Why can't I assign a variable to a hash entry in Perl? - perl

Sorry, I'm super rusty with Perl. See the following code:
foreach my $hash (keys %greylist)
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $greylist{$hash}[4] . "\n";
print $t[4] . "\n";
Why does $t[4] evaluate to a blank string, yet $greylist{$hash}[4] which should be the same thing evaluates to an IP address?

$greylist{$hash} contains an array reference. When you do:
print $greylist{$hash}[4];
Perl automatically treats it as an array reference but when you do:
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $t[4];
You're assigning the array reference to a scalar variable, $t, then attempting to access the 5th element of another variable, #t. use strict would give you an error in this scenario.
Use the arrow operator, ->, to dereference:
$t = $greylist{$hash};
print $t->[4];
perlreftut has a note about this:
If $aref holds a reference to an array, then $aref->[3] is the fourth element of the array. Don't confuse this with $aref[3] , which is the fourth element of a totally different array, one deceptively named #aref . $aref and #aref are unrelated the same way that $item and #item are.


Why does perl only dereference the last index when the range operator is used?

I have an array, #array, of array references. If I use the range operator to print elements 1 through 3 of #array, print #array[1..3], perl prints the array references for elements 1 through 3.
Why when I try to dereference the array references indexed between 1 and 3, #{#array[1..3]}, perl only dereferences and prints out the last element indexed in the range operator?
Is there a way to use the range operator while dereferencing an array?
Example Code
use strict;
use warnings;
my #array = ();
foreach my $i (0..10) {
push #array, [rand(1000), int(rand(3))];
foreach my $i (#array) {
print "#$i\n";
print "\n\n================\n\n";
print #{#array[1..3]};
print "\n\n================\n\n";
From perldata:
Slices in scalar context return the last item of the slice.
#{ ... } dereferences a scalar value as an array, this implies that the value being dereferenced is in scalar context. From the perldata quote above we know that this will return the last element. Therefore the result is the last element.
A more reasonable approach would be to loop through your slice and print each individual array reference:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my #array_of_arrayrefs = (
[qw(1 2 3)],
[qw(4 5 6)],
[qw(7 8 9)],
[qw(a b c)],
foreach my $aref ( #array_of_arrayrefs[1..3] ) {
say join ',', #$aref;
#{#array[1..3]} is a strange-looking construct. #{ ... } is the array dereference operator. It needs a reference, which is a type of scalar. But #array[ ... ] produces a list.
This is one of those situations where you need to remember the rule for list evaluation in scalar context. The rule is that there is no general rule. Each list-producing operator does its own thing. In this case, apparently the array slice operator used in scalar context returns the last element of the list. #array[1..3] in scalar context is the same as $array[3].
As you have noticed, this is not useful. Array slices aren't meant to be used in scalar context
If you want to flatten a 2-dimensional nested array structure into a 1-dimensional list, use map:
print join ' ', map { #$_ } #array[1..3]
You still use the range operator for slicing. You just need some kind of looping construct (e.g. map) to apply the array dereference operator separately to each element of the outer array.
The #{ ... } construction dereferences the scalar value of the code within the braces as an array
I'm unclear what you expect from #{ #array[1..3] }, but the list#array[1..3] in scalar context returns just the last element of the list -- $array[3] -- so you are asking for #{ $array[3] } which I guess is what you got
If you explain what you want to print then I am sure we can help, but dereferencing a list makes little sense
#array[1..3] is a list of 3 array references. You can't dereference them all at once, so you should iterate over this list and dereference each element separately:
print #$_ for #array[1..3];
print "#$_\n" for #array[1..3]; # for better looking output

