Make eshell tab completion behave like Bash - emacs

How can I make eshell autocomplete behave like Bash and Emacs in general i.e. it offers a list of choices rather than arbitrary selects one for you?
For example, if I have two directories "Download" and "Downloads", when I type "Down" and hit TAB, I expect another buffer pops up and shows me the choices. But eshell just completes it for me, i.e. if I press TAB, it completes to "Download"; hit TAB again, it changes to "Downloads".

Use this:
(lambda ()
(setq pcomplete-cycle-completions nil)))

(lambda ()
(setq pcomplete-cycle-completions nil)))
(setq eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil)
Both do as you ask and show a buffer listing the completions when I run my emacs as 'emacs -q' to avoid my own customizations. This is with emacs 23.3, are you running a much older version?
Also see which is where I first went to check this out.
Steps to try this out:
Start emacs using 'emacs -q' as the command -- no other arguments.
Change to the *scratch* buffer
Paste or type in one of the above code snippets
Put your cursor at the end of the snippet and press 'C-e' to execute the code.
Start eshell
if neither one works, report back here with your version info and any other relevant details

You only need to have the following line:
(setq eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil)
eshell-mode automatically set pcomplete-cycle-completions to the value of eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions locally.


How can I load changes of .el file at startup in Emacs?

I have installed Emacs under Windows 7 and want to use it in my everyday work. Unfortunately Emacs world and other text editors world are completely different and I am getting stuck on every third sequence of keys pressed on keyboard - it's doing something that I don't expect it would do.
I want to make a panic command - when I press ESC ESC ESC it stops doing everything, quitting from minibuffer, stops entering command, unhighlight regexps, etc. It already does what I want, except it killing buffers, the layout of my workspace. So I modified keyboard-escape-quit function in simple.el file (found it by C-h k ESC ESC ESC)
(defun keyboard-escape-quit ()
"Exit the current \"mode\" (in a generalized sense of the word).
This command can exit an interactive command such as `query-replace',
can clear out a prefix argument or a region,
can get out of the minibuffer or other recursive edit,
cancel the use of the current buffer (for special-purpose buffers),
or go back to just one window (by deleting all but the selected window)."
; Stop highlighting regexp
(cond ((eq last-command 'mode-exited) nil)
((> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
((> (recursion-depth) 0)
(funcall buffer-quit-function))
;((not (one-window-p t))
; (delete-other-windows))
((string-match "^ \\*" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
I have byte-compiled and loaded this file and it works ok. But I can't figure out why it is not loading at startup.
You cannot modify some special built-in libraries, including simple.el. Emacs never actually loads these special libraries from their source or byte code files. Their byte code is directly included in the Emacs executable at build time, by a process called “dumping”. Emacs loads these libraries from its own binary.
Generally, should not modify any built-in libraries anyway. Your risk breakage, and your customizations are lost when you update Emacs.
Instead, do what you are supposed to do: Add custom functions to your init.el.
Hence, instead of modifying the built-in keyboard-escape-quit, create your own function, e.g. my-emergency-quit, in your init.el, and bind it to a global key, e.g. C-c q, with
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") #'my-emergency-quit)
Some final words of advice: I do not think that such a panic command does any good. The first rule of Emacs is: Don't panic. If you are stuck, don't try to quit and kill everything. Rather, try to find out why you are stuck, and how to get “un-stuck” by normal means. You'll learn Emacs better this way, imho.

how do I run this Emacs M-x command "wg-update-workgroup" automatically before emacs closes?

I would like this to happen when I right click the launcher...icon..and select quit..and choose file exit. I would like this command to be run right before emacs when I right click the launcher icon and select quit then this command "wg-update-workgroup" is run then Emacs exits..I've tried learning about hooks but don't get how to add one....If someone can give me exact code I put into my initialization file I would be very grateful....tried binding a function to a key but get weird command p error.
Here's the code:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
(lambda ()
It seems that the code isn't working for you since wg-update-workgroup needs an argument.
You have to test this yourself, since I don't really want to get familiar with the package.
Solution 1:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
(lambda ()
Solution 2:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook
(lambda ()
(call-interactively 'wg-update-workgroup)))
UPD: disregard everything from above:)
I'm pretty sure this is what you want:
(setq wg-query-for-save-on-emacs-exit nil)
(push (lambda()(or (ignore-errors
(wg-update-all-workgroups-and-save)) t))
The first statement removes the extremely annoying y/n query about saving
workgroups on exit. The second statement saves everything unconditionally on exit.
Just to list my full configuration:
(require 'workgroups)
(workgroups-mode 1)
(setq wg-query-for-save-on-emacs-exit nil)
(wg-load "~/wg")
(push (lambda()(or (ignore-errors
(wg-update-all-workgroups-and-save)) t))
You're right to be baffled. The issue is this: when Emacs begins exiting, workgroups.el cleans itself up earlier than 'kill-emacs-hook. What you want is this:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions 'wg-update-all-workgroups)
The hook variable should then look something like this:
(wg-update-all-workgroups wg-emacs-exit-query)
I recommend using 'wg-update-all-workgroups rather than 'wg-update-workgroup if, like me, you have more than one workgroup saved in a given workgroups file.
IMO workgroups.el is the best Emacs session manager. Somebody new has just taken it over. I'm excited that a new version with even more features may be forthcoming:

