How to integrate automatic payment charged in ionic with paypal using credit card - paypal

I’m developing a delivery application that will work with PayPal for payments. Ionic/Cordova has a native library that makes things easy, yet the flow is not the way i’d like it to be.
With “PayPal-Cordova-Plugin”, the authentication window opens for every payment and the user must click the button to confirm the payment.
What I would like to implement was something more direct, transparent. The user would authenticate with PayPal within my application and with the probable token that would receive this authentication, I would execute the checkout requests (an example would be the payment by PayPal on Uber).
With the PayPal developer documentation I could not find a way to perform this implementation on Ionic, so I would like help with that.

The old PayPal Mobile SDKs used by the cordova plugin are ancient. Do not use those. Do not use those for anything. If you try to use those, you are going to have a bad time.
The first paragraph at the top of the Readme of points you to the things you should be using instead.
As is mentioned there, PayPal Express Checkout via the Braintree Mobile SDK is a worldwide option for those who need a native SDK. It is documented here:
You will need a webservice for the server-side portion.


Is paypal-rest-sdk still a valid approach or should we switch to braintree?

I am reading this paypal-rest-sdk based payment integration approach from a blog, but I can't find it on Paypal's official developer pages. Question: If someone can help me link that blog's approach to a Paypal's developer page explained method, I'd appreciate.
Instead, I see a Braintree based payment integration approach listed on official Paypal developer page. Question: Is this one more preferable than the previous one? Plus, can this approach accept credit card payment (reading the doc, it seems to only support Paypal payment)
The PayPal-Node-SDK is deprecated, and the Express Checkout via Braintree Mobile SDK is only worth using if you need a native mobile SDK. So the answer to your question, based on the information provided, is most probably: neither.
Instead, you need to do a better job of reviewing the information on , namely
For a good server-side integration, the front-end at will be particularly useful.
Note that the fetch() routes it calls need to be placed with actual routes on your server, which will call the PayPal APIs for creation and capture during teh checkout. For those API operations from your server, use the supported Checkout-NodeJS-SDK.

PayPal Express Checkout without logging in

Is it possible to use Paypal express checkout without signing in even if the user has a Paypal account present?
We have noticed that some folks forget their credentials and don't want to login to Paypal, thus causing us to lose their donation. The Account optional setting seems to still require users, who have a Paypal account linked to the provided email, to sign in even if they would like to pay from the checkout page.
Is there a way to avoid this?
Paypal provide optional guest checkout.
Guest Checkout would allow people to use a credit card without signing in or creating an account, but the checkout would still take place in PayPal hosted pages.
If you'd like to process credit cards directly on your site you could use Payments Pro, the REST API, or Braintree. The difference is really just the technical details in integrating it, so your developer could choose which method would work best for your setup, and then you could create that account and integrate it accordingly.
If you're already using and are familiar with PayPal in general I would recommend going with Payments Pro. It typically costs $30/mo, but if you contact me directly I can help you to get that fee waived.
You would also need to make sure your site has an SSL installed and can run from https:// correctly.
Once those things are in place it's just a matter of integrating Payments Pro into your current setup, which depending on what that is, there are a number of different ways that could be done. I would need more detail to be able to help you more specifically with integration.

How can i implement payment through payment with two receivers?

Working on Android Application which provides platform for users to sell and buy their used products. Below is the scenario of payment screen when User(buy) want to bought an item.
How can i do this payment with paypal adaptive payment. I found something Parallel payment api but in this api doing parallel payment form owner's account need same thing with dynamic customer account.Every thing needed in PHP to develop web service will be used in android application.
Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API. That is how you would do the split payment as either parallel or chained.
From mobile apps I typically build the web services on a server, so you can still write everything in PHP and just pass data to and from PayPal back to the app through the PHP service. Then you make simple serice requests to your own PHP script and have it just return a basic JSON response or whatever you want to work with in the mobile app.
There may be more direct ways to get it done, but that's what I've always done and it works well. Allows you to use your web server for more detailed logging, too.

Difference between Paypal Payment Button and Web Checkout

There are 2 ways to integrate paypal with web site, Payment Button and Web Checkout.
The former seems to be easier than the latter, and we won't even to sign up an APP if we choose Payment Button.
Besides the difficulty of integration, is there any difference between them?
It's basically just HTML forms vs. web service API's.
The buttons are generally setup for a single item or for the PayPal cart, which I wouldn't recommend using. If you're going to be using your own shopping cart, you could actually just use the cart upload method, which is still PayPal Standard (html forms.)
If you are comfortable with API's, though, I'd recommend going with Express Checkout, which uses API's but still doesn't require creating an "app" in the PayPal network.
If you happen to be working with PHP you might want to take a look at my PHP class library for PayPal. It would make the API calls very simple for you.

Does Apple allow Paypal iphone sdk integration now?

In one of our project we have requirement of payment processing. We had few options along with the Paypal. But regarding Paypal integration of iPhone SDK does APPLE allow payment processing within the application ?
Application intend to sale tangible/intangible products for example it can be coupon or any service like hair trimming. In this case can we use Paypal integration ?
We had hard time to find out the same, so any one know about it please let us know.
Apple allow using browser
checkout this link
and see
Mobile Express Checkout Library (MECL): If you want the PayPal checkout flow to be in a browser or webview, you can use our Mobile Express Checkout Library. This is useful if you already have a express checkout integration completed for your website or if app store policies require you to complete your checkout flow in a browser. This library will help you integrate the mobile web flow into your app.