AUIOClient_StartIO failing while attempting to play out in background - iphone

I am facing the same error in Audio unit in iOS7
"2013-10-14 18:24:29.262 QchatDLA[946:9a1f] 18:24:29.262 ERROR: [0x655d000] AURemoteIO.cpp:1207: Start: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-16981)"
Mine is a VoIP app and i was attempting to receive audio while in back ground. This is perfectly working in iOS 6.1.4 while its not working on iOS 7.0.2

I had a similar error. I play audio in the background (for a Push to talk application). I was trying to show a red status bar (using a fake audioUnit enabling mic) at the top of the screen when there is an incoming PTT call.
The code worked well on iOS6 , but gave the error AURemoteIO.cpp:1207: Start: AUIOClient_StartIO failed (-16981) on iOS7.
The issue that I found is I had set audio session category as AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient in iOS6.
When I set the session category as AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, problem got fixed.

I also met the same problem with iOS 7.0.2, but when I upgraded to 7.0.3 this morning, the problem was resolved and sound came back again.
Thus my solution to this problem is to upgrade your device to 7.0.3 as this seems like a bug of iOS 7.0.2.

Interesting enough, when your app is in background and trying to access inputNode, even if you try to remove a tap, engine will raise this error and won't allow you to start it.


UserNotifications App Icon Not Loading In Notification iOS 14

So I've implemented notifications into my app, however I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but the app icon that displays with the notification doesn't display on my iPhone, it instead shows the default icon! The weird thing is that it works on the simulator, but yeah! Is this a bug? Here's what they look like:
It's probably occurring because of the caching of app icons.
Firstly, try restarting the device and the issue must be resolved, I know this doesn't feel like a real solution but, it works this occurs due to weird iOS bug in some versions.
If the issue still persists you can
Uninstall the app.
Restart the device.
Menu - Product - Clean Build Folder
Clear Derived Data.
Then run again and the issue should be fixed.

Accessing data from core data when in location background mode

I have a app that get launched in the background mode by location region service , I would like to then display a local notification but I need to access core-data to get info for the notification and to query weather it should show the notification. every thing works but the query wont return any data when in the background , If it is not possible to access core-data at that time is there any other way I can store my data so I can read it while running in the background.
I did get this sort of working I think it is more of a issue with xcode 4.2 which is giving me issues I could access the core data file from the background mode only if I run the app from xcode then after I quit running I must open the app on the phone or simulator by clicking the app icon not the run button in xcode then close the app then the next time a run the app on the phone or sim by clicking the app icon not the run button in xcode then the application will access the core-data database. but local notification now wont work on the simulator unless I run form xcode which will then stop core-data access. I guess Im stuck with not being able to build this app till xcode 4.2 is at standard of xcode 3 where I could just get things to work.
Thanks for the comments I think Ive sorted it out , I did not have icloud on my iphone as its older one and I've been testing on simulator and thats is why Ive had this issue so if any one else has this problem the way to fix it is to start and stop your app in the simulator first as when you stop the app by clicking stop in xcode after running it kill the app the wrong way here is the log "9/02/12 12:46:52 PM Application '*App Name**' exited abnormally with signal 9: Killed SpringBoard[5273]" which then stops the app from accessing core data while in background , Ill send apple a bug report but I dont know if its something they want to fix . PS grate Site helpful thanks to anyone who answers Questions :)

Push Notification in iPad not appear in Setting

I am working on push notification on iPad. My application is a universal application include iPhone and iPad. The iPhone push notification works well, the user receives push, the app name appears in the Setting -> Notifications
However, I have a small issue with the ipad version is that the app name does not appear in the list of Settings -> Notifications. I can still register for the device ID, the iPad does receive the push notification.
Does anyone know what can be a reason? I checked and be sure that both the registering code for both devices are exactly the same
Maybe this is obvious, but did you try to:
Restart the iPad?
Completely remove the App, create a clean build and run that build on the iPad?
Try to install on another iPad? Is the issue also present on the other iPad?
Reinstalling a clean build and restarting the device should do the trick with the majority of strange problems like this one. If this is not resolving your problem it's very important to test on another iPad or completely reset your iPad.
This way you can see if there is something wrong in the iOS install itself. It sounds like this is the case, because push is working and the iPhone version is working fine.
By testing on another iPad you could determine if the problem is in your code/App or in iOS.
Is your iPad updated to the latest version?
Follow the steps mentioned below.
Are you sure you are registering your app at launch time?
I had a similar issue where I removed - (void)registerForRemoteNotificationTypes by accident.
All the devices on which I had the application before removing that line still had the settings, but the new one didn't register to push hence not being registered in Settings.

push notification is not working iphone4 and in iphone3

I developed a application which uses push notification,it was working fine but when today i updated and when i run the application ,app is not able to get device token,both delegates methods are not called .but when i see the notification in settings of iphone ,i find my app as registered for notification ,how can i fix this problem any help?
Unlocked iPhones have many problems with Push Notifications. Check the web, there are some work arounds you can do to get it working. Strange that it worked before, but now it isn't.. The methods you spoke about are the correct methods and should be fired when launching the app...
You can try to kill the app from the multitasking. Maybe that's the case the methods aren't called...

What does that mean? "mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack."

Debugger is telling me this, when I run my app on device:
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.
mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.
I don't get information about where in code that happens. That's all I get. Any idea what that could mean?
The app crashes after that. When the device is not connected to the mac, it still crashes, so not a debugger problem.
Building on the 4.0 sdk onto a 3.1.3 phone caused this for me.
Fixed by weak linking UIKit in the target.
EXC_BAD_ACCESS happens when a message is sent to an object that has already been released.
I've seen "mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack" before when trying to release something that's already been released as well.
My suggestion is to set the NSZombieEnabled environment variable and see which released object you are trying to access.
This site has a great tutorial on it:
I've seen this caused by at least three different kinds of problems:
• As described in the other answer, overrelease errors can do it.
• I had it happen when I was upgrading an app to use iAd and IOS 4.0. I think the problem was that I tried to use the iAd framework in the 3.0 version of the app as well, which of course isn't possible because iAd is only around in 4.0 and above.
• I had it happen when I removed a bunch of stuff from an app and recompiled, but vestiges of the old stuff were still around on the simulator. Resetting the simulator cleared the problem. What I was removing was the Flurry API. I'm afraid I don't know what, specifically, in there stuck around and caused the problem.
I have the same issue. My solution is:Quit the Xcode and then restart it after waiting some time.
I've got such a message when was trying to launch an app on iPhone under iOS 3.1.2 with a string like that
Class messageClass = (NSClassFromString(#"MFMessageComposeViewController"));
At the same time that works well when I use a device with iOS 4.
So I can assume that app could crash when start running on device if there are any references to iOS4-only classes.
Creating a new project and copying all the existing files in it solved this problem for me.