Loading DB2 table rows as Marklogic documents - db2

Is there any tool to quickly convert a DB2 table rows into collection of XML documents that we can load to Marklogic?

DB2 supports the SQL/XML publishing extensions that were introduced in SQL:2003. These functions include XMLSERIALIZE, XMLELEMENT, XMLATTRIBUTE, and XMLFOREST, and are easily added to a SQL SELECT statement to produce a simple, well-formed XML document for each row in the result set. By writing queries that retrieve the table names and column layouts from DB2's catalog views, it is possible to automate the creation of the XML-publishing SELECT statements for a large number of tables.

One way of doing this would be to use the MLSQL toolkit ( http://developer.marklogic.com/code/mlsql ). It allows accessing relational databases from within your XQuery code in MarkLogic. Not sure how the returned data actually looks like, but it should be easy to process it within XQuery, and insert your data as XML into MarkLogic.
Just make sure not to try to load a million records in one statement, but instead try to spawn batches of lets say 1000 records at a time. Spawning will also allow for handling it with multiple threads, so should be faster for that reason too..

Do you need to stream from DB2 to MarkLogic? Or can you temporarily dump all the documents to an intermediary filesystem and then read them in? If you can dump, then simply use some DB2 tooling (like #Fred's answer above) to export the rows to a bunch of XML documenets in a filesystem and use one of many methods for reading in a directory full of XML files into MarkLogic (like Information Studio (UI or apis), RecordLoader, and so on).
If you have don't want to store them in the filesystem as an intermediary, then you could write an InformationStudio plugin for MarkLogic that will pull out each row and insert a document into MarkLogic. You'd like need some web-service or rest endpoint that the plugin could call to extract the document data from DB2.
Alternatively, I suspect you could use the DB2 tooling (described by #Fred) that will let you execute some code per row of your table. If you can do that in Java (or .Net), then pull in the MarkLogic XCC APIs which will give you the ability to write documents into MarkLogic.


Talend Open Studio Big Data - Iterate and load multiple files in DB

I am new to talend and need guidance on below scenario:
We have set of 10 Json files with different structure/schema and needs to be loaded into 10 different tables in Redshift db.
Is there a way we can write generic script/job which can iterate through each file and load it into database?
For e.g.:
File Name: abc_< date >.json
Table Name: t_abc
File Name: xyz< date >.json
Table Name: t_xyz
and so on..
Thanks in advance
With Talend Enterprise version one can benefit of dynamic schema. However based on my experiences with json-s they are somewhat nested structures usually. So you'd have to figure out how to flatten them, once thats done it becomes a 1:1 load. However with open studio this will not work due to the missing dynamic schema.
Basically what you could do is: write some java code that transforms your JSON into CSV. Use either psql from commandline or if your Talend contains new enough PostgreSQL JDBC driver then invoke the client side \COPY from it to load the data. If your file and the database table column order matches it should work without needing to specify how many columns you have, so its dynamic, but the data newer "flows" through talend.
Really not cool but also theoretically possible solution: If Redshift supports JSON (Postgres does) then one can create a staging table, with 2 columns: filename, content. Once the whole content is in this staging table, INSERT-SELECT SQL could be created that transforms the JSON into tabular format that can be inserted into the final table.
However, with your toolset you probably have no other choice than to load these files with 1 job per file. And I'd suggest 1 dedicated job to each file. They would each look for their own files and triggered / scheduled individually or be part of a bigger job where you scan the folders and trigger the right job for the right file.

