Emacs Modes: "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer" - emacs

I start to type M-x to type a command
I switch to another emacs window/buffer because I realise I'm executing the command in the wrong window
I start to type M-x again to execute the command in the correct window
Result: I get the dreaded "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer"
This happens to me multiple times a day while using emacs, and not just in this scenario. This behaviour is highly user-hostile (ref. Modes and Pseudo-modes in The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin)
Is there a way to customize emacs behaviour so that instead of giving this error, it just cancels the first minibuffer and replaces it with a new one?

You can set the variable enable-recursive-minibuffers, which will prevent that error message from coming up. But it just enables multiple calls to the minibuffer - it doesn't redirect the current minibuffer's command to the new buffer. You can give this a try, but I think it'll be more confusing because the original action is still pending...
M-x is bound to 'execute-extended-command, and re-hosting (changing the original buffer) for that command is kind of like programming with continuation. i.e. you call a subroutine from location X, but instead of returning to X when done, you return to Y. I personally think it'd open up more confusion than it'd solve. But I understand the frustration (and know others who have the same frustration).

Indeed this emacs "feature" is aggressive and annoying.
I found this to be the right answer to the problem .Most likely you lost focus of the minibuffer because you switched windows with the mouse and NOT a minibuffer command. So whenever you lose focus using the mouse, the minibuffer will be cleared. Check this post. It works for me and it's way better than recursive minibuffers which will cause a headache

I'm not sure if there is such a customization, but the way I avoid this is hitting ctrl-g to cancel the command I was in the middle of writing in the minibuffer.

Since my first answer doesn't directly give you what you want, I thought I'd come up with a real solution. This is what I have:
(defvar my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer nil
"var holding the buffer to which the extended-execute-command should apply")
(defvar in-my-execute-extended-command nil
"internal use - indicates whether we're in a 'recursive edit' of sorts")
(defun my-execute-extended-command (command)
"home-grown version of execute-extended-command that supports re-hosting the buffer"
(interactive (list (if in-my-execute-extended-command
(let ((in-my-execute-extended-command t))
(setq my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer (current-buffer))
(completing-read "My-x " obarray 'commandp t nil 'extended-command-history nil nil)))))
(if in-my-execute-extended-command
(progn (setq my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer (current-buffer))
(select-window (minibuffer-window)))
(switch-to-buffer my-execute-extended-command-source-buffer)
(call-interactively (symbol-function (intern command)))))
I've tested it this way. I bound it to a key (F10 in my case b/c I didn't want to lose M-x). Then, with two windows open, each showing a different buffer (say A and B):
From window showing buffer A: F10 isearch-for
Switch from minibuffer to window showing A: C-x o
Switch from window showing A to that showing B: C-x o
"re-host" the command from buffer B: F10
Now back in the minibuffer, finish the command ward RET
When I started typing a search term, the search applied to buffer B.
This only replaces the M-x functionality, not the commands invoked from M-x. Also, this version does not support the prefix argument.
Hopefully this is what you want.

Here you go:
;; automatically cancel the minibuffer when you switch to it, to avoid
;; "attempted to use minibuffer" error.
;; cy was here
(provide 'cancel-minibuffer)
(defun cancel-minibuffer-first (sub-read &rest args)
(let ((active (active-minibuffer-window)))
(if active
;; we have to trampoline, since we're IN the minibuffer right now.
(apply 'run-at-time 0 nil sub-read args)
(apply sub-read args))))
(advice-add 'read-from-minibuffer :around #'cancel-minibuffer-first)

Can anyone improve on the following?
I've given up and just want to set \C-w to cancel any previous minibuffer before opening a new one (like doing \C-g\C-w)
So far thanks to Trey I've got:
(defun cancel-completing-read ()
(if (> (minibuffer-depth) 0) (exit-minibuffer))
(completing-read "My-x " obarray 'commandp t nil 'extended-command-history nil nil))
(defun cancel-and-execute-command (command)
(interactive (list (cancel-completing-read)))
(call-interactively (symbol-function (intern command))))
(global-set-key "\M-x" 'cancel-and-execute-command)
What command should I use in the place of exit-minibuffer above?
I've tried


Removing extra messages in completion minibuffer in emacs

when I type in emacs shell and tab to complete, a completion minibuffer shows up and list the possible completions like this:
Click <mouse-2> on a completion to select it.
In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.
Possible completions are:
I was able to remove first two lines by setting (setq completion-show-help nil). but is it possible to get rid of possible completions are:? I just want a little bit of cleanness.
One simple hack around that message not being customizable is to just erase that line from the output buffer after display-completion-list runs (assuming you have already set completion-show-help to nil),
(define-advice display-completion-list (:after (&rest r) "remove-msg")
(with-current-buffer standard-output
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (looking-at-p "Possible completions.*")
(delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-beginning-position 2)))))

How to make `C-x b RET` switch to previous buffer even if it's already shown in another frame?

