Venn diagrams with heatmap - venn-diagram

I generated 40 different Venn diagrams that each represent a specific 'trial' of an experiment (they are actually different samples in a genetic study).
The Venn diagrams represent the overlap between 5 different sets (5-way Venns) and they are generated directly as SVGs from Python by replacing the labels in the example Venn from Wikipedia.
My question is: how would you proceed to create a heatmap of the density of every set intersection. In other words, I would like to add a 2D color heatmap over the Venn diagram which would represent the density of the different regions of the diagram over all the samples.
Alternatively, a 3D density map could be used, which would give me a new dimension for projecting the density. I thought of using the Gaussian probability density function for the z.


How can I visualise the 3D voronoi diagram in MATLAB?

I don't understand the documentation that describes the visualisation of voronoi regions in MATLAB.
the documentation says the following:
You can plot individual bounded cells of an N-D Voronoi diagram. To do this, use the convhulln function to compute the vertices of the facets that make up the Voronoi cell. Then, use patch or other plotting functions to generate the figure.
I have a set of 3D points (P) that I calculated voronoin for using [v,c]=voronoin(P)
What do I do next to visualise this ?
voronoin always generates a row of inf values in v. So how can I use v to generate/visualise the voronoi regions/diagram?

Summing squared area changes from Voronoi cells given area of triangles in 3D?

I have a list of triangles in 3D that form a surface (ie a triangulation). The structure is a deformed triangular lattice. I want to know the change in area of the deformed hexagons of the voronoi tessalation of the lattice with respect to the rest area of the undeformed lattice cells (ie with respect to a regular hexagon). In fact, I really want the sum of the squared change in area of the hexagonal unit cells associated with those triangles.
Background/Math details:
I'm approximating a curved elastic sheet by a triangular lattice. One way to tune the poisson ratio (elastic constant) of the sheet is by adding a 'volumetric' strain energy term to the energy. I'm trying to compute a 'volumetric' strain energy of a deformed, elastic, triangular lattice, defined as: U_volumetric = 1/2 T (e_v)^2, where e_v=deltaV/V is determined by the change in area of a voronoi cell with respect to its reference area, which is a known constant.
Sum[ (DeltaA/ A).^2 ] over all hexagonal cells.
My data is stored in the variables:
xyz = [ x1,y1,z1; x2,y2,z2; etc] %the vertices/particles in 3D
TRI = [ vertex0, vertex1, vertex2; etc] %
where vertex0 is the row of xyz for the particle sitting at vertex 0 of the first triangle.
NeighborList = [ p1n1, p1n2, p1n3, p1n4, p1n5,p1n6 ; p2n1...]
% where p1n1 is particle 1's first nearest neighbor as a row index for xyz. For example, xyz(NL(1,1),:) returns the xyz location of particle 1's first neighbor.
AreaTRI = [ areaTRI1; areaTRI2; etc]
I am writing this in MATLAB.
As of now, I am approximating the amount of area attributed to each vertex as 1/3 of the triangle's area, then summing over the 6 nearest neighbor triangles. But a voronoi cell area will NOT be exactly equal to Sum_(i=0,1,...5) 1/3* areaTRI_i, so this is a bad approximation. See the image in the link above, which I think makes this clearer.
You can do this using the DUALMESH-submission on the file exchange:
DUALMESH is a toolbox of mesh processing routines that allow the construction of "dual" meshes based on underlying simplicial triangulations. Support is provided for various planar and surface triangulation types, including non-Delaunay and non-manifold types.
Simply use the following commands to generate a vector areas of all the dual elements' areas. The ordering will correspond to the nodes xyz.
[cp,ce,pv,ev] = makedual2(xyz, TRI);
[~,areas(cp(:,1))] = geomdual2(cp,ce,pv,ev);
You might want to have a look at the boundary areas using:
trisurf(TRI, xyz(:,1), xyz(:,2), areas);
The dual cells of boundary nodes theoretically are unbounded and thus should have infinite area. This submission handles it differently however: Instead of an unbounded cell it will return the intersection of the unbounded cell with the original mesh.
Also mind that your question is not well defined if the mesh you are working with is not planar, as the dual mesh cells will be planar and won't scale the same way as the triangles. So this solution will probably only work correctly if your mesh is really 2D. (From what I can tell, the paper you mention is also only for the 2D-case.)

