Facebook page tab application not visible to all users - facebook

I created a facebook page tab application, i installed it on my page (it can be found under the fb cover, it's the red/pink box with some white text on it), everything ok so far.
The content is loaded from my server. Both http/https urls are ok, they are working.
The problem is that some users can't see the application installed on that page. Simply that red box isn't displaying. I have no age restriction and the sandbox mode is disabled.
So far i couldn't find a pattern. The app itself is an contact form. 140 users managed to use it but i have received some extra 20 private messages from user that were unable to find the app.


What permissions should be reviewed for custom tab with an iframe?

I'm trying to build a custom tab for a Facebook Page that will simply have an iframe. It seems like I have to put this through Facebooks review process, but I'm not sure what permissions I should enter it for.
I've been using this guide (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages/tabs/) to get the tab up and running. I have the info filled out for the content I want to pull in, I set the App live, but when I try and view the app, I get the message "Misconfigured App Sorry, MY_APP hasn't been approved for display in App Center."
Some more research makes it seem like it might have to be approved by Facebook to set live, but I'm not seeing anything in the Permissions and Features requests that correspond with what my app does (the actual content being pulled in is a simple text field that takes a zip code as an entry).

Facebook App Linking from pages not working anymore

It's been about 2 months now. We manage several facebook pages and all these pages were linking to native iOS / Android apps from the CTA button where users were either opening their apps via "Use App" link or were redirected to download them in case they didn't have it installed.
What happens now is that the dialog to connect your app via the "add button" function in Facebook pages, it only shows a textfield to redirect the users to a website (image attached). There is no way to link to a registered app (of course there is a related app registered with all the relevant platforms enabled and the admin has access to it). Facebook, as always is completely silent and not responding to any support requests, clients that had their apps linked to pages now ask us what happened and we are out in the cold without being able to understand wtf is happening.
This happens to 90% of our pages, some of them still have a "Use App" button that works just fine, but all others have the above problem. Also, new pages, suffer from the same problem as well. Changing the page theme doesn't seem to do anything. One (strange) finding is that if you download the pages management app in a mobile device, there is also a checkbox which allows to enter a deep link url besides the standard url but just that. The list with the apps that we had access to link to pages has just vanished.
Any ideas? Anyone having the same issue?

Facebook app in Page Tab not visible to not logged in users (content not available)

I tried to create my first facebook app. It is a simple countdown to a specific date (does not require user to log in, or anything). It is added as a Page Tab on my page. The problem is, that while the page tab is visible to everyone, the app itself is visible only to logged in users. When I log out, I get "content is not available" message after clicking on the tab.
When I go to "Canvas page"https://apps.facebook.com/xxx, I can view it even if I am not logged in.
I have no restrictions in the app settings, and the app is hosted on SSL server.
Can the problem be in the code of the application? I tried both - using the init <script> proposed in facebook documentation and removing it, doesn't seem to change anything.
I had the same problem. Only found a few people complaining and saw that this wasn't working anywhere else either. I knew it was working a few months ago.
Anyway: Today it suddenly started working again. There's probably nothing wrong with you app. (Though age and country restrictions can still lock it down.)

How to get app title/link directed over to a website?

You know the publishing apps on Facebook: "Published via ____".
I've see a few times where when you click on the app name, it goes directly to the provider's website? (For example, if I clicked on it, it would direct to www.mywebsite.com)
For the life of me, I can't figure out how they make that work. Can't find a setting in the developer app.
Any ideas?
This is just done via a facebook page or application. If you create the facebook application, and post content via the application, it will automatically show the "Published via ..." at the bottom.
What it does is redirect you to the application page (so FB can track the number of clicks) then it will auto redirect to the website url page specified in the application settings.
Here is a tutorial

How do I create a Facebook application for use only on page tabs?

I'm currently creating a very basic Facebook application and I've run into a bit of a roadblock, so any help would be appreciated.
My application is as follows: I want to have the application pull records from my database that the user has added to my site off of Facebook and display them in a tab on one of their fan pages. Everything the user could add or edit will be done on my site (not on/through Facebook) so all I need to do is have my application check which page is requesting and display their records. I imagine the install will go something like this: user signs up on my site, user adds app to their page, user links their account and fan page (thinking of the best way to do this), user adds records.
The problem I'm running into is there's barely any information on the new Facebook PHP-SDK (does not use the require_login() method) and I'm not really sure how to start. Again, the only functionality I need on the Facebook end is for them to be able to add my application to their fan page and be able to distinguish between which page is requesting my app.
Does anyone have any resources for creating a basic application with the new SDK? Facebook's dev section is absolutely no help for beginners and I'm pulling my hair out despite a pretty solid grounding in backend development.
tab apps have some limitations comparing to regular fb apps. You can read about those here.
How to make a tab - register a facebook app, fill out "Tab Name" and "Tab URL" fields in the profiles settings (you might need to fill out "canvas" settings first).
Now all tabs will be loaded from "Tab URL" on your server. How to find out who is tab owner - check for fb_sig_profile_user request parameter in your tab page handler, which contains owner's user id.
This should get you started.