Android:how to add Paypal integration to the buy button - paypal

I am new to PayPal integration using android. i dont know the basics of paypal integration. What type of sandbox account do i need to create?
And how to link the payable email id and how should i use the api etc

You can create a PayPal Business account in
If you want to create an android app with REST API, download the Android SDK and just run it.
This is for REST architecture.If you want to use a Web application which works in android/ios environment, then PayPal will take care of it by determining the user agent.


Must I upgrade Paypal account to business account in order to intergrate Paypal in Live Mode with my ASP.NET website using C#?

In order to integrate PayPal with my ASP.NET website using C#, I was told that "Sign up for a PayPal developer account and obtain API credentials. I will need to create a Sandbox account to test my application."
At present, I hope to use Live Mode of Paypal instead of Sandbox Mode, must I upgrade Paypal account to business account ?
To process live payments, you need a live business account. There is no reason not to upgrade, having one is free.

PayPal sandbox account

What is the difference between and ?
I mean: I need to generate API credentials to make some tests on SOAP API for Express Checkout and I can't understand if I need to use my developer account or I need to create a new Sandbox account...
Which one I need to use to test my application?
The Sandbox is the correct place to test your application. Basically you can say: "" is the test network of PayPal and "" is the control center for the live version and the sandbox version.
Read the official documentation >here< if you want to know how to get started with the PayPal Sandbox.
You need to use your REAL PayPal Account for the Dev Portal. In the Dev Portal you create TEST Accounts that you can use for your Sandbox. In the Dev Portal you can also create the API Keys. How you do this is explained in the Link that I mentioned.

Login to paypal developer dashboard

i'm new to paypal development. My customer want me to integrate paypal in his online shop and i want to use the REST-API and the SDK.
My question: In order to begin i have to login with the paypal account from my customer. Is there another option to create an App with the developer dashboard, without using the credentials from my customer, at least for testing?
You can create using your own account and make a test. Just signup for the Business Account and automatically you will be getting developer website. From there you can actually do the works, or you can alternatively ask your customer to add you as an alias for doing the testing in developer.

Paypal app. From sandbox to live

I implemented paypal sandbox in my application and after hours of headaches with their documentation, I managed to implement a working app that uses their RestAPI. Now I want to go live with the application.
In their documentation the steps to go live with the app are as follows:
1. Ensure your application adheres to the PayPal Application Policies and Guidelines.
2. Update the Sandbox API credentials in your PayPal calls to those assigned to a live PayPal account.
3. Update your PayPal endpoints from the Sandbox to the PayPal production servers.
4. Register your application with PayPal.
5. If your application makes use of Adaptive operations, obtain a live AppID.
6. Go Live!
I don't understand how can I register my application with PayPal (point 4). In the documentation, it says that my app needs to be approved by PayPal and that's it. How do I do that ? How do I submit my app for reviewing ?
If I understand correctly, point 1, 2 and 3 affect only my code, registering the new credentials, right ?
Finally, I need an appID, but I guess that comes as soon as the app has been approved by PayPal to go live.
The full documentation I followed is here.
Thank you.
As Per Paypal Documentation : Registering your application with PayPal :
Submitting your application
To submit your website or mobile application to PayPal:
Log into the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the
PayPal account registered to the application owner.
Note: The PayPal account associated with the application must be a
verified Premier or verified Business account. Click Dashboard at the
top of the page to open the My Apps & Credentials page. (Alternately,
you can go directly to the My Applications page by navigating to the
My Apps & Credentials page on the Developer website.)
Registering a REST API app
In the REST API apps section, click Create app. See creating an app
for more information. Registering an NVP/SOAP API app
Click Dashboard at the top of the page to open the My Apps &
Credentials page. Click the Create and manage NVP/SOAP API apps link
at the bottom of the page. Click New App on the left nav bar to access
the App Information form. Complete the form and click the Submit App
button. To ensure the fastest possible application review, supply as
much information as possible when completing the submittal form. Tip:
When filling out the application, be sure to provide the e-mail
address that corresponds to the PayPal account that is used make API
calls. The type of API operations used in your application dictates
the review process applied to your application. PayPal divides
applications into three distinct review categories:
Merchant APIs include Express Checkout, Website Payments Pro, Button
Manager, Mass Pay, Recurring Payments, and all of the Informational
APIs. Adaptive APIs include Adaptive Payments, Adaptive Accounts, the
Permissions Service, and the Invoicing Service. Calls to these APIs
require an AppID value. Mass Pay includes only the MassPay operation
As per 2020
PayPal developer guideline, you just have to mail them all the required things that they want to register your app.
Login to
Click on the Dashboard menu item at the top.
Under the REST API Apps section, click the Create App button.
Proceed with the steps to create the app.

How can i implement payment through payment with two receivers?

Working on Android Application which provides platform for users to sell and buy their used products. Below is the scenario of payment screen when User(buy) want to bought an item.
How can i do this payment with paypal adaptive payment. I found something Parallel payment api but in this api doing parallel payment form owner's account need same thing with dynamic customer account.Every thing needed in PHP to develop web service will be used in android application.
Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API. That is how you would do the split payment as either parallel or chained.
From mobile apps I typically build the web services on a server, so you can still write everything in PHP and just pass data to and from PayPal back to the app through the PHP service. Then you make simple serice requests to your own PHP script and have it just return a basic JSON response or whatever you want to work with in the mobile app.
There may be more direct ways to get it done, but that's what I've always done and it works well. Allows you to use your web server for more detailed logging, too.