Integrate Paypal Here with Openbravo POS - paypal

How can I integrate Paypal Here with Openbravo POS?
The workflow I'm looking for is:
Cashier selects card payment on Openbravo POS
Bill is automatically transferred to Paypal Here
Customer completes payment on Paypal Here
Confirmation is automatically transferred to Openbravo POS
I see there is an API for integrating iOS applications with Paypal Here, so this is certainly possible. It would be quite complicated to write an iOS application to do this; perhaps there's a simpler way?

I have now implemented my own system to do this. It consists of:
OpenBravoPOS scripting and a Java class to upload transaction details and wait for a response
A web application that receives the transaction details
A mobile web page that uses the Sideloader API to pass transaction details into Paypal Here
A callback on the web app that receives the transaction ID
This is working fine in a real shop. If you're interested in this solution, see my website.

To develop a fully-integrated solution, the PayPal Here SDKs for iOS and Android are now available on the PayPal Developer site:
There is also a version for Windows 8.1+ in Beta, available upon request. You can email for help with any of these.


How to integrate automatic payment charged in ionic with paypal using credit card

I’m developing a delivery application that will work with PayPal for payments. Ionic/Cordova has a native library that makes things easy, yet the flow is not the way i’d like it to be.
With “PayPal-Cordova-Plugin”, the authentication window opens for every payment and the user must click the button to confirm the payment.
What I would like to implement was something more direct, transparent. The user would authenticate with PayPal within my application and with the probable token that would receive this authentication, I would execute the checkout requests (an example would be the payment by PayPal on Uber).
With the PayPal developer documentation I could not find a way to perform this implementation on Ionic, so I would like help with that.
The old PayPal Mobile SDKs used by the cordova plugin are ancient. Do not use those. Do not use those for anything. If you try to use those, you are going to have a bad time.
The first paragraph at the top of the Readme of points you to the things you should be using instead.
As is mentioned there, PayPal Express Checkout via the Braintree Mobile SDK is a worldwide option for those who need a native SDK. It is documented here:
You will need a webservice for the server-side portion.

PayPal Rest API - Webhooks / IPN - Is it possible to receive eBay payment notifications?

I've been developing a marketplace type platform. Implementing PayPal Payouts seemed to be perfect for dealing with commissions. Especially being as PayPal will be handling all payments too.
I've successfully developed this part of the system. Inc. the webhook and verifying transmissions.
Now I wish to get my eBay sales info into my system. So that we can see it all in one place and have the system work the commissions out for those sales too. Having just invested the time into learning and implementing this PayPal API integration, it would be nice to use it for getting this data too.
So having tested the sandbox app thoroughly for the Payouts, I configured the live one. This is in my PayPal developer account where the app settings are. I've done nothing in my main Paypal account. Am I meant too?
My live webhook URL is just set to log all received data from PayPal. So I waited for a eBay sale and went to check the log but no data received? Am I misunderstanding this? The webhook is subscribed to all events.
The Drupal Commerce shopping cart I'm using already implements a IPN. Is it the IPN that I need to be thinking about? I'd prefer to not interfere with it to be honest, to keep future security updates safer. That said, I suspect there will be a way to extend it.
I guess the actual question is - what is the easiest way to get eBay sales info through PayPal?
Any help would be much appreciated.
eBay has their own system for that called Platform Notifications.
If I'm working with payment data, and I just need extra data from eBay, I will typically start with PayPal IPN / Webhooks and then use the eBay APIs within my IPN app to pull and push data as necessary.
Of course, depending on the scenario, you may decide to build out your primary solution inside of an eBay Platform Notifications app, and then make calls to PayPal APIs within that if you need to pull/push data.

How can i implement payment through payment with two receivers?

Working on Android Application which provides platform for users to sell and buy their used products. Below is the scenario of payment screen when User(buy) want to bought an item.
How can i do this payment with paypal adaptive payment. I found something Parallel payment api but in this api doing parallel payment form owner's account need same thing with dynamic customer account.Every thing needed in PHP to develop web service will be used in android application.
Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API. That is how you would do the split payment as either parallel or chained.
From mobile apps I typically build the web services on a server, so you can still write everything in PHP and just pass data to and from PayPal back to the app through the PHP service. Then you make simple serice requests to your own PHP script and have it just return a basic JSON response or whatever you want to work with in the mobile app.
There may be more direct ways to get it done, but that's what I've always done and it works well. Allows you to use your web server for more detailed logging, too.

Android:how to add Paypal integration to the buy button

I am new to PayPal integration using android. i dont know the basics of paypal integration. What type of sandbox account do i need to create?
And how to link the payable email id and how should i use the api etc
You can create a PayPal Business account in
If you want to create an android app with REST API, download the Android SDK and just run it.
This is for REST architecture.If you want to use a Web application which works in android/ios environment, then PayPal will take care of it by determining the user agent.

Does Apple allow Paypal iphone sdk integration now?

In one of our project we have requirement of payment processing. We had few options along with the Paypal. But regarding Paypal integration of iPhone SDK does APPLE allow payment processing within the application ?
Application intend to sale tangible/intangible products for example it can be coupon or any service like hair trimming. In this case can we use Paypal integration ?
We had hard time to find out the same, so any one know about it please let us know.
Apple allow using browser
checkout this link
and see
Mobile Express Checkout Library (MECL): If you want the PayPal checkout flow to be in a browser or webview, you can use our Mobile Express Checkout Library. This is useful if you already have a express checkout integration completed for your website or if app store policies require you to complete your checkout flow in a browser. This library will help you integrate the mobile web flow into your app.