Eclipse Ctrl+Space stopped working and a yellow rectangle shows up sometimes - eclipse

Every once in a while when I am coding in Eclipse, Ctrl + Space stops working. It just displays "No completions available" with red text in the bottom status-bar whenever I try.
In addition to this, there is some strange code highlighting that can occur. I am not aware of why it happens, how it happens, or what it's purpose is. But I know how it looks (See screenshot)
These problems are always related, whenever Ctrl + Space stops working, that weird highlighting has a tendency to show up. And whenever that shows up, I know that code completition is not working.
I guess this mode is activated by me pressing some keyboard combination that I am unaware of.
I believe this problem is not associated only with one type of project (for example Android or Swing).
How do I get rid of the Ctrl + Space problem and the weird highlighting without restarting Eclipse?


I removed the bottom bar of VScode which shows the errors and errors, how can I recover it؟

I made an error yesterday when I was editing for a web contest, but no matter how hard I tried to send those edits to GitHub, I had to try the options in VS as usual to solve various problems. But I pressed an option without thinking and the E light disappears in the image below. Now I do not know how to return it.
And now my VS is like this
Open Settings using the shortcut Ctrl + ,
Search for "Workbench Status Bar" and look for the following option
Tick this checkbox

In Eclipse, a way to see code errors without moving the mouse?

I've programmed in Emacs for a while, and I'm starting to learn Java in Eclipse. I prefer not to have to take my hands off the keyboard in order to see errors that Eclipse marks in the code... so I'd rather not hover over them, (plus the red X on the left margin is annoyingly small and hard to target for a hover)... is there a way to get them to pop up simply by moving the cursor to that point?
The "Show Tooltip Description" command usually has the keybinding of F2. You can change it on the Keys preference page if you like.

Eclipse Content Assist, always change to incorrect code after hitting space

I have a problem with auto complete function in eclipse. Whenever I type code after hitting space button, the code changed automatically.
Here the example
code before I hit space
public automatically become Public_Member
To solve that, after typing code I press esc button, then after that press space. But it waste my time especially when I forgot to hit esc, I have to manually delete the incorrect code and write it back again.
How to solve this space problem? Without disabling content assist or reverting it back to default?

Editor tab disappeared in GUI

The MATLAB GUI normally (for me) has 4 tabs in the upper left - Home, Plots, Apps and (I think) Editor. However the editor tab has disappeared and I cannot find documentation how to turn it back on. I tried the Layout->Default but that just arranges all the visible windows and doesn't re-enable to missing editor.
Does anyone know how to turn this back on?
Type edit in the command window.
Unfortunately you are right, there is no 'Editor' option in the Layout panel of Matlab's interface, and for obscure reasons it's not present in the default layout.
OK, I've checked Ratbert's answer as he got here before me but Mathworks tells me it disappears any time you're not actually editing any code. If that happens their answer was to just click on the New Script button. Doing that worked for me. Typing edit in the command window is (I think) doing the same thing.
For anyone that finds this thread at a later date I eventually debugged the root cause of this problem as a mouse that was failing. When attempting to close the open variables part of the GUI, when clicking the X in the upper left, the mouse was generating two clicks instead of one. The first closed the variables GUI, the second closed the editing GUI. Purchasing a new mouse resulted in no longer seeing the problem at all.
in matlab command window, go on top right triagle and click, a drop down list will appear, select undock editor

How can I configure emacs to switch to a particular buffer when I click the mouse in it?

I'm using iTerm2 on my mac to ssh into a Linux box and run emacs in the terminal. On a big monitor, I like to split the window to see multiple buffers side-by-side. I'd like to be able to switch to a particular buffer by clicking the mouse in it (rather than doing C-x o).
What seems to be happening is that if I click the mouse anywhere outside the currently active buffer e.g. in the next buffer, on the mode line etc., the click is being interpreted as which is bound to (tmm-menubar-mouse EVENT).
I have disabled the menubar by doing the following in my .emacs_d/init.el:
(menu-bar-mode -1)
This seems to disable the visible display of the menu bar at the top of the window, but the mouse click behavior I described is still happening.
I think what I need is to have the click interpreted as something other than and then bind that to some function that detects which buffer the click happened in and switch to it. But, I don't know how to do that and the searching I've done hasn't yielded any clear answer. Can anyone help?
Alternatively, I looked into using windmove to enable switching between buffers with SHIFT and the arrow keys. I did (windmove-default-keybindings) but emacs then seems to respond to SHIFT left-arrow by inserting "2C" into the buffer and SHIFT-right-arrow by inserting "2D". If anyone has any tips on making this work too, I'd love to hear them.
I ran into this problem a while ago, where clicking on column > 95 was interpreted as <menu-bar> <mouse-1>, which invokes tmm-menubar-mouse. It turned out to be a bug:
There hasn't been a formal release since this bug was fixed, but you can get the patch here:
If I recall correctly, you should be able to just drop the modified file into your existing emacs installation and byte-compile it (assuming you're running the 23.3.1, the latest release).