Dereferencing in case of $_[0], $_[1] ..... so on

please see the below code:
$scalar = 10;
sub subroutine {
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$_[0]}; #note you need the {} brackets, or this doesn't work!
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
In the code above you can see the comment written "note you need the {} brackets, or this doesn't work!" . Please explain the reason that why we cant use the same statement as:
my $subroutine_scalar = $$_[0];
i.e. without using the curly brackets.
Many people have already given correct answers here. I wanted to add an example I found illuminating. You can read the documentation in perldoc perlref for more information.
Your problem is one of ambiguity, you have two operations $$ and [0] working on the same identifier _, and the result depends on which operation is performed first. We can make it less ambiguous by using the support curly braces ${ ... }. $$_[0] could (for a human anyway) possibly mean:
${$$_}[0] -- dereference the scalar $_, then take its first element.
${$_[0]} -- take element 0 of the array #_ and dereference it.
As you can see, these two cases refer to completely different variables, #_ and $_.
Of course, for Perl it is not ambiguous, we simply get the first option, since dereferencing is performed before key lookup. We need the support curly braces to override this dereferencing, and that is why your example does not "work" without support braces.
You might consider a slightly less confusing functionality for your subroutine. Instead of trying to do two things at once (get the argument and dereference it), you can do it in two stages:
sub foo {
my $n = shift;
print $$n;
Here, we take the first argument off #_ with shift, and then dereference it. Clean and simple.
Most often, you will not be using references to scalar variables, however. And in those cases, you can make use of the arrow operator ->
my #array = (1,2,3);
sub foo {
my $aref = shift;
print $aref->[0];
I find using the arrow operator to be preferable to the $$ syntax.
${ $x }[0] grabs the value of element 0 in the array referenced by $x.
${ $x[0] } grabs the value of scalar referenced by the element 0 of the array #x.
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say ${ $x }[0];"
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say ${ $x[0] };"
$$x[0] is short for ${ $x }[0].
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say $$x[0];"
my $subroutine_scalar = $$_[0];
is same as
my $subroutine_scalar = $_->[0]; # $_ is array reference
On the other hand,
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$_[0]};
dereferences scalar ref for first element of #_ array, and can be written as
my ($sref) = #_;
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$sref}; # or $$sref for short
Because $$_[0] means ${$_}[0].
Consider these two pieces of code which both print 10:
sub subroutine1 {
my $scalar = 10;
my $ref_scalar = \$scalar;
my #array = ($ref_scalar);
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$array[0]};
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
sub subroutine2 {
my #array = (10);
my $ref_array = \#array;
my $subroutine_scalar = $$ref_array[0];
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
In subroutine1, #array is an array containing the reference of $scalar. So the first step is to get the first element by $array[0], and then deference it.
While in subroutine2, #array is an array containing an scalar 10, and $ref_array is its reference. So the first step is to get the array by $ref_array, and then index the array.

Perl significance of $#_ variable

I see when I loop through elements of an array, and test $#_ , I get -1 for each element. I am hoping someone can explain what this variable does, and what it is used for most often.
Just like $#foo is the last existing index of array #foo, $#_ is the last existing index of array #_. If #_ is empty, $#_ is -1.
It sounds like you mean to use $_. $_ is aliased by foreach, map and grep loops to the element current being processed. while (<>) also sets $_ (as it gets rewritten to while (defined($_ = <>))). As a result, $_ is used as the default argument by many builtins (e.g. say).
# Print each element on its own line
say for #a;
is short for
# Print each element on its own line
say $_ for #a;
which is the terse form of
# Print each element on its own line
for my $ele (#a) {
say $ele;
I believe you mean $_ which is a special variable in Perl. It holds the current value while looping through a list element. For instance, below will print out each element of #foo, one at a time.
foreach (#foo) {
print $_;

Why does my perl hash deform my array data?

