Eclipse Content Assist, always change to incorrect code after hitting space - eclipse

I have a problem with auto complete function in eclipse. Whenever I type code after hitting space button, the code changed automatically.
Here the example
code before I hit space
public automatically become Public_Member
To solve that, after typing code I press esc button, then after that press space. But it waste my time especially when I forgot to hit esc, I have to manually delete the incorrect code and write it back again.
How to solve this space problem? Without disabling content assist or reverting it back to default?


VSCode - Disable selection on auto-complete suggestion

Whenever I use autocomplete, VSCode automatically puts whatever I type in a selection, it didn't happen before and it only started happening recently.
Here's what happens:
I type something like this and suggestion comes up:
Then I press enter to auto complete:
All of this is fine, but when I start typing in the quotes:
VSCode automatically puts my text in a selection. This causes multiple problems. Suggestions get disabled in selection and I have to press Esc everytime I want the selection disabled.
Is there any way to fix this?
The question was already answered by #Anton Solomin and #devanil. The issue is VS code auto-suggestion is not working when text is highlighted, because some of your code snippet is preventing quick suggestion by VS code.
So just tell VS code that don't disable quick suggestion if some snippets askes you to do it.
Go to VScode settings page, in settings search bar type editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions
Uncheck Controls whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestion

How to execute snippet instantaneously - vscode

Is there the option to "execute snippets" right away in vscode, meaning without having to press tab? This is really the only thing holding me back from vscode because in vim I can simply configure it, so e.g. if I have a snippet which gets triggered if I type test it automatically replaces test by the snippet content without having to press any extra key like tab. Is this possible in vscode?

VS Code search inside the editor without rollover

If I search inside the actual editor of VS Code without an match below the current line, VS Code rollover the search from the top of the page.
How can I disable this?
One thing you can do instead of disabling this (which I don't thing this is configurable) is to use ctrl+U. It's soft undo, moves the cursor back to it's previous location. This is particularly useful when you need to move down in a long file to copy a variable or function name and then go back to your original position. So when vscode goes to the top of the page, put the cursor there, and then press ctrl+U to go back to the previous line you where editing.

Visual Studio Code: How not to show suggestions on space?

So anytime I type space it brings up suggestions, which causes problems when I type space at the end of a line (just because i like having a little space there. This way cursor is at some distance from code when i click at the end of a line, it's easier to see code, it's less cluttered), and press enter. It brings up suggestions menu and insert the first thing from there, while i just want to insert a new line character.
I also need it to show suggestions when I'm typing, but only when I type a non whitespace character, so I can't set it to not bring up suggestions on typing.
I also want to accept suggestions on enter, so I can't turn this off either.
So I'm stuck with wanting suggestions on typing, but not on space, is there a way to somehow exclude space from suggestion triggers?
You can customize how you want to display it, this feature is called IntelliSense.
Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts (MacOs Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts)
and you can set the new key on:
if you want advance settings, go to keybindings.json
more info:
I think i've found a solution: turn off Suggest on Trigger Characters option.
This way it doesn't bring up IntelliSense on space or dot or anything else, but it still brings it up when i'm typing ordinary characters

Eclipse Ctrl+Space stopped working and a yellow rectangle shows up sometimes

Every once in a while when I am coding in Eclipse, Ctrl + Space stops working. It just displays "No completions available" with red text in the bottom status-bar whenever I try.
In addition to this, there is some strange code highlighting that can occur. I am not aware of why it happens, how it happens, or what it's purpose is. But I know how it looks (See screenshot)
These problems are always related, whenever Ctrl + Space stops working, that weird highlighting has a tendency to show up. And whenever that shows up, I know that code completition is not working.
I guess this mode is activated by me pressing some keyboard combination that I am unaware of.
I believe this problem is not associated only with one type of project (for example Android or Swing).
How do I get rid of the Ctrl + Space problem and the weird highlighting without restarting Eclipse?