.

How to replicate rows into different tables of different database in postgresql?

I use postgresql. I have many databases in a server. There is one database which I use the most say 'main'. This 'main' has many tables inside it. And also other databases have many tables inside them.
What I want to do is, whenever a new row is inserted into 'main.users' table I wish to insert the same data into 'users' table of other databases. How shall I do it in postgresql? Similarly I wish to do the same for all actions like UPDATE, DELETE etc.,
I had gone through the "logical replication" concept as suggested by you. In my case I know the source db name up front and I will come to know the target db name as part of the query. So it is going to be dynamic.
How to achieve this? is there any db concept available in postgresql? Or I welcome all other possible ways as well. Please share me some idea on this.
If this is all on the same Postgres instance (aka "cluster"), then I would recommend to use a foreign table to access the tables from the "main" database in the other databases.
Those foreign tables look like "local" tables inside each database, but access the original data in the source database directly, so there is no need to synchronize anything.
Upgrade to a recent PostgreSQL release and use logical replication.
Add a trigger on the table in the master database that uses dblink to access and write the other databases.
Be sure to consider what should be done if the row alreasdy exists remotely, or if the rome server is unreachable.
Also not that updates propogated usign dblink are not rolled back if the inboking transaction is rolled back

Moving data between two DB2 9.7 databases

Does DB2 9.7 offer tools to move data between two databases? And only from selected tables? The schema varies slightly between the two, mostly so that the destination database contains some new columns (will be left as null of course) and some columns have changed datatype.
You can use federation between the two databases. You create "aliases" from one database in the other one, and then you just perform select or other operations on the remote table. For example, you can use a "load from cursor" using an alias.
Another way to do that, is using db2move or specifically export/import, but you need to deal with files.
Remember, federation is free between db2 databases, no extra license is required.

Migrating a schema from one database to other

As part of some requirement, I need to migrate a schema from some existing database to a new schema in a different database. Some part of it is already done and now I need to compare the 2 schema and make changes in the new schema as per gap finding.
I am not using a tool and was trying to understand some details using syscat command but could not get much success.
Any pointer on what is the best way to solve this?
A tool really is the best way to solve this – IBM Data Studio is free and can compare schemas between databases.
Assuming you are using DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, you can do a rudimentary compare by looking at selected columns in SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS (for table definitions), and SYSCAT.INDEXES (for indexes). Exporting this data to files and using diff may be the easiest method. However, doing this for more complex structures (tables with range or database partitioning, foreign keys, etc) will become very complex very quickly as this information is spread across a lot of different system catalog tables.
An alternative method would be to extract DDL using the db2look utility. However, you can't specify the order that db2look outputs objects (db2look extracts DDL based on the objects' CREATE_TIME), so you can't extract DDL for an entire schema into a file and expect to use diff to compare. You would need to extract DDL into a separate file for each table.
Use SchemaCrawler for IBM DB2, a free open-source tool that is designed to produce text output that is designed to be diffed. You can get very detailed information about your schema, including view and stored procedure definitions. All of the information that you need will be output in a single file, and can be compared very easily using a standard diff tool.
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler
unfortunately as per company policy, cannot use these tools at this point of time. So am writing some program using JDBC to get the details and do some comparison kind of stuff.

libpq code to create, list and delete databases (C++/VC++, PostgreSQL)

I am new to the PostgreSQL database. What my visual c++ application needs to do is to create multiple tables and add/retrieve data from them.
Each session of my application should create a new and distinct database. I can use the current date and time for a unique database name.
There should also be an option to delete all the databases.
I have worked out how to connect to a database, create tables, and add data to tables. I am not sure how to make a new database for each run or how to retrieve number and name of databases if user want to clear all databases.
Please help.
See the libpq examples in the documentation. The example program shows you how to list databases, and in general how to execute commands against the database. The example code there is trivial to adapt to creating and dropping databases.
Creating a database is a simple CREATE DATABASE SQL statement, same as any other libpq operation. You must connect to a temporary database (usually template1) to issue the CREATE DATABASE, then disconnect and make a new connection to the database you just created.
Rather than creating new databases, consider creating new schema instead. Much less hassle, since all you need to do is change the search_path or prefix your table references, you don't have to disconnect and reconnect to change schemas. See the documentation on schemas.
I question the wisdom of your design, though. It is rarely a good idea for applications to be creating and dropping databases (or tables, except temporary tables) as a normal part of their operation. Maybe if you elaborated on why you want to do this, we can come up with solutions that may be easier and/or perform better than your current approach.