Perl: How to append text to a scalar - perl

I have a subroutine in Perl that will read a hash and print out all of the key value pairs within the hash. However, instead of going through the foreach loop and printing each time it has a key, I need the result to be added to one scalar, and then return the scalar with the combined results at the end.
In Java I recall you could easily add additional text to a variable, but I'm not sure how to do this in Perl.
Any thoughts? I'll add my print code below, but I basically want to take that and add it to a scalar and return the combined scalar at the end (let's say $output)
sub printSongs
print "Song Database\n\n";
foreach $key (keys %songList)
print "Song Title: $key ---- Duration: $songList{$key}\n";
PS: I tried to search for this answer as it should be relatively simple, but couldn't find anything. Not sure if append is the best word.

The concatenation operator in Perl is .. You can also combine it with an assignment as .=.

sub printSongs
print "Song Database\n\n";
foreach $key (keys %songList)
$something_combined = $something_combined .
"Song Title: $key ---- Duration: $songList{$key}\n";
print $something_combined;
You can easily append anything to a variable with a full stop character.
For example: $something = "Something" . $somevar . "Something else" . "etc";
In Java you normally use + to join strings. In Perl you can use .


I need to search for a value in a perl array and if I find a match execute some code

This is sort of what I am wanting to do. At present mm returns nothing, while searchname returns the expected value.
This is a perl script embedded in a web page.
I have tried numerous approaches to this code but nothing seems to provide the results I desire. I think it is just a case of syntax.
# search for an item
if ($modtype eq "search") {
print "Value of searchname $searchname\n";
my #mm = grep{$searchname} #names;
print "Value of mm #mm\n";
if ($mm eq $searchname) {
print "$searchname found!\n";
else {
print "$searchname not Found\n";
my #mm = grep { $_ eq $searchname } #names;
if (#mm) {
print "found\n";
grep takes a boolean expression, not just a variable. In that expression, $_ refers to the current list element. By using an equality comparison we get (in #mm) all elements of #names that are equal to $searchname, if any.
To check whether an array is empty, you can simply use it in boolean context, as in if (#mm).
If you don't care about the found elements themselves, just whether there are any, you can use grep in scalar context:
my $count = grep { $_ eq $searchname } #names;
if ($count > 0) {
print "found $count results\n";
This will give you the number of matching elements.
If you don't need to know that number, just whether there was any result at all, you can use any from List::Util:
use List::Util qw(any);
if (any { $_ eq $searchname } #names) {
If #names is big, this is potentially more efficient because it can stop after the first match is found.
I'm not sure what $mm refers to in your code. Did you start your code with use strict; use warnings;? If not, you should.
Looks like you misunderstand a couple of things.
my #mm = grep{$searchname} #names;
The grep() function takes two arguments. A block of code ({ $searchname }) and a list of values (#names). For each value in the list, it puts the value into $_ and executes the code block. If the code block returns a true value then the contents of $_ is added to the output list.
Your block of code ignores $_ and just checks for the value of $searchname. That is very likely to always be true, so all of the values from #names get copied into #mm.
I think it's more likely that you want:
my #mm = grep{ $_ eq $searchname } #names;
Secondly, you suddenly start using a new variable called $mm. I suspect you're getting confused between #mm and $mm which are completely different variables with no connection with each other.
I think what you're actually trying to do is to look at the first element of #mm so you want:
if ($mm[0] eq $searchname)
But, given that values only end up in #mm if they are equal to $searchname (because that's what your grep() does), I think you really just want to check whether or not anything ended up in #mm. So you should use:
if (#mm)
Which is, in my opinion, easier to understand.

Why can't I assign a variable to a hash entry in Perl?

Sorry, I'm super rusty with Perl. See the following code:
foreach my $hash (keys %greylist)
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $greylist{$hash}[4] . "\n";
print $t[4] . "\n";
Why does $t[4] evaluate to a blank string, yet $greylist{$hash}[4] which should be the same thing evaluates to an IP address?
$greylist{$hash} contains an array reference. When you do:
print $greylist{$hash}[4];
Perl automatically treats it as an array reference but when you do:
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $t[4];
You're assigning the array reference to a scalar variable, $t, then attempting to access the 5th element of another variable, #t. use strict would give you an error in this scenario.
Use the arrow operator, ->, to dereference:
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $t->[4];
perlreftut has a note about this:
If $aref holds a reference to an array, then $aref->[3] is the fourth element of the array. Don't confuse this with $aref[3] , which is the fourth element of a totally different array, one deceptively named #aref . $aref and #aref are unrelated the same way that $item and #item are.

