Facebook share cache - facebook

Good morning all!
I'm developing the Facebook Share button feature on a site, but i'm having the following problem:
Imagine that i have an article that i want to share with the id=1
when i shared it, by doing:
<a name="fb_share" type="icon_link" share_url="http://www.something.com/en/news.xhtml?id=1"/>
all went good.
Now, i tried to share a different article (id=2)
this took me to the article with id=1.
Is there any cache problem on the facebook side, or he caches the page http://www.something.com/en/news.xhtml and discards the request parameters?
Thanks in advance

use the following service https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug , pass the url and facebook will flush the current cache.

This issue was mentioned on the following developer thread on FB.
Facebook share does cache pages with the same URL, but in the example you provided the URL is different, you could also try passing trough the date in the URL to make sure the page is unique. It may have been that you tried sharing that page before but the content then may have been different then ...


Facebook links to non existent featured article in joomla

I have a site www.line4ever.com, first time I wrote url in facebook it shows a featured demo article of the template. I erased it from the site, and wrote an article with the information. But facebook keeps showing the now non existent featured article.
I thought it was a cache, but three days later I still have the problem. Any ideas? Thanks.
Try taking a look using the facebook debugger tool.
You can see what errors there might be and what the cached version of the page looks like. Although 3 days does seem like a long time for a cache, there's probably more factors Facebook take into account (popularity etc.) before they invalidate a cache

How to change Facebook's shared title and message?

I'm new to Facebook Sharing API. When I put the Facebook Share button in my website, both the message and the title are the URL. Here's the screenshot:
There's even no thumbnails even though there's plenty of pictures in the page.
I have seen other pages that automatically use the first paragraph as the Facebook's message
Is there any specific site layout that I must follow?
Note: I'm using AddThis, so I don't think I can change the code
The problem solved when I uploaded the site on Online server. Maybe the API has problem retrieving data from Localhost.
Cheers :)

Facebook social plugin comments after URL change

Just a simple question, I had facebook comments integrated in my page here:
Now I have changed the URL alias like this:
I have also set a 301 redirect in the old URL which redirects to the new one.
The Question is how do I get the old comments in this URL? They are missing now.
I think, that these comments will be forever associated with that URL and since you've changed it, as far as FB is concerned you are pointing to a different URL.
you can specify the old URL as “canonical” with an og:url meta tag.
see the FAQ about this.
This sucks in Facebook comments. I've launched a site with Facebook comments integrated, without setting the URL, and now when I do, the comments doesn't show up.
Your case seems to be easy, since it seems you're using Drupal. You can install the token and token_filter modules, so you can add the facebook comments code to a block and use the appropriate token that will return the node id from the current page.

Facebook Share button returning error

Example url:
That's what's generated by the Share JS. If you visit the link (after decoding):
You can view source and see open graph meta tags.
If the share url is changed to:
(Adding a 2 to the end of the url) the result is fine. Likewise with other posts:
So all I'm getting is "Error" with no way of knowing what went wrong.
Any insight would be great. A thought was that the url was flagged or banned by FB but no way to tell.
[...] is used cause I can't use more than 2 urls.
I re-linted your URL in the Facebook developer debug page:
and it appears to work fine now. Facebook caches the data obtained from a page, so it's likely they hit your page during a period in which it had an error message instead of the usual contents.

Why is Facebook returning the wrong page (affects Facebook Like and Share URL)?

When we first put up a blog post, Facebook often (but not always) gets confused about what the page is. Specifically, if you try to use the Like button on the blog page OR if you try to share via the Share link on your profile, Facebook will see the root blog page rather than the actual post page.
For example, we recently posted:
If the user "likes" it, it returns the title for:
When you run the post URL through the FB Linter, you can see the problem.
In the Debug section it shows an extra og:title, og:url, description and og:image (the last 4 rows of the Debug section). This is the meta data from the root directory. What we cannot figure out is why. Why is Facebook seeing the correct meta data on the page and then also pulling the meta data from the root directory (and using that incorrectly to populate the data for the Like button and the Share URL tool)?
One other oddity. FB "figures it out" after a few days. Of course, by that time relatively few people are viewing the post.
UPDATE -- I want to thank Peter Bailey again for his answer, but we also discovered that there was another issue that we had to resolve before the Like button worked.
The issue was that we were displaying the Facebook the Like button on a post that was not yet published. The problem with this is that FB then can't resolve the URL and "guesses" as to the correct URL. In our case, it always guesses thisorthat.com/blog. Unfortunately, it then caches that guess for a number of days and that cache cannot be cleared by the Linter. So the ultimate solution was to both fix the og:type as Peter suggested, but also to remove the Like button from the blog post preview. It's very important that you don't show FB a page before it's published or if you do, change the URL.
Pretty sure it's your Open Graph type that's the problem.
<meta content="website" property="og:type"/>
Per the documentation
Use article for any URL that
represents transient content - such as
a news article, blog post, photo,
video, etc. Do not use website for
this purpose. website and blog are
designed to represent an entire site,
an og:type tag with types website or
blog should usually only appear on the
root of a domain.