Emacs/AUCTeX prefix arguments

In LaTeX mode C-c C-c is bound to:
(TeX-command-master &optional OVERRIDE-CONFIRM)
Normally this interactive function runs a command, perhaps a LaTeX compilation, asking for confirmation.
In tex-buf.el it reads:
If a prefix argument OVERRIDE-CONFIRM is given, confirmation will
depend on it being positive instead of the entry in `TeX-command-list'.
This is a bit cryptic for me and reading C-h v TeX-command-list didn't help.
How can I pass the prefix argument to "TeX-command-master" so that I avoid all the confirmation requests?
Take a look at Emacs' documentation to find out about prefix arguments. In general, you can pass a command a prefix argument with C-u followed by a number. For one-digit numbers, you can also just type Meta followed by the digit. Thus to pass a positive prefix argument to TeX-command-master you could type:
M-1 C-c C-c
However, this will actually add another minibuffer confirmation, namely about the shell command to be used to compile the LaTeX source. Without the prefix argument, a command-dependent default is used for that.
If you want to avoid the question about the command to use, you can bind the undocumented variable TeX-command-force to "LaTeX" via:
(setq TeX-command-force "LaTeX")
However, this will have the downside that you're basically binding C-c C-c to the "latex" command, you cannot use any of the other commands such as "bibtex" or "view".
Other than that, LaTeX-mode does not allow for any customization of C-c C-c. Your best options are to either advise the function TeX-command-query or to bind C-c C-c to a wrapper function to set TeX-command-force dynamically. The latter would probably be the preferred option if you also want to auto-save the buffer.
It seems that the mystery of the OVERRIDE-CONFIRM continues. In the meantime a fellow suggests that, if we are unable to manage TeX-command-master, we can simply rewrite it.
In my version, based on his, if the buffer is not modified, the external viewer is launched; if the buffer is modified the compiler is run.
Everything with no confirmation for saving or running the given command.
(defun my-run-latex ()
(if (buffer-modified-p)
(setq TeX-save-query nil)
(TeX-save-document (TeX-master-file))
(TeX-command "LaTeX" 'TeX-master-file -1))
Of course one can bind my-run-latex to whatever keybinding.
On the user's point of view this is a solution to my own question.
Do I click the close tag? Well, on the curious guy point of view I am still interested in understanding the mysterious TeX-command-master technicalities.
If someone should happen to know...
Yes, TeX-save-query overrides the save-file request, also with TeX-command-master, that is C-c C-c. But you will still be asked to confirm the command action.
Build & view
Again, this solution, instead of modifying the behaviour of the TeX-command-master, rewrites it. The rewritten version of the command, named build-view, follows a rather straightforward logic.
If the LaTeX file buffer is not-modified, it runs the default viewer;
If the buffer is dirty, it runs the default LaTeX compiler and, after the build, opens the output in the default viewer.
Here's the code:
(defun build-view ()
(if (buffer-modified-p)
(let ((TeX-save-query nil))
(TeX-save-document (TeX-master-file)))
(setq build-proc (TeX-command "LaTeX" 'TeX-master-file -1))
(set-process-sentinel build-proc 'build-sentinel))
(defun build-sentinel (process event)
(if (string= event "finished\n")
(message "Errors! Check with C-`")))
You can now type M-x build-view and start the told build-view process or associate it with a new keybinding such as “F2”:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook '(lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "<f2>") 'build-view)))
Note: As suggested by Tyler, TeX-save-query variable is changed locally, therefore the old C-c C-c/ TeX-command-master is unaffected and will keep asking confirmations.
Do edit this code to make it better or easier to read!
I puzzled over the OVERRIDE-CONFIRM bit for a while, and couldn't figure out how it was supposed to work. If you want to automatically run Latex on your file, without being bothered about saving it first, or confirming that you want latex (rather than view, bibtex etc), you could use a function like this:
(defun my-run-latex ()
(TeX-save-document (TeX-master-file))
(TeX-command "LaTeX" 'TeX-master-file -1))
Bind this to something handy, and you'll still have C-c C-c for when you want to use the default processing commands. You may want to modify the TeX-command line if "Latex" isn't the processor you want to call.
If you are just looking to compile the latex source without a confirmation dialog, just add the following to your .emacs:
(setq TeX-command-force "")
You can then compile the source with C-c C-c and it won't ask to confirm. The only problem with this solution is that you can no longer change the command, but with most documents you won't want to. I might suggest that at the same time you can add this to your .emacs for even more flexibility, giving you a C-c C-c equivalent to the former behavior:
(define-key LaTeX-mode-map "\C-c\C-a"
;;; 'a' for ask, change to anything you want
(lambda (arg) (interactive "P")
(let ((TeX-command-force nil))
(TeX-command-master arg))))
You can then just work away at your document, do a C-x C-s, C-c C-c and then C-c C-v to see it. Like others have suggested you can also do the same for the save command and have it compile automatically on save, but some of my documents are in CVS and so I avoid putting hooks on that.
Credit to Ivan for some help on this one - don't know if he is on StackOverflow
I think the gist of this question is "how do I quickly compile my TeX document from AUCTeX without all the key presses and confirmations?"
My answer to that is to use the latexmk command rather than trying to coerce AUCTeX to do it.
latexmk -pdf -pvc myfile.tex
latexmk will monitor the file in question and rebuilt it as soon as you save it. If you use a good pdf viewer, it will notice the change in PDF and re-display it immediately. On OS X, skim works well for this.