Edit: What the poster calls a "window", Emacs calls a "frame". I fixed the title.
Concisely, the question is: in a window, how do I switch quickly to a buffer previously visited in that window, even if it's already opened in another window?
A more detailed description follows.
Normally, in order to switch window to previous buffer one just types C-x b RET. That is, the default argument to switch-to-buffer (or ido-switch-buffer) is the previous buffer.
This is not, however, the case when that (previous) buffer is already shown in another window. That's exactly what bugs me.
Let's consider an example. Suppose I have three buffers (A, B and C) and two windows showing buffers A and B (C is not visible at this point).
Then I open buffer A in the second window, too. So, now I have buffer A shown in both windows. Then I switch (C-x b RET) to B again. After that, C-x b RET will bring me not to A, but to C because A is already shown in the other window.
How do I make C-x b RET behave more consistently?
After this problem had been solved, I realized I needed more: namely, for point position to be remembered per-window, not per buffer. Luckily, there're ready-made solutions:
They're quite similar; for a discussion of differences see here.
I've found a fix for switch-to-buffer. It eventually calls
(other-buffer (current-buffer))
while in order to fix your problem, the call needs to look like this:
(other-buffer (current-buffer) t)
i.e. the visible-ok argument needs to be t.
Here's an advice to have it always at t. Hopefully it won't break other stuff that uses other-buffer:
(defadvice other-buffer (around fix-switch-to-buffer
(&optional buffer visible-ok frame) activate)
(setq visible-ok t)
Note that ido-switch-to-buffer uses a different machinery, so a different method is needed to fix it.
update: fix for ido-switch-to-buffer
I needed to re-define ido-make-buffer-list:
(defun ido-make-buffer-list (default)
(let* ((ido-current-buffers (list (buffer-name (current-buffer))))
(ido-temp-list (ido-make-buffer-list-1 (selected-frame) ido-current-buffers)))
(if ido-temp-list
(nconc ido-temp-list ido-current-buffers)
(setq ido-temp-list ido-current-buffers))
(if default
(setq ido-temp-list
(cons default (delete default ido-temp-list))))
(if (bound-and-true-p ido-enable-virtual-buffers)
(run-hooks 'ido-make-buffer-list-hook)
The diff is just one line, but it's too messy to advice it.
update: use new advice system for other-buffer
The old stuff should still work for quite a while, but here's the new approach:
(defun other-buffer-advice (orig-fun &optional buffer visible-ok frame)
(funcall orig-fun buffer t frame))
(advice-add 'other-buffer :around #'other-buffer-advice)
;; (advice-remove 'other-buffer :around #'other-buffer-advice)
Instead of advising the built-in function other-buffer, you can pre-select visible buffers using a package.
1 Using Ivy
If you're using Ivy, you can use abo-abo's approach to override the lower-use function ivy-switch-buffer.
(defun user/ivy-switch-buffer ()
"Switch to another buffer with visible-ok preselection."
(ivy-read "Switch to buffer: " #'internal-complete-buffer
:keymap ivy-switch-buffer-map
:preselect (buffer-name (other-buffer (current-buffer) t))
:action #'ivy--switch-buffer-action
:matcher #'ivy--switch-buffer-matcher
:caller 'ivy-switch-buffer))
(advice-add 'ivy-switch-buffer :override #'user/ivy-switch-buffer)
2 Using Ido mode
2.1 Switching to a buffer shown in another frame
If by "window" you really mean "frame" (i.e., you'd like to ido-switch-buffer to a buffer that is currently shown in another frame), then ido-mode gives you the behavior you're looking for when you change ido-default-buffer-method from its default value of raise-frame to selected-window:
(setq ido-default-buffer-method 'selected-window)
Emacs constructs an independent buffer list for each frame, so the only thing you have to do is to configure Ido to avoid jumping to another frame when you switch buffers.
2.2 Switching to a buffer that is shown in another window inside the same frame
To get this behavior across windows within the same frame, you should hook a function that reorders the buffer list onto ido-make-buffer-list-hook.
From ido.el:
;; Changing the list of files
;; --------------------------
;; By default, the list of current files is most recent first,
;; oldest last, with the exception that the files visible in the
;; current frame are put at the end of the list. A hook exists to
;; allow other functions to order the list. For example, if you add:
;; (add-hook 'ido-make-buffer-list-hook 'ido-summary-buffers-to-end)
;; then all files matching "Summary" are moved to the end of the
;; list. (I find this handy for keeping the INBOX Summary and so on
;; out of the way.) It also moves files matching "output\*$" to the
;; end of the list (these are created by AUCTeX when compiling.)
;; Other functions could be made available which alter the list of
;; matching files (either deleting or rearranging elements.)

