Please help me to install the stunnel in redhat linux.
please share the steps
I installed the stunnel using yum install stunnel.But I am not able to start the service.please help me
I used this guideline for the installation and configuration of stunnel:
To start the service: stunnel /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf
In creating the pem file, you may follow the steps from this reference:
I am trying to connect to a VPN server from my redhat box, which is RHEL 8.
I came across vpnc, but it looks like it is not available in the epel repo for redhat 8(or I could not find any). Any other alternative is also okay for me.
I know the steps in ubuntu machine
1. install openvpn and openconnect
2. create a tunnel using "openvpn" and enable it
3. use openconnect to connect to VPN
I am looking for similar steps for Redhat 8 and I am clueless now, can please someone help me here.
Thanks in advance.
I have Nagios XI installed and want to monitor remote Redhat machine using SSH. Installing the agent is likely not allowed in our environment.
This is from Nagios instruction from the page 2
Before you can use the check_by_ssh plugin, you must install/configure the following on the remote Linux/Unix server you want to
● Create a nagios user
● Install Nagios plugins and/or monitoring scripts
● Install and configure the SSH daemon
I downloaded the Nagios official plugins(I believe there are 50 plugins) and extracted the files, but there is no instructional step for install command. I read the README file, but this seems to give me the steps of making the install files from the source, I think.
Is there a simple command that will run the install in order for me to install the plugins that will include check_by_ssh plugin?
This answer was given by Nagios support team:
Nagios Plugin Installation
cd /tmp/nagios-plugins-2.1.2
./configure --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios
make install
Can somebody shed some light on installing tomahawk pcap replay tool on centos ?
I did follow some instructions from the following site though it was on debian.
Looked like tomhawk was installed . But i donot see all the required options from man page below :
I have not tested on Centos yet. This is the script I have used to install Tomahawk on Ubuntu Server 14.04 (32bits). You can download the script from here: Install Tomahawk test tool
I am trying to install mongodb on cent os. As mentioned in the question, I need to install it without YUM command. I downloaded the .rpm file from mongodb site. I have used rpm -ivh mongo-10gen-2.4.8-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm command to install the .rpm. It successfully installed the mongodb. You can check the status here. I am not getting how to move forward after this ? The files mongod.conf and mongod also not getting on the system. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The mongo-10gen-2.4.8-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm is only MongoDB client. If you need a server, install a server package (mongo-10gen-server-X.X.X-mongodb_1.x86_64.rpm) or compile from a source.
I have installed openfire on my pc and I have spark client also .Its working fine when server/host : is localhost .
But How do I install the same on my domain .I transferred the entire zip file and I did not find any set up/html/php file to run setup on my cpanel hosting folder.
How do I install openfire on my domain ? I really appreciate any help.Thanks in Advance.
Since you are using shared hosting (Cpanel) you need to have SSH access to your server. You can easily enable SSH for your shared hosting server. How to enable SSH/Shell Access in cPanel might help you to do so else use Google it.
Installing and configuring open fire
Login to your server via SSH in terminal
ssh username_of_server#ip_adress_of_server
Run in terminal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Install JRE ( if you didn't have already because Openfire is in JAVA)
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
Now you have enviornment of java and openfire. Following tutorial Installing Openfire heading onwards .......
I hope it helps you to kick off.