emacs ( recompile -y )

Is it possible to pass a "-yes" flag to the 'recompile' command in emacs?
Excuse my complete lack of (e)lisp know-how. I got sick of going outside Emacs to compile my latex code, so i added the following key binding to my .emacs:
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") 'recompile);
Is it possible to automatically answer 'yes' to the following prompt that might appear:
"A compilation process is running; kill it? (yes or no)."
Also, is it possible to make the window that opens and shows the output to scroll to the bottom automatically. The interesting stuff is typically down there. Maybe its possible to chain the following command after recompile: "C-x o, end-of-buffer".
Here's some code to solve your first problem (interrupting the current compilation):
(defun interrupt-and-recompile ()
"Interrupt old compilation, if any, and recompile."
(ignore-errors (kill-compilation))
For your second problem (scrolling the compilation output), just customize the user setting compilation-scroll-output.
This behaviour is governed by the compilation-always-kill global variable. Customize it via customize-variable and set it to t.
Not sure which version of emacs first had this, but 26 and newer certainly does.
I somehow need to put kill-compilation into a ignore-errors with Emacs 23.2 to get it to work when no process is running. Otherwise works great.
(defun interrupt-and-recompile ()
"Interrupt old compilation, if any, and recompile."
Whenever I tried using kill-compilation with latex/pdflatex it did not work. I assume it is because latex does not respond to SIGINT.
Instead I am using the following hack, which first sets the process-kill-without-query bit of the compilation-buffer and then closes it (which kills the running process).
(defun interrupt-and-recompile ()
"Interrupt old compilation, if any, and recompile."
(get-buffer "*compilation*"))))
(kill-buffer "*compilation*"))
The other solutions didn't work for me for the same reason as sfeuz, but I didn't like the nuclear option of killing the hardcoded buffer by name.
Here's a short solution that autoanswers yes to that specific question by advising yes-or-no-p:

How can I show the Org-mode agenda on Emacs start-up?

I would like the Org-mode agenda to automatically show what I have to do today when I open Emacs. The org-agenda command is interactive, so it doesn't seem to work well for this purpose.
Is there a way to show the Org-mode agenda on Emacs start-up?
You can use after-init-hook to run a piece of code after initialization has finished. To run (org-agenda-list) after init, use:
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'org-agenda-list)
This works for me (in .emacs):
(setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
Without the first line, the splash screen "covered" the agenda; without the third one, the scratch buffer remained visible.
One alternative to the hook is to set the initial-buffer-choice variable. This is particularly useful if there are multiple buffers or a number of functions on the hook. The function on this variable needs to return a buffer. Naively this might be:
(setq initial-buffer-choice (lambda ()
(org-agenda-list 1)
(get-buffer "*Org Agenda*")))
Try (org-agenda-list). If you just want today, (org-agenda-list 1).
And of course, apropos is your friend. C-h C-a org-agenda (or whatever command) will show you useful info on that command.
I have a bash alias to start emacs with the Agenda open:
alias org='/usr/bin/emacs --funcall org-agenda-list &'
It is not exactly at startup, but I keep Emacs running so I need a different approach
(require 'midnight)
(midnight-delay-set 'midnight-delay "7:30am")
(add-hook 'midnight-hook 'org-agenda-list)
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