How to know if a web-site is developed/running using a specific technology? [closed] - content-management-system

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Since many front-end frameworks/CMS have a fully customizable appearance, I would like to know how is the best/easiest way to determine or identify if some web-site is developed or running with a specific technology.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.

Wappalyzer browser extension is the best way to know the technology behind a website.
And to discover if it's build with Liferay or any other way.


Is it a good practice for OpenSource developers to close source documentation? [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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While trying to replace some functionality in AOSP with something more suitable I got stuck in the mess of the Soong documentation. It seems, that there is some better edited documentation available, but only for those who have the honor to be within the oo-VPN.
As the soong process is at the very heart of the AOSP project, it would be very helpful if the full documentation would be accessible.

Is it possible to use the uber api to identify a driver? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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working in a vehicle protection association and I need to identify which of our associates are uber drivers, is this possible to be done using the api?
Taking a look at the documentation, there are only these endpoints
And I think none of them solves the problem.

Adsense in web site. How to use and steps to follow [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to launch the website, so what all the major and common thing I have to follow.
How to apply for AdSense so it'll get approved.
you need original content above all and a lot
go here for more support!forum/adsense

Can Meteor.js fully substitute traditional PHP/MySQL/Apache stack? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I followed several tutorials and examples in Meteor, but they are always showing what is Meteor goot at. So my question would be, what is Meteor bad at?
Could I for example develop an eshop (which would be a typical task for PHP developer) with ease? Or is Meteor specifically aimed at different kind of websites?

Does Apple allow html/js apps in appstore? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is it considered kosher by Apple to create an app consisting of nothing but a WebView and the appropriate html/js/css files to support it?
I have an app that could be written entirely within a webview and it would be much easier to get from start to finish that way instead of learning the parts of the iOS SDK necessary to do it.
Yes, it is acceptable, but I would recommend looking at PhoneGap, which is based on a similar concept, but provides JavaScript access to native functionality.