On OS X 10.8, JDK7, fullscreen JFrame has an ugly white stripe at top - jframe

I am using the OS X Lion "native" utilities to send a JFrame to fullscreen mode. Namely, I'm using
import com.apple.eawt.*;
FullScreenUtilities.setWindowCanFullScreen(myJFrame, true);
This works very well except that an ugly white stripe appears at the top of the JFrame. The stripe appears to be the same size as the JFrame's title bar was, before we entered full screen mode, so I think it's probably caused by a mishandling of the title bar.
I tried calling
But this results in a weird fullscreen mode where the JFrame retains its original size, moves to the center and I get a grey cloth background.
What can I do to prevent the white stripe from appearing?


Why is app icon so blurry on iOS, when it looks fine at 1024x1024, How to fix this so image is clearer?

I am using canva.com to create an app icon. I create it using 1024x1024 and plug it into the app icon generator which returns all the sizes for the icons. However, as the size decreases the image gets completely ruined to the point that it is completely illegible.
This is the original:
and this is the size that shows up on the users device (home screen icon):
It is completely blurred out and shows up this way on my device. Any way to fix this?
You've designed your icon incorrectly. You have not planned for the size that it actually will be, so when your icon is shrunk, your strokes are all too thin and the image in the square is ridiculously small. You cannot make a small icon by shrinking a large icon; you need to supply both a large icon and a small icon, each drawn correctly.

When I change the orientation of the device, there is a small black flash on the screen, Flutter

I have a sin up page that works very well, but when I switch to landscape mode, there is a small black flash on the screen that also disappears very early. flutter
I created a sign up page on flutter but when I switch from portrait to landscape mode, I see a black square appear on the screen before it disappears
When change the device orientation (by rotate the device) an black screen is painted in the bounds
what are the cases that can cause this?
I wanted to share my solution which is quite easy compared to my question above. Maybe it will save someone's time.
the black edge that appears when the device pivots (see image) disappeared during the execution of a release (flutter run apk --release).
suddenly everything is going well.

White bar appears when iPhone changes from portrait to landscape

iPhone image with white bar I'm experiencing an issue with the display of an Angular 6 app with Cordova on iOS devices in landscape mode. The app looks as expected in portrait mode, however when the orientation is changed to landscape a white bar appears on the screen in the top half left corner.
I've tried adding and removing 'viewport-fit=cover' and there's no change.
I also tried debugging the app in Safari using the 'Develop' option and the white bar is not affected by any styling and I can't even inspect the bar ... it's like it doesn't exist in code but appears on the device somehow.
I expect to not see the white bar at the top of the screen when the iPhone device is in landscape mode.
What am I missing? Is this an iOS/Apple issue? Or an issue with Cordova?

How to open existing app in iPhone 5

when I run an already developed(working in iPhone 4S) app in iPhone 5 without the launch image for 4-inch screen, the UI is breaking. i.e, it is not showing the letter-box view(view with a black patch on both top and bottom of the screen) instead it simply shows some white patch in the bottom alone and shifts the entire UI towards top. I know about the launch image related issues, but without that it should at least show the letter-box type view. But that even is not working. May know what could be the reason?

Interface builder problem when Iphone app converted to Universal app

I built an iphone app and in one of the views(buit using IB), I put an activity indicator ( little spinner indicating network activity) in the middle. It works fine on my iphone but once I use an Ipad the spinner goes to the to left corner. So the spinner never correspond to the intended location on Ipad no matter where I move it in IB.
Any suggestion to solve this problem? Do I have to rebuild the app specifically for ipad?
In Interface Builder, select the Activity Indicator and open the Size Inspector.
Default shortcut in Xcode 4 is ⌥ ⌘ 5, icon looks like a ruler.
Second section, on the left, a box labeled "Autosizing". The bars around the outside turn each anchor on or off, and the arrows inside turn autoresizing on/off for either direction (x / y)
With the indicator centered in the view, turn all four anchors on.
Solid red is on, semitransparent is off.