Which iOS version to develop for new project? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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It's hard to find a reliable stats about iOS usage, and I don't know the changes in iOS 7 from development perspective, this is why I want to know for which version of iOS we should develop for new projects with worldwide audience target

Mixpanel has published their iOS version adoption data.

This is a good place to start: http://david-smith.org/iosversionstats/


How to know if a web-site is developed/running using a specific technology? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Since many front-end frameworks/CMS have a fully customizable appearance, I would like to know how is the best/easiest way to determine or identify if some web-site is developed or running with a specific technology.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
Wappalyzer browser extension is the best way to know the technology behind a website.
And to discover if it's build with Liferay or any other way.

Should I learn object-c to before learning swift? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I learn C/C++ and Java but I do not know Object-C.
Should I learn ojb-c first before learning Swift language?
If you just want to do some experiments with iOS / MacOS you would consider using Swift. It is modern and personally I feel it is simpler. If you want to develop software you want to puplish you would consider doing that right with Objective-C. Swift is not enough mature for doing that at the moment.

Minimum functionality for an iOS app to be approved in App store [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an app requirement. App's functionality is to launch another app thats already installed in the device using a custom url scheme for the installed app. IF this is the only functionality of the application will Apple approve this in the App store?
More than likely, that's not enough functionality to get approved.

How to Downgrade iPhone application from Apple Store [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How to Downgrade iPhone application from Apple Store.
I have my one application in Apple Store Live with version 1.4 for some reason i need to downgrade to 1.3 and remove 1.4.
How can i do like this from apple developer portal OR http://itunesconnect.apple.com/.
I don't think it is possible. Re-submit v1.3 of your app as v1.5.

My application with RedLaser SDK [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I develop my application with Evaluation RedLaser SDK .
Can I submit it into app store?
Technically yes, however they don't recommend doing it (as in DON'T DO IT) with the evaluation sdk because it's limited to only 25 scans per device. See here for more info