Intuit IPP AggCat - UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason when calling getAccountTransactions - intuit-partner-platform

When calling getAccountTransactions to retrieve account transactions, I get a UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason on some accounts.
Accounts used with getAccountTransactions have a correct account type (not other).
What do we need to do in case of UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason ?

I contact Intuit support and after few exchanges with them, they tell me a way to retrieve the intuit error code associated with UNAVAILABLE NotRefreshedReason.
It is possible to retrieve Intuit error code in field aggrStatusCode when calling getCustomerAccounts, getAccount or getLoginAccounts.
You can then check error codes on this link :
Some error codes can be managed with your application users, but other may need account deletion or to contact Intuit support.


Can matchCriteria NONE in GetVerifiedStatus API call?

As per Paypal Doc's matchCriteria can be NONE only for for certain financial institutions, what does it mean ?
With sending firstName & lastName empty values and matchCriteria as NONE in sandbox environment I'm getting expected response from API call, will this also work in live environment too ? I want to know this before moving my code to production and I didn't found clear information regarding this on doc's.
You will have to create a business application requesting this service to PayPal so they can grant you access. PayPal reviews the different services you are requesting and grants an APP-ID that can be used for API calls. matchCriteria=NONE is an advanced permission.

PayPal REST API - Get Sale by Transaction ID - The requested resource ID was not found (404)

I am essentially trying to get the details of any transaction ID in my PayPal account to authenticate users I am migrating to a new authentication system.
I am using the PayPal Rest API so: and yes I have checked everything is fine, it is infact set to live with the correct id / secret.
This isn't exactly an answer to this specific question, but I have simply fixed it by using PayPal's classic API in order to get the job done.
Kind of strange the rest API doesn't let me do this.

Rest PayPal API Internal Service Error

Were getting a lot of #INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR's through the rest PayPal API. To get more details about the error we have been going the PayPal Tech Support. We've been able to fix some of the issues but it is taking us a lot longer than we would like. I was wondering if there was an API call that I could make that would give me the full details of the error or DebugID?
I am not sure how you are currently consuming the API, but specs the error object which has the debug_id, the PayPal internal identifier used for correlation purposes. The error object has information link and error_details object which has the detailed reasons for the error
If you are using an sdk to consume, it is possible to get the debug_id in your logs: and show ways to do that in Python and Node.
I myself am looking for the same information. But it appears the debug ID is only so Paypal support can correlate the error to a transaction event. Technically there is no other information associated with the Debug ID.

PayPal GetUserLimits Explanation

PayPal AdaptivePayments API has method GetUserLimits can anyone explain its purpose?
We have already tried to make the call but it throws "Internal Error (520002)"
The GetUserLimits API is used to get the various deposit/withdrawal limits of a specified account. This API requires special permission as it's use is not granted to everyone.


Using REST API, sandbox and attempting to get bearer token. Receiving the following error
How can I find out what the debug id means?
The 'debug_id' is an internal identifier we can use to pull up the request within PayPal.
You may see our classic API calls refer to this as the 'correlationID'.
Unfortunately I'm not finding anything in our system for this debug_id. Can you log a ticket ( or email me (address in profile) with details of the call, including your full HTTP request (minus credentials) and the resources you tried to access, as well as the full HTTP response?
I suggest we close this answer as it's not strictly programming-related, but I can continue working on this via mail / ticket with you.
By the way; if you're using the 4111111111111111 credit card: this card number is currently inoperable in the Sandbox environment and may throw 'internal service error' type responses as well. You can use any other card number instead.