I have encountered some interesting behavior in Perl, and was hoping to be enlightened.
As you can see I create an array called #tuple that has two array references. When I assign it to a key and extract it I only get the first array VALUE as apposed to the reference. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
my #VMstoreName = ($storeName[$i]);
my #VMdiskCap = ($diskCap[$i]);
print "VMstoreName : ". join(' ', #VMstoreName) . "\n";
print "VMdiskCap : ". join(' ', #VMdiskCap) . "\n";
# Initializing our key
my #tuple = (\#VMstoreName, \#VMdiskCap);
print "After tuple " . join(' ', #tuple) . "\n";
#virtualMachines{$vmNames[$i]} = #tuple;
my #DEBUG = #{$virtualMachines{$vmNames[$i]}};
print "After first map : " . join(' ', #DEBUG) . "\n";
print "WHAT??? $DEBUG[0] $DEBUG[1]!!!\n";
Here is the output, I want After first map to read exactly like After tuple
VMstoreName :
VMdiskCap : 1
After tuple ARRAY(0x2c4ccf0) ARRAY(0x2c4cd38)
After first map
WHAT??? !!!
Your problem begins here (I guess):
#virtualMachines{$vmNames[$i]} = #tuple;
#hash{...} is a hash slice: It accesses mutiple entries in the hash at once (this may be only one entry). A slice as LHS value imposes list context.
To this list we assign the values of #tuple.
Now list assignment has the property of forgetting superfluous values:
my ($x, $y) = (1, 2, 3); # nobody likes № 3
So the above statement is the same as
$virtualMachines{ $vmNames[$i] } = $tuple[0];
Specifically, this assigns an array reference to the %virtualMachines entry, as #tuple only holds arrayrefs.
On the next line, you access this entry via $virtualMachines{$vmNames[$i]}. This evaluates to an array reference. You then dereference this to an array with #{ ... }.
This assigns all the values of that array to #DEBUG, not the array reference. As seen in your debug statement, this is the VMstoreName.
Assign an arrayref to the %virtualMachines entry:
$virtualMachines{ $vmNames[$i] } = \#tuple;
Arrays and hashes can only hold scalars, so we can't use an array as value, only an array reference.
You are assigning to your Hash in list context using the same key. Keys have to be unique in hashes, so only one reference gets stored inside of your Hash. The Hash-slice is only 1-element wide so the second reference just gets ignored.
You should assign a reference to #tuple instead using scalar context:
$virtualMachines{$vmNames[$i]} = \#tuple;
You are passing references to arrays when you initialize #tuple. Instead, just pass the arrays:
my #tuple = (#VMstoreName, #VMdiskCap);
It looks like #tuple is an array of array references. You'll have to deference each element to print them out the way you intend to.
my #tuple = (\#VMstoreName, \#VMdiskCap);
print "After tuple " . join(' ', map { #$_ } #tuple) . "\n";

How to get sub array?

I have the code below:
#a = ((1,2,3),("test","hello"));
print #a[1]
I was expecting it to print
But it gives me 2.
Sorry for the newbie question (Perl is a bit unnatural to me) but why does it happen and how can I get the result I want?
The way Perl constructs #a is such that it is equivalent to your writing,
#a = (1,2,3,"test","hello");
And that is why when you ask for the value at index 1 by writing #a[1] (really should be $a[1]), you get 2. To demonstrate this, if you were to do the following,
use strict;
use warnings;
my #a = ((1,2,3), ("test","hello"));
my #b = (1,2,3,"test","hello");
print "#a\n";
print "#b\n";
Both print the same line,
1 2 3 test hello
1 2 3 test hello
What you want is to create anonymous arrays within your array - something like this,
my #c = ([1,2,3], ["test","hello"]);
Then if you write the following,
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $c[1];
You will see this printed,
$VAR1 = [
Perl lists are one-dimensional only, which means (1,2,(3,4)) is automatically flattened to (1,2,3,4). If you want a multidimensional array, you must use references for any dimension beyond the first (which are stored in scalars).
You can get any anonymous array reference with bracket notation [1,2,3,4] or reference an existing array with a backslash my $ref = \#somearray.
So a construct such as my $aref = [1,2,[3,4]] is an array reference in which the first element of the referenced array is 1, the second element is 2, and the third element is another array reference.
(I find when working with multidimensional arrays, that it's less confusing just to use references even for the first dimension, but my #array = (1,2,[3,4]) is fine too.)
By the way, when you stringify a perl reference, you get some gibberish indicating the type of reference and the memory location, like "ARRAY(0x7f977b02ac58)".
Dereference an array reference to an array with #, or get a specific element of the reference with ->.
my $ref = ['A','B',['C','D']];
print $ref; # prints ARRAY(0x001)
print join ',', #{$ref}; # prints A,B,ARRAY(0x002)
print join ',', #$ref; # prints A,B,ARRAY(0x002) (shortcut for above)
print $ref->[0]; # prints A
print $ref->[1]; # prints B
print $ref->[2]; # prints ARRAY(0x002)
print $ref->[2]->[0]; # prints C
print $ref->[2][0]; # prints C (shortcut for above)
print $ref->[2][1] # prints D
print join ',', #{$ref->[2]}; # prints C,D
I think you're after an array of arrays. So, you need to create an array of array references by using square brackets, like this:
#a = ([1,2,3],["test","hello"]);
Then you can print the second array as follows:
print #{$a[1]};
Which will give you the output you were expecting: testhello
It's just a matter of wrong syntax:
print $a[1]