Grep to find item in Perl array

Every time I input something the code always tells me that it exists. But I know some of the inputs do not exist. What is wrong?
#array = <>;
print "Enter the word you what to match\n";
chomp($match = <STDIN>);
if (grep($match, #array)) {
print "found it\n";
The first arg that you give to grep needs to evaluate as true or false to indicate whether there was a match. So it should be:
# note that grep returns a list, so $matched needs to be in brackets to get the
# actual value, otherwise $matched will just contain the number of matches
if (my ($matched) = grep $_ eq $match, #array) {
print "found it: $matched\n";
If you need to match on a lot of different values, it might also be worth for you to consider putting the array data into a hash, since hashes allow you to do this efficiently without having to iterate through the list.
# convert array to a hash with the array elements as the hash keys and the values are simply 1
my %hash = map {$_ => 1} #array;
# check if the hash contains $match
if (defined $hash{$match}) {
print "found it\n";
You seem to be using grep() like the Unix grep utility, which is wrong.
Perl's grep() in scalar context evaluates the expression for each element of a list and returns the number of times the expression was true.
So when $match contains any "true" value, grep($match, #array) in scalar context will always return the number of elements in #array.
Instead, try using the pattern matching operator:
if (grep /$match/, #array) {
print "found it\n";
This could be done using List::Util's first function:
use List::Util qw/first/;
my #array = qw/foo bar baz/;
print first { $_ eq 'bar' } #array;
Other functions from List::Util like max, min, sum also may be useful for you
In addition to what eugene and stevenl posted, you might encounter problems with using both <> and <STDIN> in one script: <> iterates through (=concatenating) all files given as command line arguments.
However, should a user ever forget to specify a file on the command line, it will read from STDIN, and your code will wait forever on input
I could happen that if your array contains the string "hello", and if you are searching for "he", grep returns true, although, "he" may not be an array element.
if (grep(/^$match$/, #array)) more apt.
You can also check single value in multiple arrays like,
if (grep /$match/, #array, #array_one, #array_two, #array_Three)
print "found it\n";

Converting code to perl sub, but not sure I'm doing it right

I'm working from a question I posted earlier (here), and trying to convert the answer to a sub so I can use it multiple times. Not sure that it's done right though. Can anyone provide a better or cleaner sub?
I have a good deal of experience programming, but my primary language is PHP. It's frustrating to know how to execute in one language, but not be able to do it in another.
sub search_for_key
my ($args) = #_;
foreach $row(#{$args->{search_ary}}){
print "#$row[0] : #$row[1]\n";
my $thiskey = NULL;
my #result = map { $args->{search_ary}[$_][0] } # Get the 0th column...
grep { #$args->{search_in} =~ /$args->{search_ary}[$_][1]/ } # ... of rows where the
0 .. $#array; # first row matches
$thiskey = #result;
print "\nReturning: " . $thiskey . "\n";
return $thiskey;
'search_ary' => $ref_cam_make,
'search_in' => 'Canon EOS Rebel XSi'
From the answers so far, I've cobbled together the function below. I'm new to Perl, so I don't really understand much of the syntax. All I know is that it throws an error (Not an ARRAY reference at line 26.) about that grep line.
Since I seem to not have given enough info, I will also mention that:
I am calling this function like this (which may or may not be correct):
'search_ary' => $ref_cam_make,
'search_in' => 'Canon EOS Rebel XSi'
And $ref_cam_make is an array I collect from a database table like this:
$ref_cam_make = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
And it is in the structure like this (if I understood how to make the associative fetch work properly, I would like to use it like that instead of by numeric keys):
Reference Array
row[1][cam_make_id]: 13, row[1][name]: Sony
row[1][0]: 13, row[1][1]: Sony
row[0][0]: 19, row[0][1]: Canon
row[2][0]: 25, row[2][1]: HP
sub search_for_key
my ($args) = #_;
foreach my $row(#{$args->{search_ary}}){
print "#$row[0] : #$row[1]\n";
print grep { $args->{search_in} =~ #$args->{search_ary}[$_][1] } #$args->{search_ary};
You are moving in the direction of a 2D array, where the [0] element is some sort of ID number and the [1] element is the camera make. Although reasonable in a quick-and-dirty way, such approaches quickly lead to unreadable code. Your project will be easier to maintain and evolve if you work with richer, more declarative data structures.
The example below uses hash references to represent the camera brands. An even nicer approach is to use objects. When you're ready to take that step, look into Moose.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub demo_search_feature {
my #camera_brands = (
{ make => 'Canon', id => 19 },
{ make => 'Sony', id => 13 },
{ make => 'HP', id => 25 },
my #test_searches = (
"Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-S600",
"Canon cameras",
"Sony HPX-32",
for my $ts (#test_searches){
print $ts, "\n";
my #hits = find_hits($ts, \#camera_brands);
print ' => ', cb_stringify($_), "\n" for #hits;
sub cb_stringify {
my $cb = shift;
return sprintf 'id=%d make=%s', $cb->{id}, $cb->{make};
sub find_hits {
my ($search, $camera_brands) = #_;
return grep { $search =~ $_->{make} } #$camera_brands;
This whole sub is really confusing, and I'm a fairly regular perl user. Here are some blanket suggestions.
Do not create your own undef ever -- use undef then return at the bottom return $var // 'NULL'.
Do not ever do this: foreach $row, because foreach my $row is less prone to create problems. Localizing variables is good.
Do not needlessly concatenate, for it offends the style god: not this, print "\nReturning: " . $thiskey . "\n";, but print "\nReturning: $thiskey\n";, or if you don't need the first \n: say "Returning: $thiskey;" (5.10 only)
greping over 0 .. $#array; is categorically lame, just grep over the array: grep {} #{$foo[0]}, and with that code being so complex you almost certainly don't want grep (though I don't understand what you're doing to be honest.). Check out perldoc -q first -- in short grep doesn't stop until the end.
Lastly, do not assign an array to a scalar: $thiskey = #result; is an implicit $thiskey = scalar #result; (see perldoc -q scalar) for more info. What you probably want is to return the array reference. Something like this (which eliminates $thiskey)
printf "\nReturning: %s\n", join ', ', #result;
#result ? \#result : 'NULL';
If you're intending to return whether a match is found, this code should work (inefficiently). If you're intending to return the key, though, it won't -- the scalar value of #result (which is what you're getting when you say $thiskey = #result;) is the number of items in the list, not the first entry.
$thiskey = #result; should probably be changed to $thiskey = $result[0];, if you want mostly-equivalent functionality to the code you based this off of. Note that it won't account for multiple matches anymore, though, unless you return #result in its entirety, which kinda makes more sense anyway.

