How can I connect to VPN from my redhat8 command line? - redhat

I am trying to connect to a VPN server from my redhat box, which is RHEL 8.
I came across vpnc, but it looks like it is not available in the epel repo for redhat 8(or I could not find any). Any other alternative is also okay for me.
I know the steps in ubuntu machine
1. install openvpn and openconnect
2. create a tunnel using "openvpn" and enable it
3. use openconnect to connect to VPN
I am looking for similar steps for Redhat 8 and I am clueless now, can please someone help me here.
Thanks in advance.


Visual Studio Code remote access to a WSL2:ubuntu on my desktop from my macbook

've looked around and can't seem to find the answer to this - probably because the feature is pretty new.
I tried the remote WSL:ubuntu connection on my windows desktop machine to connect to my WSL2 Ubuntu running on the same machine. This is pretty much perfect as it allows access to my Nvidia GPU under linux
Is there anyway I can do the same trick from my macbook? I can connect to the windows side of the desktop using the new remote tunnel feature but I'm drawing a blank on how to do for the WSL buried in that machine. It looks like it's just using the same remote connection feature so I'm thinking it should be possible but WSL2 network is not exposed the same way you can with a VM or other machine.
The desktop has way more everything than my macbook including a nvidia GPU I want to use for some machine learning.
I can do it from the desktop itself - but it's nice to be able to use that machine from my macbook at certain times of day.
I have recently started using VSCode so I'm on the learning curve with it - it may well be that it's not possible using the new remote tunnels - or requires some messing with adding a new hyper-v bridged adapter to the WSL installation. I'm hoping against hope there's an easy solve that I've somehow missed.
I tried setting up the remote tunnel as per but it seems to setup a server to access windows not the WSL2 service.
Thanks for any help!
I had a similar problem and found this github issue. While the developers are looking into including this feature, you currently will need to install the VSCode CLI directly in WSL. You can find the downloads here
I would recommend the x64 CLI download in the Linux section. It will download a tar.gz file which will have a file named code in it when extracted.
The tunnel will launch from wherever you place that code file, so I put mine in the ~/ (home) directory.
You can then open a tunnel using the command ./code tunnel from that location. You can replace the . with the path to the code file to open the tunnel while in a different directory, i.e. ~/code.
You can still launch a tunnel from Windows with code tunnel. (note that this command does not have ./)

Installing Pg Admin 4 on nginx unbutu 20.04

I'm having trouble finding any documentation of how to install and configure pgadmin4 to work with nginx on ubuntu 20.04, I only managed to find tutorials for apache.
I'm very new to nginx, can you guys help with a link to some documentation or tutorial on how to do this?
It sounds a bit like you are attempting to connect to your database on a production server, from within that server... With PgAdmin this is not needed. You can simply install locally on your system like this:
And then just remote into the server like so:
I would argue that it is also a smarter approach to house the pgadmin connection locally as you do not need a visual approach to your databases in the production instance in most cases.

How to install Hipchat Server on CentOS 6?

In my deep dive into the CentOS terminal, I was able to install and setup Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket servers. However, the Hipchat Server seems to be based on something completely different.
Is there a step by step guide to installing Hipchat; From what's needed (dependencies) to installing (which I'm not even sure is part of the process) to seeing it work (log-in, etc.)?
Atlassian's official guide is written in such a way, that I look at it confused - as if it's a riddle that will never be solved. lol
By HipChat4, I'm assuming you refer to the HipChat Client. If so, have you tried the instructions outlined here?
sudo bash -c ‘cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/hipchat.repo << EOF_hipchat
name=Atlassian Hipchat
sudo yum update
sudo yum install hipchat4
If what you're trying to install is the server, then keep in mind that HipChat Server is only supported on AWS (via the Atlassian provided AMI), or as a VM for private datacenters (via the Atlassian provided OVA). You can't install HipChat Server directly on a Linux box.
If your OS can run a virtualization platform (e.g. VirtualBox) then you can download the OVA from, import it, start your VM and configure it. More thorough instructions are available here.

Xen on Centos 7

I am a newbie to Xen and want to download it on my machine which currently has CentOS7. I have been researching and experimenting for a couple of days but can't seem to find a straightforward answer on how to install a fully functioning Xen on CentOS7. I tried using the workaround at, but it seems that some of the packages it uses might be outdated.
Is it even possible to install Xen on CentOS7, even if it is missing some parts to it? Would it be better just to go back to CentOS6.x so that I can install Xen4CentOS?
Thanks in advance! Any advice is appreciated!
Afaik RedHat therefore CentOS is not supporting Xen whoever in fact it is possible.
I am using xen4centos on my Centos7 server, it was installed along with official article from wiki:
It it is not, please provide some logs, errors etc

How to access MATLAB installed on a server?

A pretty basic question. The MATLAB is installed on a linux based server. I have windows 7 installed on my system. I want to access MATLAB, how do i do that?
Shall i install some virtual machine or is there a simpler way? Please help.
MATLAB will run on Windows 7, so you could just install it on your Win7 machine. The other more complicated route would be to run a VNC client on the Win7 box and a matching server on the Linux side. Then you can have access to the remote linux desktop from Win7.
Reference here.