emacs terminal mode: how to copy and paste efficiently

I'm having a hard time making this emacs -nw work effectively under the terminal mode (emacs -nw).
Some setup information:
The working server is connected via SSH, and emacs is running on the server. Usually I'm connecting using SSH and "emacs -nw" to work on my files.
The emacs config is picked up from: https://hugoheden.wordpress.com/2009/03/08/copypaste-with-emacs-in-terminal/
;; make mouse selection to be emacs region marking
(require 'mouse)
(xterm-mouse-mode t)
(defun track-mouse (e))
(setq mouse-sel-mode t)
;; enable clipboard in emacs
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
;; enable copy/paste between emacs and other apps (terminal version of emacs)
(unless window-system
(when (getenv "DISPLAY")
;; Callback for when user cuts
(defun xsel-cut-function (text &optional push)
;; Insert text to temp-buffer, and "send" content to xsel stdin
(insert text)
;; I prefer using the "clipboard" selection (the one the
;; typically is used by c-c/c-v) before the primary selection
;; (that uses mouse-select/middle-button-click)
(call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) "xsel" nil 0 nil "--clipboard" "--input")))
;; Call back for when user pastes
(defun xsel-paste-function()
;; Find out what is current selection by xsel. If it is different
;; from the top of the kill-ring (car kill-ring), then return
;; it. Else, nil is returned, so whatever is in the top of the
;; kill-ring will be used.
(let ((xsel-output (shell-command-to-string "xsel --clipboard --output")))
(unless (string= (car kill-ring) xsel-output)
xsel-output )))
;; Attach callbacks to hooks
(setq interprogram-cut-function 'xsel-cut-function)
(setq interprogram-paste-function 'xsel-paste-function)
;; Idea from
;; http://shreevatsa.wordpress.com/2006/10/22/emacs-copypaste-and-x/
;; http://www.mail-archive.com/help-gnu-emacs#gnu.org/msg03577.html
The reason to have:
(require 'mouse)
(xterm-mouse-mode t)
(defun track-mouse (e))
(setq mouse-sel-mode t)
is to enable mouse selection over text such that the text region is highlighted just as "C-x SPC" marking the region. Then I can use "M-x w" to copy and "C-x y" to paste text within emacs and between emacs and other apps.
All look perfect except that any operations related to X are REALLY SLOW! My connection to the remote server is smooth -- the latency is usually under 100ms. But to kill one line of text using "C-x k", it takes ~5 seconds! To paste it, it takes another 5 seconds!
When copy/paste is frequent sometimes, this becomes really annoying. I think this is related to the X sever messaging, but not sure if there is good way to fix this.
Any ideas?
This is not an ideal solution per se, but i figured out a way that I feel better than the previous one.
The idea is to get rid of X which causes heavy latency issues, i.e. keep only the following:
;; enable clipboard in emacs
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
The results are:
copy/paste within Emacs is straightforward and fast.
copy from other apps to Emacs: Ctrl+Shift+v