MongoDB into AWS Redshift

We've got a pretty big MongoDB instance with sharded collections. It's reached a point where it's becoming too expensive to rely on MongoDB query capabilities (including aggregation framework) for insight to the data.
I've looked around for options to make the data available and easier to consume, and have settled on two promising options:
AWS Redshift
Hadoop + Hive
We want to be able to use a SQL like syntax to analyze our data, and we want close to real time access to the data (a few minutes latency is fine, we just don't want to wait for the whole MongoDB to sync overnight).
As far as I can gather, for option 2, one can use this https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-hadoop to move data over from MongoDB to a Hadoop cluster.
I've looked high and low, but I'm struggling to find a similar solution for getting MongoDB into AWS Redshift. From looking at Amazon articles, it seems like the correct way to go about it is to use AWS Kinesis to get the data into Redshift. That said, I can't find any example of someone that did something similar, and I can't find any libraries or connectors to move data from MongoDB into a Kinesis stream. At least nothing that looks promising.
Has anyone done something like this?
I ended up coding up our own migrator using NodeJS.
I got a bit irritated with answers explaining what redshift and MongoDB is, so I decided I'll take the time to share what I had to do in the end.
Timestamped data
Basically we ensure that all our MongoDB collections that we want to be migrated to tables in redshift are timestamped, and indexed according to that timestamp.
Plugins returning cursors
We then code up a plugin for each migration that we want to do from a mongo collection to a redshift table. Each plugin returns a cursor, which takes the last migrated date into account (passed to it from the migrator engine), and only returns the data that has changed since the last successful migration for that plugin.
How the cursors are used
The migrator engine then uses this cursor, and loops through each record.
It calls back to the plugin for each record, to transform the document into an array, which the migrator then uses to create a delimited line which it streams to a file on disk. We use tabs to delimit this file, as our data contained a lot of commas and pipes.
Delimited exports from S3 into a table on redshift
The migrator then uploads the delimited file onto S3, and runs the redshift copy command to load the file from S3 into a temp table, using the plugin configuration to get the name and a convention to denote it as a temporary table.
So for example, if I had a plugin configured with a table name of employees, it would create a temp table with the name of temp_employees.
Now we've got data in this temp table. And the records in this temp table get their ids from the originating MongoDB collection. This allows us to then run a delete against the target table, in our example, the employees table, where the id is present in the temp table. If any of the tables don't exist, it gets created on the fly, based on a schema provided by the plugin. And so we get to insert all the records from the temp table into the target table. This caters for both new records and updated records. We only do soft deletes on our data, so it'll be updated with an is_deleted flag in redshift.
Once this whole process is done, the migrator engine stores a timestamp for the plugin in a redshift table, in order to keep track of when the migration last run successfully for it. This value is then passed to the plugin the next time the engine decides it should migrate data, allowing the plugin to use the timestamp in the cursor it needs to provide to the engine.
So in summary, each plugin/migration provides the following to the engine:
A cursor, which optionally uses the last migrated date passed to it
from the engine, in order to ensure that only deltas are moved
A transform function, which the engine uses to turn each document in the cursor into a delimited string, which gets appended to an export file
A schema file, this is a SQL file containing the schema for the table at redshift
Redshift is a data ware housing product and Mongo DB is a NoSQL DB. Clearly, they are not a replacement of each other and can co-exist and serve different purpose. Now how to save and update records at both places.
You can move all Mongo DB data to Redshift as a one time activity.
Redshift is not a good fit for real time write. For Near Real Time Sync to Redshift, you should Modify program that writes into Mongo DB.
Let that program also writes into S3 locations. S3 location to redshift movement can be done on regular interval.
Mongo DB being a document storage engine, Apache Solr, Elastic Search can be considered as possible replacements. But they do not support SQL type querying capabilities.They basically use a different filtering mechanism. For eg, for Solr, you might need to use the Dismax Filter.
On Cloud, Amazon's Cloud Search/Azure Search would be compelling options to try as well.
You can use AWS DMS to migrate data to redshift now easily , you can also realtime ongoing changes with it.

Migrating a schema from one database to other

As part of some requirement, I need to migrate a schema from some existing database to a new schema in a different database. Some part of it is already done and now I need to compare the 2 schema and make changes in the new schema as per gap finding.
I am not using a tool and was trying to understand some details using syscat command but could not get much success.
Any pointer on what is the best way to solve this?
A tool really is the best way to solve this – IBM Data Studio is free and can compare schemas between databases.
Assuming you are using DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, you can do a rudimentary compare by looking at selected columns in SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS (for table definitions), and SYSCAT.INDEXES (for indexes). Exporting this data to files and using diff may be the easiest method. However, doing this for more complex structures (tables with range or database partitioning, foreign keys, etc) will become very complex very quickly as this information is spread across a lot of different system catalog tables.
An alternative method would be to extract DDL using the db2look utility. However, you can't specify the order that db2look outputs objects (db2look extracts DDL based on the objects' CREATE_TIME), so you can't extract DDL for an entire schema into a file and expect to use diff to compare. You would need to extract DDL into a separate file for each table.
Use SchemaCrawler for IBM DB2, a free open-source tool that is designed to produce text output that is designed to be diffed. You can get very detailed information about your schema, including view and stored procedure definitions. All of the information that you need will be output in a single file, and can be compared very easily using a standard diff tool.
Sualeh Fatehi, SchemaCrawler
unfortunately as per company policy, cannot use these tools at this point of time. So am writing some program using JDBC to get the details and do some comparison kind of stuff.

Transferring data from Lotus Notes to DB2 using Agent

before you say something, I searched a lot but didn't find how to do that.
So I got database in .NSF format for use in Lotus Notes. I need to write an Agent (I know how to) so data from that database will be automatically transferred to DB2 database.
So before I create DB2 tables, how do i know which structure I need to use? How do I check how exactly data in that .NSF file is stored?
Notes documents are unstructured, there's no guarantee that any two documents in a database have the same structure. You will need to decide what data you want to transfer to a relational table, then check each document to see if it contains the corresponding fields (items). You didn't mention what language you're planning to use for your agent; in Java you would use NotesDocument.getItems() to enumerate all items in a document.
As mustaccio also said, since Notes/Domino is a NoSQL database, you don't have a schema.
You should talk to the developer of the application and get an understanding of what data is lovated where.
You could of course use the Design Synopsis function in Domino Designer to export the actual design, but document can potentially contain data not showing up in the design.
If you want to export the documents as XML, I have a tool I wrote available here: http://www.texasswede.com/home.nsf/Page/Notes%20XML%20Exporter
You can export all the documents and then look at the XML to see what data you have.

DB2/400 Query - record format level identifiers for all tables in a library

We have multiple copies of the same library for testing, QA, development etc. consisting of hundreds of tables. Over time these libraries got out of sync and we run into a lot of level check problems. I would like to list all tables with a different Record Level Format Identifier from the corresponding tables in a model library. Is this possible using SQL? If not what other choices do we have?
A quick peek into SYSTABLES didn't show anything, but the QDBRTVFD API has that information in the file definition header. If APIs are not your thing, you can use DSPFD FILE(somelib/*ALL) TYPE(*RCDFMT) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) FILEATR(*PF *LF) OUTFILE(QTEMP/RCDFMTS) to create a file you CAN use SQL on.