Summing squared area changes from Voronoi cells given area of triangles in 3D? - matlab

I have a list of triangles in 3D that form a surface (ie a triangulation). The structure is a deformed triangular lattice. I want to know the change in area of the deformed hexagons of the voronoi tessalation of the lattice with respect to the rest area of the undeformed lattice cells (ie with respect to a regular hexagon). In fact, I really want the sum of the squared change in area of the hexagonal unit cells associated with those triangles.
Background/Math details:
I'm approximating a curved elastic sheet by a triangular lattice. One way to tune the poisson ratio (elastic constant) of the sheet is by adding a 'volumetric' strain energy term to the energy. I'm trying to compute a 'volumetric' strain energy of a deformed, elastic, triangular lattice, defined as: U_volumetric = 1/2 T (e_v)^2, where e_v=deltaV/V is determined by the change in area of a voronoi cell with respect to its reference area, which is a known constant.
Sum[ (DeltaA/ A).^2 ] over all hexagonal cells.
My data is stored in the variables:
xyz = [ x1,y1,z1; x2,y2,z2; etc] %the vertices/particles in 3D
TRI = [ vertex0, vertex1, vertex2; etc] %
where vertex0 is the row of xyz for the particle sitting at vertex 0 of the first triangle.
NeighborList = [ p1n1, p1n2, p1n3, p1n4, p1n5,p1n6 ; p2n1...]
% where p1n1 is particle 1's first nearest neighbor as a row index for xyz. For example, xyz(NL(1,1),:) returns the xyz location of particle 1's first neighbor.
AreaTRI = [ areaTRI1; areaTRI2; etc]
I am writing this in MATLAB.
As of now, I am approximating the amount of area attributed to each vertex as 1/3 of the triangle's area, then summing over the 6 nearest neighbor triangles. But a voronoi cell area will NOT be exactly equal to Sum_(i=0,1,...5) 1/3* areaTRI_i, so this is a bad approximation. See the image in the link above, which I think makes this clearer.

You can do this using the DUALMESH-submission on the file exchange:
DUALMESH is a toolbox of mesh processing routines that allow the construction of "dual" meshes based on underlying simplicial triangulations. Support is provided for various planar and surface triangulation types, including non-Delaunay and non-manifold types.
Simply use the following commands to generate a vector areas of all the dual elements' areas. The ordering will correspond to the nodes xyz.
[cp,ce,pv,ev] = makedual2(xyz, TRI);
[~,areas(cp(:,1))] = geomdual2(cp,ce,pv,ev);
You might want to have a look at the boundary areas using:
trisurf(TRI, xyz(:,1), xyz(:,2), areas);
The dual cells of boundary nodes theoretically are unbounded and thus should have infinite area. This submission handles it differently however: Instead of an unbounded cell it will return the intersection of the unbounded cell with the original mesh.
Also mind that your question is not well defined if the mesh you are working with is not planar, as the dual mesh cells will be planar and won't scale the same way as the triangles. So this solution will probably only work correctly if your mesh is really 2D. (From what I can tell, the paper you mention is also only for the 2D-case.)


Compute multiple faces connected at vertices from normal vectors

I have a set of 8 normal vectors in 3D space. I need to plot a cuboid with lateral wings from these vectors:
whereas vectors 4 to 6 are just the negatives (opposite sides) of the first three and the last two vectors are identical to the first one and make up the wings.
The goal is to plot this object with each surface having a different color so that I can count the pixels of each color afterward for different sets of normal vectors (i.e. determining the visibility of partially obstructed surfaces).
I have found the patch function which can plot polygons with individual colors and takes the coordinates of the vertices for input. However, I do know the dimension of each surface, but the coordinates of the vertices need to be somehow calculated for each set of normals vectors. Any suggestions on how to approach this task?
I may have found a solution: I just noticed that view allows defined azimuth and elevation angles and thus "rotation" of the object. With the compution of azimuth and elevation from the normal vectors, the calculation of the vertices becomes unnecessary.

