Flutter : Exception caught by image resource service - flutter

HTTP request failed, status Code: 403, when I try to call Map Api in flutter Here is the screenshot
Anyone please help me out

The url shown in your screenshot returns the following message along with the 403 code:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable Learn more at https://developers.google.com/maps/gmp-get-started
You therefore have to do three things, in you code and on the Google cloud console:
Ensure that you trap and report any error message returned from the api in order to better understand the response code.
Cancel the api key that you have now published to the world and generate a new one for the Google maps api, in cloud console.
Enable billing on your project otherwise Google maps api will never work as it is a chargeable service.
Hope this helps. As I said, NEVER publish api keys nor store them on GitHub or similar.

Sorry to say but error 403 means you don't have any access to that image from the server side.


How to send a REST request to Cloud Firestore

I've build an Android app using Firebase, but I'd like to test the performance of the Cloud Firestore using REST requests (through Postman). I've looked up some info on some sites from Firebase, but everytime I send a request, I get a 404 Not Found.
The Authentication I use seems to work, by doing a POST request to
https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyPassword?key=MY_API_KEY I'm able to get a Firebase Id Token.
After that I tried sending a GET request to https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1beta1/parent=projects/MY_PROJECT_ID/databases/(default)/documents/MY_COLLECTION_ID with the token as Authrorization header, but everytime I seem to get 404 Page Not Found.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and I hope someone can help me with this.
Thanks in advance!
Apparently I wasn't supposed to include the parent= in the URL, I removed it and now it works just fine.

How do I enable logging for each REST call to my API?

I'm trying to test out my API in WSO2 API Manager. I've gone to the API Store, logged in as a regular client user, subscribed to the API, and now I'm trying to test it using the API Console. I can see the API just fine, and I'm clicking the "try it out" button. Unfortunately, for all of my API calls, I just get the progress meter going on forever (the "....." thing on the right). It never completes.
There is nothing in the logs that indicates what is going wrong. I have tried turning a ton of different settings in the log4j.properties file to TRACE or DEBUG, and I'm still getting nothing.
I think I'm asking something very basic, but there seems to be no information about it anywhere: How do I just get the product to log when a REST message comes in to the gateway, and log the HTTP it is trying to send to my REST API? I'm sure if I could get that showing in a log, then I could probably figure out what is going wrong.
Here's how you do it in API Cloud (hosted version of API Manager): http://wso2.com/blogs/cloud/trace-api-calls-and-responses/ - I assume that the same mediation sequences are in the latest version of the product too.

Error response client_not_active when trying to obtain access token using curl

I'm going step-by-step Nest REST Quick Guide and now blocked with error response during attempts to obtain an access token.
Response is:
{"error":"client_not_active","error_description":"client is not active","instance_id":"here_is_something_looks_like_guid"}
I've checked Error Messages Guide, and it helps me a lot to understand that "Client not active". Useful, huh?
So which client and how to activate it?
I have a home simulator working, also I've registered a so-called 'product', which I want to develop (so I have Product ID, Product Secret, Authorization URL and Access Token URL).
For all operations I've used curl.
However with Firefox addon which sends POST data I'm able to obtain the access_token. So I keep the question, but so far will stick to browser.
This means the your product/client has been deactivated, most likely due to a violation of the Terms of Service. Is the problem consistently occurring?

Rest PayPal API Internal Service Error

Were getting a lot of #INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR's through the rest PayPal API. To get more details about the error we have been going the PayPal Tech Support. We've been able to fix some of the issues but it is taking us a lot longer than we would like. I was wondering if there was an API call that I could make that would give me the full details of the error or DebugID?
I am not sure how you are currently consuming the API, but https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/ specs the error object which has the debug_id, the PayPal internal identifier used for correlation purposes. The error object has information link and error_details object which has the detailed reasons for the error
If you are using an sdk to consume, it is possible to get the debug_id in your logs: https://github.com/paypal/rest-api-sdk-nodejs#debugging and https://github.com/paypal/rest-api-sdk-python#create-payment show ways to do that in Python and Node.
I myself am looking for the same information. But it appears the debug ID is only so Paypal support can correlate the error to a transaction event. Technically there is no other information associated with the Debug ID.

Google APIs Console: Error Creating OAuth 2.0 Client ID

I am trying to use the Google APIs Console to create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID as a Service Account. This ID will be used to query my Google Analytics data through the Analytics API. However, when I attempt to create the Client ID, the APIs Console displays the message, "An error has occurred. Please retry later." I have tried several times throughout the last two weeks, but I keep getting the same error message. Can anyone advise me on what I'm doing wrong? Or is there another way that I can access my Analytics data via the API without an OAuth Client ID?
I figured out the issue. Apparently, the Google APIs Console does not allow a collaborator account to create new OAuth Service Accounts, only the owner account can do so.