Uncalibrated multi-view reconstruction depth estimation

I'm trying to make a 3D reconstruction from a set of uncalibrated photographs in MATLAB. I use SIFT to detect feature points and matches between images. I want to make a projective reconstruction first and then update this to a metric one using auto-calibration.
I know how to estimate the 3D points from 2 images by computing the fundamental matrix, camera matrices and triangulation. Now say I have 3 images, a, b and c. I compute the camera matrices and 3D points for image a and b. Now I want to update the structure by adding image c. I estimate the camera matrix by using known 3D points (calculated from a and b) that match with 2D points in image c, since:
However when I reconstruct the 3D points between b and c they don't add up with the existing 3D points from a and b. I'm assuming this is because I don't know the correct depth estimates of the points (depicted by s in above formula).
With the factorization method of Sturm and Triggs I can estimate the depths and find the structure and motion. However in order to do this, all points have to be visible in all views, which is not the case for my images. How can I estimate the depths for points not visible in all views?
This is not a question about Matlab. It is about an algorithm.
It is not mathematically possible to estimate the position of a 3D point in an image when you don't see an observation of the point in said image.
There are extensions for factorization to work with missing data. However, the field seems to have converged to Bundle Adjustment as the Gold Standard.
An excellent tutorial on how to achieve what you want can be found here, which is a culmination of several years of research into a working application. Starting from projective reconstruction up to the metric upgrade.

Showing Covariance in a 3D graph

I have a 3D scatter plot and I want to visually show COVARIANCE on it. One can show COVARIANCE, for example with an ISO LINE. With this method, one generally gets an ellipse aligned with the shape of the scatter plot. Do you know how I can do this with MATLAB or any other method.
I don't understand how would you like to display covariance on a 3D plot. I think what you are looking for is pca , it would give you the three vectors corresponding to maximum variance in your 3D scatter plot. You can then determine the variance along each of those vectors and plot an ellipsoid which represents sort of a confidence region. The final figure would something like this:
There is a little bit of Linear algebra and rotation matrices knowledge involved with this approach.

5-dimensional plotting in matlab for classification

I want to create a 5 dimensional plotting in matlab. I have two files in my workspace. one is data(150*4). In this file, I have 150 data and each has 4 features. Since I want to classify them, I have another file called "labels" (150*1) that includes a label for each data in data files. In other words the label are the class of data and I have 3 class: 1,2,3
I want to plot this classification, but i can't...
You need to think about what kind of plot you want to see. 5 dimensions are difficult to visualize, unless of course, your hyper-dimensional monitor is working. Mine never came back from the repair shop. (That should teach me for sending it out.)
Seriously, 5 dimensional data really can be difficult to visualize. The usual solution is to plot points in a 2-d space (the screen coordinates of a figure, for example. This is what plot essentially does.) Then use various attributes of the points plotted to show the other three dimensions. This is what Chernoff faces do for you. If you have the stats toolbox, then it looks like glyphplot will help you out. Or you can plot in 3-d, then use two attributes to show the other two dimensions.
Another idea is to plot points in 2-d to show two of the dimensions, then use color to indicate the other three dimensions. Thus, the RGB assigned to that marker will be defined by the other three dimensions. Of course, that means you must be able to visualize what the RGB coordinates of a color represent, so you need to understand color as it is represented in an RGB space.
You can use scatter3 to plot your data, using three features of data as dimensions, the fourth as color, and the class as different markers
figure,hold on
markerList = 'o*+';
for iClass = 1:nClasses
classIdx = dataClass==iClass;
When you use color to represent one of the features, I suggest to use a good colormap, such as pmkmp from the Matlab File Exchange instead of the default jet.
Alternatively, you can use e.g. mdscale to transform your higher-dimensional data to 2D for standard plotting.
There's a model called SOM (Self-organizing Maps) which builds a 2-D image of a multidimensional space.