Why is app icon so blurry on iOS, when it looks fine at 1024x1024, How to fix this so image is clearer? - swift

I am using canva.com to create an app icon. I create it using 1024x1024 and plug it into the app icon generator which returns all the sizes for the icons. However, as the size decreases the image gets completely ruined to the point that it is completely illegible.
This is the original:
and this is the size that shows up on the users device (home screen icon):
It is completely blurred out and shows up this way on my device. Any way to fix this?

You've designed your icon incorrectly. You have not planned for the size that it actually will be, so when your icon is shrunk, your strokes are all too thin and the image in the square is ridiculously small. You cannot make a small icon by shrinking a large icon; you need to supply both a large icon and a small icon, each drawn correctly.


icon a little bigger when building with iOSOpenDev

I use a icon.png file of size 57*57 and a icon#2x.png file of size 114*114 as app icons. When building as a normal app, which is installed at /var/mobile/Applications, everything seems normal.
But when I build it with iOSOpenDev, installed at /Applications, the icon turns a little bigger than others (the right icon).
Any ideas? How can I set the icon's size to normal?
I've noticed this before, too. It isn't just an iOSOpenDev issue. I see this with jailbreak apps installed to /Applications, not built with iOSOpenDev, too. I'm not sure, but here's what I guess is going on:
With iOS apps, you can choose whether or not the OS should apply a gloss effect to your app icon by setting a flag in your app's Info.plist file:
So, obviously, the OS is not just displaying app icons the way you originally drew them. I'm guessing that the OS also applies a standard shadow effect to app icons, at least for normal app store apps (installed in /var/mobile/Applications). The difference is that this effect is not optional for those App Store apps.
Looking at a screenshot off my jailbroken Retina iPhone, it appears that iOS is reserving 120 pixels (for Retina devices) for the app icon, and if you simply provide a 114x114 icon image, it will scale it up. That's what you're seeing.
So, try making your app icon 120x120 pixels. You don't need to change the actual rounded rectangle square. Simply open it up in a photo editor, and increase the canvas to 120x120. The extra space should be transparent. It appears that you don't want the rounded rectangle to be centered, but instead have maybe 1 pixel of transparent space above it, and about 5 pixels of transparency below it.
Rebuild your app with the Icon#2x.png at this larger 120x120 size, and see how it looks.
If you really want to get it perfect, I think you're also going to need to draw in the shadow effect yourself. The light source is from the top, so the shadow should be below the icon.
Note that for jailbreak apps installed in /Applications, your app icons absolutely can have transparency (and PNG supports it). It's just App Store apps that Apple doesn't want using transparent icon images.
Here is the app icon from Cydia, found on your filesystem at /Applications/Cydia.app/icon\#2x.png. As you can see, it comes with the gloss effect and the bottom shadow embedded in the image:

Why is a picture appearing blurry on the iphone (no scaling)

I have been doing a bit of testing with images today and found that I could not make a blurry PNG image, which looked fine on my desktop appear non-blurry on the iphone without doing some strange things.
It wasn't until I made the images twice the resolution, then resized them within the iphone that they appeared crisp on screen. Is that normal practice?
What say if you have a background image that you want to be non-blurry? I don't see how I can do something like upload a background image and tell it to run at half the size...
Thanks for any pointers!
I found the answer.
It turns out that pixels are not the same on the iphone and are actually at a higher resolution.
In order to make images non-blurry, I needed to basically upload images 2-3 times regular size and then make their size smaller within the CSS.
For example, if I wanted a 50px image, I uploaded a 100px image and styled in within css to have a width of 50px.
It looks like the new iPads have even higher resolutions which means you may even want to upload higher resolution images to cater to those.
A bit lame I think, but it does look nice.
I might be misunderstanding you, but if you'd like to present a crisp image on a retina phone, you can place it in a UIImageView half it's size and set the contentMode to scale to fill.

Blurry images when running my application on iPhone

So, I was creating an application for iOS with Xcode 4.2.1, I don't know why all of my icons are blurry, they are in high definition, but for some reason they looks blurry and in a bad quality.
even the background images looks bad..
Please help me, what can I do about it?
This is the original button image:
This is how it looks on the application:
Make sure you saved the high-resolution images with the ending #2x.png, if they aren't they won't work. Also remember that the images needs to be twice the size of the pixles on the screen, that means a 50px x 50px-button will need a 100px x 100px-#2x-file.
Read more about retina icons in the iOS Documentation here.
You should round the origin of each image. If you place image with coordinate like (250.34, 340.21) you get blurry effect.
This is very likely to happen when you use automatic position calculation as well as center property to place your views/images.
In the simulator, use the new Debug menu to check whether your images are misaligned. If they are, use NSRectIntegral to fix their frames.

iPhone 4 application "icon" appears Blurry and Small

I have created my iPhone .png application 'icon' (57x57 with 72 Resolution), however, when I test on my iPhone 4, the image does not appear to cover the entire icon space (a tad small in height) and is a little blurred when compared to the original. Is this because of the high resolution display offered on the iPhone 4? How should I edit my image, so that the device will display a clear and correctly sized icon?
Thanks in Advance,
Create a new icon at 114x114. Call it icon#2x.png and add it to your Resources.
This will use the higher resolution icon for Retina displays.
You can see the full list of recommended icon names and sizes here http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1686/_index.html
Indeed, you'll have to double the amount of pixels you have: create a 114x114 image and name it Icon#2x.png.
You should have a high quality icon (512x512) already if you plan to release your app on the app store, reducing it's size should work just fine.

Does apple apply the app icon gloss effect and corner rounding on every icon?

The iTunes Connect Developer Guide says that the developer must provide a whole bunch of different icon sizes. But I only know from the "normal" app icons (57x57, 114x114) that the device applies the gloss effect and corner rounding automatically.
But how about those other icons? How about the 512x512 iTunesArtwork.png icon? Are the effects applied automatically? Must this icon be shipped inside the bundle of the app? Is there any way to see it "live" how it finally looks, when those effects are applied?
I slightly remember that there was a tool from apple that applied those effects to an icon, so you could see them. Does anyone know more details about this?
The glow and rounded corners are applied automatically. You can control the glow, by adding a key to your Info.plist file: UIPrerenderedIcon set to YES will indicate that your icon is "prerendered" and you don't want the glow.
The AppStore will honor that setting for the 512x512 icon as well.
You actually should supply 6 icons now. One for the iPhone4, iPad, normal iphones/ipod touch, and 2 smaller icons for spotlight search (one is double resolution).
I wrote a pretty cool photoshop script to take you 512px icon and convert it using photoshop into 6 smaller sizes all named correctly.
You will also see in the header of the file, now to update your info.plist to include all these icons.
For more details on those six icons and their required sizes, here's two great resources:
Note that even though the app store honors the UIPrerenderedIcon setting for the icons supplied with your app bundle, the 512x512 icon submitted within iTunesConnect in the app management must not have rounded corners or gloss. If you click the ? next to the icon in iTunesConnect you get this message:
"A large version of your app icon that will be used on the App Store. It must be at least 72 DPI and a minimum of 512 by 512 pixels (it cannot be scaled up). It must be flat artwork without rounded corners."
Why they make it such a p.i.t.a. and make you provide a square icon for this is beyond me. My app icon is rounded with a decorative frame, this square version will look like a**.