Smoothing algorithm, 2.5D

The picture below shows a triangular surface mesh. Its vertices are exactly on the surface of the original 3D object but the straight edges and faces have of course some geometric error where the original surface bends and I need some algorithm to estimate the smooth original surface.
Details: I have a height field of (a projectable part of) this surface (a 2.5D triangulation where each x,y pair has a unique height z) and I need to compute the height z of arbitrary x,y pairs. For example the z-value of the point in the image where the cursor points to.
If it was a 2D problem, I would use cubic splines but for surfaces I'm not sure what is the best solution.
As commented by #Darren what you need are patches.
It can be bi-linear patches or bi-quadratic or Coon's patches or other.
I have found no much reference doing a quick search but this links:
provide an overview:
while this is more technical:
The concept is that you calculate splines along the edges (height function with respect to the straight edge segment itself) and then make a blending inside the surface delimited by the edges.
The patch os responsible for the blending meaning that inside any face you have an height which is a function of the point position coordinates inside the face and the values of the spline ssegments which are defined on the edges of the same face.
As per my knowledge it is quite easy to use this approach on a quadrilateral mesh (because it becomes easy to define on which edges sequence to do the splines) while I am not sure how to apply if you are forced to go for an actual triangulation.

Get Trajectory from Voronoi Diagram for Polygonal Obstacles

I'm trying to get the Trajectory from Voronoi Diagram using the library voronoi from Matlab. I'm using this code:
vo = (all the obstacles from a binary picture, plotted in a figure), where:
vo(1,:) : x-axis points
vo(2,:) : y-axis points
figure; hold on;
[vx,vy] = voronoi(vo(1,:),vo(2,:));
In other words, how can I separate all the useless lines from the real trajectory?
The distinguishing property of the useless lines in this case is that they contain at least one vertex inside the polygonal obstacles.
There are many ways you might choose to decide if a vertex satisfies this condition but given that the coordinates come from a binary image, one of the most straightforward might be to check if the vertex comes within a pixel's distance of any point in vo:
[~,D] = knnsearch(vo,[vx(:),vy(:)]);
inObstacle = any(reshape(D,size(vx)) < 1);
If you cannot rely on the obstacles being filled with pixels (e.g. they may be hollow) then you probably need to determine which pixels belong to the same obstacle (perhaps using kmeans or bwconncomp) and then eliminate Voronoi edges that intrude into each object's convex hull. For a given obstacle made up of the pixels in vo listed by the linear indices idx:
K = convhull(vo(idx,1),vo(idx,2));
inObstacle = inpolygon(vx,vy,vo(idx(K),1),vo(idx(K),2));

Measure circularity or ellipticality

I have some binary images that want to classify them base on shape of them in MATLAB. If they have circular or elliptical shape they belong to class one,if they have elliptical shape with dent in their boundary they belong to class two. I dont know how can I use this feature. Can any body help me with this?
You can use the eccentricity property in regionprops. From MATLAB documentation of eccentricity:
The eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between the foci of the ellipse and its major axis length. The value is between 0 and 1. (0 and 1 are degenerate cases. An ellipse whose eccentricity is 0 is actually a circle, while an ellipse whose eccentricity is 1 is a line segment.)
So as the value of eccentricity increases , the ellipse starts becoming flatter. Hence, at its maximum value = 1, it is a line segment.
To check if there is a dent in the ellipse, you can use check for convexity. Whenever there is a dent in an ellipse, it will be non-convex. In other words, if you try to fit a convex polygon, it won't be able to approximate the shape well enough. You can use convexArea property to check the same. From MATLAB documentation of convexArea:
Returns a p-by-2 matrix that specifies the smallest convex polygon that can contain the region. Each row of the matrix contains the x- and y-coordinates of one vertex of the polygon. Only supported for 2-D label matrices.
So you use bwlabel to create a 2-D label matrix from your binary image and then check the difference between the area of your binary image and the area of the fitted convex polygon. Measuring area could be as simple as counting pixels. You already know that the number pixels of your fitted convex polygon = p. Just take the absolute difference between p and the number of pixels in your original binary image. You should be able to easily set a threshold to classify into one of the two classes.
I think you can write the code for this. Hope this helps.

Identify Shapes with Matlab

I created some MATLAB code, that find somes shapes in an image
using regionpros and bwbounaries functions.
I have:
STATS = regionprops(L, 'all');
and from STATS I could easily find all my shapes Area and Perimeter.
My problem is the following: I want to find the "square" shapes and I do
in all shapes the following calculation 16 * area / (perimeter * perimeter),
if this value is near one then I "may" have a square. But other shapes too like
circles or rectangles are near one too. (Also some squares could be rotated
in the image).
Is there a better way to distinguish the shapes (like circles, triangles ...)?
Matlab has a function
which will compute distance between two shapes based on the types of transformations it would take to move the points defined by X onto the points defined by Y. For many shape classification tasks, minimizing this distance is a useful way of categorizing noisy instances of shapes. If your problem has 'perfect' shapes, this should work extremely well. Just have Y fixed as a perfect square, and any time that the linear transformation from X to Y is a pure scaling, then you know X is also a square. You could do some simple logical checking to select only shapes satisfying this sort of property.