copy from Emacs to other apps: mouse selection is now on X Selection, so right-click and copy shall copy the text into the Selection. Note that 'M-w" now won't copy anything into Selection or system clipboard.
This is again a compromise rather than a solution, but considering the fact that i copy/paste more often than inter-app operations, this is acceptable at the moment.
Still looking forward to a good solution!
You can accomplish this by using a terminal escape code!
There is a unique category of terminal escape codes called "Operating System Controls" (OSC) and one of these sequences (\033]52) is meant for interacting with the system clipboard. The great thing is that your terminal doesn't care where the code came from so it will work in remote sessions as well.
Most terminal emulators support it (iTerm2, OS X Terminal, and I think all Linux terminals besides GNOME). You can test if your terminal supports this sequence by simply running:
$ printf "\033]52;c;$(printf "Hello, world" | base64)\a"
Then paste from your system clipboard. If it pastes "Hello, world" then your terminal supports it!
I have this function in my init.el so when I call yank-to-clipboard Emacs will yank the value from my kill ring into the system clipboard:
(defun yank-to-clipboard ()
"Use ANSI OSC 52 escape sequence to attempt clipboard copy"
(format "\033]52;c;%s\a"
(nth 0 kill-ring)) 'utf-8) t))))
As I type this, I stumbled upon an almost-identical script supported by Chromium community: https://chromium.googlesource.com/apps/libapps/+/master/hterm/etc/osc52.el
For those running Emacs inside Tmux:
Tmux consumes the sequence, so you'll need to pipe the sequence to the Tmux active tty for this to work. I have a solution in my blog post here: https://justinchips.medium.com/have-vim-emacs-tmux-use-system-clipboard-4c9d901eef40
To extend on #justinokamoto's answer for use in tmux, it works great and is truly amazing. I haven't debugged it with e.g. tramp or other fancy emacs settings but to get it to work
Follow https://sunaku.github.io/tmux-yank-osc52.html great instructions, modifying your tmux.conf and ~/bin/yank
Make sure terminal access to your clipboard is enabled on your terminal
Then to pull into emacs you can use a function like:
(Caveat emptor, I am very new to elisp. This writes to a temporary file in /tmp/yank)
(defun custom-terminal-yank (&rest args)
(message "-> CLIP")
;; need to yank first, with all those args
;; ;; https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/19215/how-to-write-a-transparent-pass-through-function-wrapper
;; (interactive (advice-eval-interactive-spec
;; (cadr (interactive-form #'evil-yank))))
;; (apply #'evil-yank args)
;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27764059/emacs-terminal-mode-how-to-copy-and-paste-efficiently
;; https://sunaku.github.io/tmux-yank-osc52.html
(f-write-text (nth 0 kill-ring) 'utf-8 "/tmp/yank")
(send-string-to-terminal (shell-command-to-string "~/bin/yank /tmp/yank"))
If anyone else uses evil mode as well (just to make things complicated) you can uncomment those lines and use something like
(define-key evil-visual-state-map "Y" 'jonah-terminal-yank)
So that normal "y" is for normal yanking in visual mode, but "Y" is for cross-clipboard yanking