Perl throws an error message about syntax

So, building off a question about string matching (this thread), I am working on implementing that info in solution 3 into a working solution to the problem I am working on.
However, I am getting errors, specifically about this line of the below function:
next if #$args->{search_in} !~ /#$cur[1]/;
syntax error at ./ line 16, near "next "
My question as a perl newbie is what am I doing wrong here?
sub search_for_key
my ($args) = #_;
foreach $row(#{$args->{search_ary}}){
print "#$row[0] : #$row[1]\n";
my $thiskey = NULL;
foreach $cur (#{$args->{search_ary}}){
print "\n" . #$cur[1] . "\n"
next if #$args->{search_in} !~ /#$cur[1]/;
$thiskey = #$cur[0];
return $thiskey;
You left off the semicolon at the end of the previous line. That's what caused the syntax error, anyway. I think you're also misusing $args, but it's hard to be sure about that without knowing how you're calling this function.
There are several issues here.
Are you adding use strict; and use warnings; at the top of your script before you do anything else? You only posted the sub, but it is clear that you are not using these.
What is NULL? (strict will not let you use bare-words...) Be sure to read What is Truth in Perl? The more Perly way is to deal with "truth" or "false" is defined / undef or exists or specifically test for a value chosen as a convention.
Missing ; after print "\n" . #$cur[1] . "\n"
Your data structures seem way too complicated. From what I can tell, you are passing a reference to a hash of arrays, true? Why your data structures get really obscure, back up and look at what you are trying to do...
Perl gives you plenty of way to shoot yourself in the foot. It is not strictly typed and you will do yourself (and your readers) a favor by naming references as a derivative of what they refer to. So instead of $args use $ref2HoArefs for example.
Side note, are you sure you can't just use a hash for what you're doing? It seems awfully complicated do do something so simple:
my %hash = (
key1 => 'value1',
key2 => 'value2',
exists $hash{$search_in}; # true/false.
my $result = $hash{$search_in}; # returns 'value1' when $search_in is 'key1'
Or if you need to search by value:
my %flip = reverse %hash;
$result = $flip{$search_in};
And if you really need a regex key ( or value ) lookup:
sub string_match {
my ($lookup_hash, $key ) = #_;
for my $hash_key ( %{ $lookup_hash } ){
return $hash_key if $key =~ $lookup_hash->{$hash_key};
return; # not found.
my $k = string_match({
'whitespace at end' => qr/\s+$/,
'whitespace at start' => qr/^\s+/,
}, "Some Garbage string "); # k == whitespace at end