What does that mean? "mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack." - iphone

Debugger is telling me this, when I run my app on device:
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.
mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.
I don't get information about where in code that happens. That's all I get. Any idea what that could mean?
The app crashes after that. When the device is not connected to the mac, it still crashes, so not a debugger problem.

Building on the 4.0 sdk onto a 3.1.3 phone caused this for me.
Fixed by weak linking UIKit in the target.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS happens when a message is sent to an object that has already been released.
I've seen "mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack" before when trying to release something that's already been released as well.
My suggestion is to set the NSZombieEnabled environment variable and see which released object you are trying to access.
This site has a great tutorial on it:

I've seen this caused by at least three different kinds of problems:
• As described in the other answer, overrelease errors can do it.
• I had it happen when I was upgrading an app to use iAd and IOS 4.0. I think the problem was that I tried to use the iAd framework in the 3.0 version of the app as well, which of course isn't possible because iAd is only around in 4.0 and above.
• I had it happen when I removed a bunch of stuff from an app and recompiled, but vestiges of the old stuff were still around on the simulator. Resetting the simulator cleared the problem. What I was removing was the Flurry API. I'm afraid I don't know what, specifically, in there stuck around and caused the problem.

I have the same issue. My solution is:Quit the Xcode and then restart it after waiting some time.

I've got such a message when was trying to launch an app on iPhone under iOS 3.1.2 with a string like that
Class messageClass = (NSClassFromString(#"MFMessageComposeViewController"));
At the same time that works well when I use a device with iOS 4.
So I can assume that app could crash when start running on device if there are any references to iOS4-only classes.

Creating a new project and copying all the existing files in it solved this problem for me.


PhoneGap + iOS exception: [UIWebOverflowScrollView _viewDelegate] message sent to deallocated instance 0x21e330

after using my App created with PhoneGap + iOS for some time, the app crashes with following error message:
[UIWebOverflowScrollView _viewDelegate]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x21e330
I have no idea why this problem is happening. I can not reproduce the error, it happens just suddenly. I am aware that this problem is related to any kind of object that has been released, but as I am using PhoneGap (+ QrCode Plugin) I am sure that this problem is related to Phonegap or to the BarcodeScanner plugin. Could someone give me any insights on how to solve this problem? I have updated to the new PhoneGap version 1.9.0.
Related question: UIWebOverflowScrollView Exception in Phonegap Application
Do you use "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch" in your CSS?
We had the same problem with our phonegap-app, it sometimes crashed with the same error message (and sometimes only locked up the upper screen), and it got fixed by removing that said bit of CSS.
If you are using "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch", perhaps test if you can get your app to crash without it?
See apache.org for more info on the said bug and possible solutions.
We solved the situation by using iScroll instead of the CSS.
Sorry for the late answer, we just got our problem fixed :P.

xcode simulator crashing xcode when trying to run app

I was propted by apple to upgrade my debugger settings yesterday, In doing so I have some how broken xcode.
When ever I now try to load an application (dosn't matter what version of the simulator I am using) Xcode and my simulator both freeze up. then the rainbow loader just sits their constantly turning over.
Is there any way to fix this? I'm really stuck and don't know what to do as it dose not seem like a very common problem from all the research I have done to fix this.
I am running the latest version of xcode 4.3.2 (4E2002) and using 5.1 simulator.. and have tried 4.2 simulator to the same effect.
any help in getting my xcode back up and running would be massively appreciated.
Okay so I figured out what the problem is but not a real solution...
Basically the error started happening when I was prompted by xcode to update my debugger to the LLDB version. this is what cause my simulator to keep crashing xcode.. or vice versa honastly I still dont know why this is happening but yea...
so.. what I did to get this simulator working again was go to Product>edit scheme> debugger then changed from LLDB back to GDB.. this solved my issue for now... however I need to figure out why LLDB is not working and what I should do leading into the future. hope this helps someone else.
I have facing this problem too but I got a solution either you said its temporary ... some time ios 5.1 simulator hangs when I shifted to the ios 4.1 sdk its a common practice for the developer to check it I have simply first close the simulator and again start it and then reset all the content in the preference area that its resolved my issue .. check it might be you also got resolve for apply this trick or technique.
In my case, was too many old breakpoints tracks (788), even to deleted files, I just clean it and now it runs perfect, I hope it helps.
A picture to illustrate:

