Intuit API : Unable to retrieve Error Code - intuit-partner-platform

Am implementing the exception handling for the Intuit Customer Account Data API in my application. I get a "null" for the Error code but when I check through the API explorer, I am able to see the error code and message. How do I access this through the AggregationCategorizationException object?

Make sure you are using IPP .Net SDK for Customer Account Data 1.4.0 or later.
There was an update to "provide detailed error codes and messages". See release notes here:
If you can't/don't want to upgrade, you could consider using reflection to access the private information in the AggregationCategorizationException object. I know for 1.3 the information was in the object, just private.


Failure 50005: Unknown authorization error when calling activityRecord API of Health Kit

I have an app with Huawei Health SDK integrated. I applied some data Read/Write permission of Fitness and Health data. The app works fine for some of features like step count data. However, it reports following error when calling activityRecord API:
activityRecord failure 50005: Unknown authorization error
Can someone help?
You need to ensure that your app for Health Kit data has been approved, and the scope of Activity Record has been added in Signing in and Applying for permission.
It looks like the app has been approved for the access of some fitness and health data because the step count works on the app. However, it seems that you have not requested the “user activity records data” in Health Kit service.
You need to enable Read/Write for user activity records data in Motion record data as you did for other data. You can refer the link for the details on HMS SDK v5 or link on HMS SDK v6 error codes.
After the application is approved, please try again. Hope this fix the issue. If you still get the result code 50005 error, the HMS Core version may be too low. Please upgrade the HMS Core version.

Flutter : Exception caught by image resource service

HTTP request failed, status Code: 403, when I try to call Map Api in flutter Here is the screenshot
Anyone please help me out
The url shown in your screenshot returns the following message along with the 403 code:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at Learn more at
You therefore have to do three things, in you code and on the Google cloud console:
Ensure that you trap and report any error message returned from the api in order to better understand the response code.
Cancel the api key that you have now published to the world and generate a new one for the Google maps api, in cloud console.
Enable billing on your project otherwise Google maps api will never work as it is a chargeable service.
Hope this helps. As I said, NEVER publish api keys nor store them on GitHub or similar.
Sorry to say but error 403 means you don't have any access to that image from the server side.

Rest PayPal API Internal Service Error

Were getting a lot of #INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR's through the rest PayPal API. To get more details about the error we have been going the PayPal Tech Support. We've been able to fix some of the issues but it is taking us a lot longer than we would like. I was wondering if there was an API call that I could make that would give me the full details of the error or DebugID?
I am not sure how you are currently consuming the API, but specs the error object which has the debug_id, the PayPal internal identifier used for correlation purposes. The error object has information link and error_details object which has the detailed reasons for the error
If you are using an sdk to consume, it is possible to get the debug_id in your logs: and show ways to do that in Python and Node.
I myself am looking for the same information. But it appears the debug ID is only so Paypal support can correlate the error to a transaction event. Technically there is no other information associated with the Debug ID.

Intuit IPP AggCat - UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason when calling getAccountTransactions

When calling getAccountTransactions to retrieve account transactions, I get a UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason on some accounts.
Accounts used with getAccountTransactions have a correct account type (not other).
What do we need to do in case of UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason ?
I contact Intuit support and after few exchanges with them, they tell me a way to retrieve the intuit error code associated with UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason.
It is possible to retrieve Intuit error code in field aggrStatusCode when calling getCustomerAccounts, getAccount or getLoginAccounts.
You can then check error codes on this link :
Some error codes can be managed with your application users, but other may need account deletion or to contact Intuit support.

Customer Added by IPP Api are not listed on quckbook online

I have created custom app on quickbook
i am trying to add the customer from my localhost
but not succeed, i am using Keith SDK
Out put are
An error occurred -1092: XML parser said: 6: No XML content to parse.
However i got successful outh token,key from quickbook.
Is realmID is different for FLAVOR_ONLINE,FLAVOR_DESKTOP?
when i used flavor desktop
data seems to added.
but failed with flavor online
please help
An error occurred -1092: XML parser said: 6: No XML content to parse.
Usually indicates that you did something wrong. But no one will be able to tell you exactly what went wrong because you didn't really provide enough detail.
Post your code.
Post your XML request (e.g. print($Service->lastRequest()));
Post your XML response (e.g. print($Service->lastResponse()));
Is realmID is different for FLAVOR_ONLINE,FLAVOR_DESKTOP?
Each QuickBooks company file (regardless of whether it's a QuickBooks for Windows realm or a QuickBooks Online realm) will have a unique realm ID. The realm ID is the unique identifier for a QuickBooks company.
If you're using a single realm ID for both a QuickBooks Online company and a QuickBooks desktop company, then that's certainly a problem.