iOS app submission not working - iphone

I am trying to submit an iOS app through iTunes Connect.
However, when I try to validate the app it gives me an error saying : "This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with the Team ID.
Is this because I am using different accounts for creating the provisioning profiles and for iTunes connect ?

I'm guessing you have submitted your app before signed with a developer certificate from one account and now your trying to do it from another.
To fix it visit this website
I do think that using different accounts for creating the provisioning profiles and for iTunes connect will cause the issue. So just switch the provisioning files from the prov. acct for the itunes connect account. Provisioning files are easy to make, and Apple has a tutorial on what to do when you try to create one.


Application loader error

This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with team ID : I am getting this error while I upload the build with Application loader.
I am using two different accounts.
1) For creating provisioning profile
2) For uploading in iTunes.
Everything had worked fine till date. I have updated my app several times in app store. I am using the same procedure but facing this issue.
What might be the reason? Its an emergency Please help me on this.
Apple does not allow anymore submission of an app on a developer account if this app have been signed using a different developer account certificate (different team ID).
You have no other choice than sign you app with the developer account certificate where you want the submission to be done. If the Bundle ID is already taken on the other/previous developer account, you will have to sign your app using a wildcar mobile provision.
If you need push notif or Game Center or anything that need to avoid a wildcar AppStore mobile provision, then you are in trouble => setup a brand new app (new app ID / Bundle ID) and plan migration of your customers from the old app to the new one ...
See Here
I Think i have cracked this issue, But dont know if there is still a better solution.
As i used a different accounts for creating provisioning profile and submitting it in iTunes, because of which i got this error.
Solution: We have to use the same account for creating the provisioning profile and also submitting it in iTunes. As a trial i did the same, it just worked fine.
I have finally updated my app to app-store successfully!
Actually we had an corporate account and an individual developer account. Before we use to update using the individual account, Since the Apple Licence agreement changed some time back.
We cannot upload or update your app with the individual account if it is connected with the corporate account.
Need to add or link the individual account to corporate account.

iOS XCode & Code Signing

I am currently about to start work on an iOS app for somebody but they have there own Apple Developer account which they would like to us. How do I go about setting my MAC up so that I can use their account to build, develop and test their app on my Devices?
I am assuming that I will need to create a separate user account on my MAC. I have done this but when I try to install the certificates that they have created I get errors such as "Valid signing identity not found".
Why could Apple not make this process simple, I am always having to refer back to the documentation and still get confused just to start creating a new app!
You do not have to create a new user account on your Mac for this, but I know some developers prefer to have separate accounts when they are working with more than one developer account, for ease of development & distribution provisioning profiles.
If your client adds you (by Apple ID --> email address) as a team member to their account (assuming their account belongs to a company and not an individual) then you can start the development process by requesting and later receiving a signed development certificate. You'll then also need the required provisioning profile(s) to develop/distribute builds of the app.
No, you won't need to create separate account. Xcode provide the facility to use several provisioning profile and certificate at the same time.
For more information check this thread - Multiple Certificates/Provisioning Profiles in one Xcode organizer?
First of all you don't need to create new account on your Mac to develop iOS application. In Xcode 4 it become very easy to start developing and signing application. All you need to do is go to Organizer (most right button on Xcode toolbar). In Provisioning Profiles section you can see Refresh button on the botoom of the screen. When you click it ask you about your developer account information such as account name and password. Then it tries to install all profiles and certificates to your Mac automatically. Then you could select your profile and sign your app. If automatically install fails, check yourself that you download all you need for this.
Create keys on your mac and submit to Apple.
Download your certificate and WWDR certificate. Two!!!!
Add your device to the devices section and create Development certificate (Distribution as well ). Download it manually or via refresh in Xcode Organizer.
Hope it helps. Sergey!
Once you have your Apple Developer Account Credentials, You can follow gist I have created:
Apple's Code Signing Process

Error Submitting My App to the App Store

I have setup my App Buddle ID in the Provisioning Portal. (I am NOT using any wildcards in the name.) I have been able to successfully generate provisioning certificates and have run my app on my device and have even distributed via Ad-Hoc already. However, when I then go into iTunes Connect, (or using the Application Loader), I click on "Manage Your Applications" and then I add my company name and hit Next... and then I get the message "You have no eligible Bundle IDs for iOS apps. To register one click here." The "here" links back over to the Provisioning Portal where I see my Bundle ID. It's like the Portal and iTunes Connect aren't in sync. This has been going on for about two weeks now. Several others have reported this error but none of the suggested solutions I have read work for me. It's a free app so I don't need a paid contract or anything. iTunes Connect shows that all is good on the contract and banking side of things.
I have been unable to get any resolution on this from Apple. (I've called the Developer Support line and posted on the Apple Developer Forum. TWICE!) Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you!
Before you create an app on iTunesConnect, you must create an AppId on the Provisioning Portal. Note that if you have already used an AppId (even if you deleted the app), you won't be able to use the same AppId again.
Try creating another AppId and using it to create your app on iTunesConnect.

Upload IPhone app to device instead of other app

So I'm not that familiar with the process of Provisioning profiles and certificates.
Currently I have one app I'm developing that I can upload to my device.
Now, for testing reasons, I want to write a very simple app and to upload it to my device as well. The thing is, is that I don't want to configure another app in iTunes connect and provisioning profiles, so I thought maybe it's possible just to change the bundle identifier of the second app to be the same as the first.
However, in XCode I get the following error :
"Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any identity in any profile"
Any way to make this happen?
If you set the bundle identifier of the 2nd app to be the same as the 1st, the 2nd app will replace the 1st one on your phone.
If you want the ability to have both apps installed at the same time, you need a new app id.
But you don't want to create a new app id for each test project.
The idea is to recreate the Team provisioning profile available for the Company developer program (I guess you subscribed to the individual developer program).
Create a new app id with bundle identifier set to *
Create the provisioning profile associated to this app id
Download and install this generic provisioning profile
With this wildcard profile, you will be able to install any test application.
Please request a certificate to apple through your paid developer account, generate a provisioning profile and install this in mac as well as in your device. then choose your provisioning profile and build and run your app through this provision.then it will install in device. There are details in regarding to this. If you feels confusion please mail me i will reply you asap.

How to create iphone provisioning profile with technical role in Itunes Connect?

I have encountered a problem. My customer add me as Technical Role in his Itunes Connect account. Now I would like to test our iphone application on my iphone device. But I can not see where Provisioning profile portal anywhere. Would you please tell me how I create iphone provisioning profile with my Technical role?
I am appreciated with your help.
You can't create a provisioning profile, but you can request inclusion into the Team Provisioning Profile via Xcode's Organizer. After that, you need to wait until your customer approves your request.