More unspecified crashes on Xcode 4.2

I've been using Xcode to develop iPhone Apps for a couple of years now. In the last couple of months I've updated to Xcode 4.2 for iOS 5 development.
On previous versions of Xcode I've found it very rare that I get a crash without any log of where the error happened. With Xcode 4.2 / iOS 5 I find that I regularly get crashes without any log. I just end up with the code stopped in main.m with a message like "program received signal SIGABRT" (or a couple of other messages) but no log messages at all. (I'm looking in the "All Output" window at the bottom of the Xcode gui).
For example, my last one was where I used the initWithNibName:bundle: method but typed in the incorrect nib name. The code passed this line without error, but when I got to the pushViewController:animated: method the code crashed with the SIGABRT message but no log messages. It took a while for me to find my typo...
I'm sure in previous versions of Xcode I would see a far more informative message...
Is there something I'm missing in Xcode 4.2? Should I enable some extra debugging feature? Any way to get it to give more useful crash information? Or is this a know problem with iOS 5 / Xcode 4.2?
Thanks for any pointers...
You are not alone, I have found this too. I often find there is not enough information in the log to diagnose the crash with the lastest xcode. I have two tips that might help.
Run on the actual device. I often find for some reason I get more detailed logs when it crashes on the device.
Worst case, you can go into the organiser and check the crash logs of the device, this will give you what thread crashed and what you call stacks looked like when it crashed.
Switch between the GDB and LLVM compiler and or debugger. I havent experitmented enough with this but I believe this has helped on occasion.

App Crashes at Apple but not in test

My app has been (correctly) rejected by Apple as it crashes when you try to use the offline maps. The crash is in the route-me code libraries so the crash log isn't that helpful. In test it is fine, and does not crash, so I can't recreate the test condition successfully.
I am running on the same version of iOS (4.3.3) as Apple. I've tried forcing the location code to return a location on California.
Has anyone else experienced the same problem?
When I had problems with getting an app accepted to the App Store on Apple's end but not my own it ended up being some of the build dependencies for an external library I was using. I had set them in my Debug build but not my Release builds. Since I didn't test on Release builds, I never noticed the crashing. Apple did however, since that's what I sent them.
It may be an issue on their end.
This happened to me ( iPhone Crash with "No Backtrace" ). I resubmitted with no changes and my app was approved. Months later I have never reproduced or heard complaints of a single crash.
I'd recommend resubmitting an identical binary. While you wait for approval, try re-running a clean build, deleting and reinstalling the app from your device, and ad-hoc testing on "clean" devices that you haven't deployed to before to try and reproduce the crash.
I had the same problem with Apple. When I was running my app with offline maps on the iPhone simulator, iPhones or iPad, I had no problem. But with Instrument, the app was crashing when I set the delegate of the MapView to the ViewController.
The way to fix is really simple :
Had the code [RMMapView class]; just before the [mapView setDelegate:self];.
If I remember correctly, the compiler was not able to find a .xib file. Sorry don't remember exactly why I made this, but it works.

detecting and preventing crashed on older iOS (Suspecting EventKit)

Dear Scholars.
I have created a simple application using the latest SDK (4.2.1), Which runs smoothly and error free on all devices with iOS 4.x.x.
Lately I am getting some comments from users with older iOS version complaining the application is crashing on start, on Apple's crash log I see nothing at all.
Pushing my investigation forward, the only suspect I have at the moment is the use of EventKit class, which if memory serves, where introduced only after iOS4.
I am using it very lightly in one of my classes, and it works perfectly on iOS4.2.1
#import <EventKit/EventKit.h>
//some time later
[self setADateInCal: [MyTimeArray objectAtIndex:0] :formatterDate];
Thus my Questions:
Can this be the issue that crashes my application on iOS < 4 ?
How can I prevent it without dropping the feature for people with iOS4
In general, How can I test this? I have the latest official iOS on my device and SDK, the simulator is limited to how back it can go in regrading to iOS version... any magical way to do so?
1.) Yes. If it wasn't in the API in <4.0 than anyone not running >4.0 will crash.
2.) Test to see if the class is available using NSClassFromString (Google for examples) and respondsToSelector in correspondence to see if the method you want is available to use in the OS version the client is running. You will also probably need to weak link the EventKit framework (again Google for how to do this).
3.) The only real way to test this is to keep a device at the OS you want to test. Personally, I have an old iPhone that I never update running 3.1.3 for things just like this. Alternatively, you can keep old installs of xcode+iOSSDK on different partitions or something and use their simulator. (for future updates i guess since you obviously haven't done this for <4.0). But no, there is no magical way to do this. sorry.
edit for clarity on Number 2: Basically you will check to see if the class/method you want is available on the OS version you are currently running, if it is you can use it, if not you will have to find a work around (omit completely or do it another way that is compliant with older versions).
Yes it could be causing the crash. Issues with missing libraries do not report anything in the apple crash log.
To prevent it from happening you need to do two things,
Weak link the event kit library in xcode.
Check for its existence in your code with something like
//do stuff with event kit
The only way to test on the actual iOS version is to get hold of a physical device running ios < 4.