tomahawk test tool installation - operating-system

Can somebody shed some light on installing tomahawk pcap replay tool on centos ?
I did follow some instructions from the following site though it was on debian.
Looked like tomhawk was installed . But i donot see all the required options from man page below :

I have not tested on Centos yet. This is the script I have used to install Tomahawk on Ubuntu Server 14.04 (32bits). You can download the script from here: Install Tomahawk test tool


How to install and run Theia, browser based IDE?

I want to develop remotely and read about Theia. I could install the program with pip
pip install theia
But then there is no description available on how to start the program. Is it plug-in for Eclipse, or do I have to run it in docker or what?
Theia is not an extension of the classic Eclipse project. This is not really an installable app.
If you want to run Theia locally, you can follow the tutorial of the official documentation : Official help to setup environement.
Be sure to have Node.js 10 installed. It is not currently compatible with Node.js 12. If you want to have more than one version of Node installed on you machine, I advise you nvm (nvm github) or nvm-windows (nvm windows github).
If it can be useful, I personnally have a small bat script to launch Theia at the manner of a desktop app
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=http://localhost:3000
yarn start

Can’t install openmotif22 on CentOS 7

I wanna to install openmotif22 on centos 7 but I get the message from installer “Sorry, this did not work. The file is not supported.”
Can you share with us the command you are using to perform the install as well as the exact package you are attempting to install.
Are you using the steps documented here:

Eclipse IDE on ubuntu

I installed BigBlueButton on ubuntu server 14.04, and it's working.
Now, i want to create a web app, using spring, where I have to integrate BigBlueButton.
Usually, I use eclipse on windows, but, now, i don't have an idea what should I do.
Do I have to use eclipse on ubuntu ?
Thank you.
You need not do your development on the same server as where you host the runtime. If you are comfortable doing development on a Windows machine, do that, and create a .war file to deploy to the Ubuntu server.
You don't have to, but it sounds like you might like to.
sudo apt-get install eclipse

KMC doesn't load after kaltura installation on centos

I installed kaltura CE5 on centos 6.4 64 bit version. I followed instructions from The installation is successfull but I am not able to launch KMC. The KAC works fine. I tried logging in from KAC too. I have tried it on 32 bit too. Pls advise.
Kaltura CE5 is an outdated system.
You should install the new Kaltura CE9X
Use CentOS 6.5 64 bit (32 bit systems are not supported) and follow this tutorial (for stand alone system):
if the installation is ok with the command localhost.localdomain/start the starting page will open. (replace with the localhost and localdomain you have chosen like
To open the kmc use the url localhost.localdomain/kmc on the web browser.

Bigbluebutton installation guide for ubuntu 12.04

I am getting error like "E: Unable to locate package bigbluebutton
".I need proper guide for installing bigbluebutton on ubuntu 12.04.And also I followed many links.which shows same error like. So,please help me.
I am the product manager for BigBlueButton.
You can expect full support for Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit as part of the next release of BigBlueButton (after 0.81).
We faced similar issue couple of day back
after doing "sudo apt-get update" we are able to proceed with installation.
hope this works.