Prevent Emacs from exiting once the exit procedure has initiated?

Is there a way to prevent Emacs from exiting once I initiate the exit process?
I occasionally fat finger C-xC-s as C-xC-c. It isn't an awful process to get back up and running but I am curious if there is a way I can stop the exit process so that I can continue uninterrupted with all my files open.
Using GNU Emacs 24.3.1. Running on Cygwin under Window 7.
There is a built-in variable you can set to a function like so:
(setq confirm-kill-emacs 'y-or-n-p)
scottfrazer's answer's the more appropriate, to me, than what follows.
Enable Emacs Lock minor mode (emacs-lock-mode) on any of the buffers, to prevent Emacs from exiting in case you accidentally hit C-xC-c.
From the Emacs Wiki page:
Emacs cannot exit until the buffer is killed or unlocked
Add (emacs-lock-mode) to your .emacs/init.el file so that this lock is enabled in every Emacs session. Adding this will lock the *scratch* buffer which will have to be unlocked in case you really want to exit Emacs.
Another way/hack of doing this is to start a process in Emacs e.g. M-xshell or have an unsaved file associated to a buffer, doing this will prompt you for confirmations when Emacs is exiting.
Yes one more, unset C-xC-c using global-unset-key. And then if you want to exit Emacs M-xkill-emacs.
Using confirm-kill-emacs, as #scottfrazer suggested, is one approach.
More generally, you can use kill-emacs-query-functions to do whatever you want in this regard. (There was no real need for them to add confirm-kill-emacs, but they did.)
You probably do not want to use kill-emacs-hook in this regard (that's what kill-emacs-query-functions is for), but be aware of it, in case you come across it using apropos etc.
One advantage of kill-emacs-query-functions over justconfirm-kill-emacs is that you can require a better confirmation: yes instead of just hitting key y. For example:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions
(lambda () (y-or-n-p "Do you really want to exit Emacs? "))
That is what I do. It is too easy to be hitting keys and accidentally hit C-x C-c y, especially since I have similar keys bound (e.g., C-x c, C-x C-x, C-x C-y).
If you're looking for a shorter answer, I've had this line at the bottom of all my .emacs files since the last century:
I've added the following to my emacs configuration to prevent accidental closes. I didn't like having to confirm close emacs for something like a one off commit, but I hate losing my emacs session accidentally while deep in a problem.
This adds a global state flag to emacs describing whether or not it's locked. This flag is set either automatically after emacs is open for 5 minutes, or manually using the lock-emacs command. The lock can later be removed manually by using the unlock-emacs command.
If emacs is locked, and you attempt to close it (presumably accidentally), emacs will instead give you a message saying that emacs has been locked, and cannot be closed. If it's unlocked, close behaves exactly as it does by default.
;; don't close emacs on accident
(setq emacs-locked nil)
(setq confirm-kill-emacs
(lambda (&rest args)
(if emacs-locked
(message "%s" "Emacs is locked, and cannot be closed.")
(defun lock-emacs-silently ()
(setq emacs-locked t))
(defun lock-emacs ()
"Prevent emacs from being closed."
(message "%s" "Emacs is now locked."))
(defun unlock-emacs ()
"Allow emacs to be closed."
(setq emacs-locked 'nil)
(message "%s" "Emacs can now be closed."))
(run-at-time "5 minutes" nil 'lock-emacs-silently)
(Open to suggestions on how to make the confirm-kill-emacs portion nicer, I'm a lisp novice :) ).
After using this for a couple of years, I ended up going to something much simpler:
;; Unbind the normal close
(global-unset-key (kbd "C-x C-c"))
;; Require C-c 3 times before closing
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-c C-c C-c") 'save-buffers-kill-terminal)

Execute a particular command on multiple emacs buffers

Is there a way to execute emacs command on multiple buffers without having to selecting them individually and executing it on each individual buffer.
I usually open multiple files matching a particular regex, e.g. ~/*.py and wish to enable a particular mode, say hs-minor-mode or glasses-mode on each, or say execute C-c # C-M-h on each. Currently I have to select each one of them and do it individually. So is there a hack or a loop to automate the task.
Lets say I mark the buffers from the buffer-list and then run the command for all those marked.
I tried this but after executing the commands in eval-expression I completely lost access to my minibuffer, meaning whenever I typed M-x the minibuffer returned this
unable to access the minibuffer emacs error "Process Menu Mode doesn't support Hideshow Minor Mode"
and I was forced to actually kill the entire emacs process because the C-x C-s wasn't working neither was the End Task.
PS: I have no experience in elisp
You can use ibuffer mode for this (It is part of the default Emacs distribution).
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'ibuffer) ;; make ibuffer the default
In *Ibuffer* you can mark the required buffers with m and then
execute a form in each with E.
Generally, ibuffer is a lot more flexible then the usual buffer list and I think ibuffer should really be the default buffer-list in Emacs.
If you do this often, you might want to switch those particular modes on every time you enter python mode by attaching them to the mode-hook:
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'glasses-mode)
I didn't know ibuffer had that feature!
Anyway, for those who are more familiar with dired, here is a command that do the same. Select the files in dired with m or any other more powerful method. Then do, M-xdired-do-command and write a form or a command just as in M-x.
(defun dired-do-command (command)
"Run COMMAND on marked files. Any files not already open will be opened.
After this command has been run, any buffers it's modified will remain
open and unsaved."
(let ((print-level nil)
(minibuffer-history-position 0)
(minibuffer-history-sexp-flag (1+ (minibuffer-depth))))
"Command: " (prin1-to-string (nth 0 command-history))
read-expression-map t
(cons 'command-history 0))
;; If command was added to command-history as a
;; string, get rid of that. We want only
;; evaluable expressions there.
(if (stringp (car command-history))
(setq command-history (cdr command-history)))))))
(dolist (filename (dired-get-marked-files))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect filename)
(if (symbolp command)
(call-interactively command)
(eval command)))))