How can I show the Org-mode agenda on Emacs start-up? - emacs

I would like the Org-mode agenda to automatically show what I have to do today when I open Emacs. The org-agenda command is interactive, so it doesn't seem to work well for this purpose.
Is there a way to show the Org-mode agenda on Emacs start-up?

You can use after-init-hook to run a piece of code after initialization has finished. To run (org-agenda-list) after init, use:
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'org-agenda-list)

This works for me (in .emacs):
(setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
Without the first line, the splash screen "covered" the agenda; without the third one, the scratch buffer remained visible.

One alternative to the hook is to set the initial-buffer-choice variable. This is particularly useful if there are multiple buffers or a number of functions on the hook. The function on this variable needs to return a buffer. Naively this might be:
(setq initial-buffer-choice (lambda ()
(org-agenda-list 1)
(get-buffer "*Org Agenda*")))

Try (org-agenda-list). If you just want today, (org-agenda-list 1).
And of course, apropos is your friend. C-h C-a org-agenda (or whatever command) will show you useful info on that command.

I have a bash alias to start emacs with the Agenda open:
alias org='/usr/bin/emacs --funcall org-agenda-list &'

It is not exactly at startup, but I keep Emacs running so I need a different approach
(require 'midnight)
(midnight-delay-set 'midnight-delay "7:30am")
(add-hook 'midnight-hook 'org-agenda-list)
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Make eshell tab completion behave like Bash

How can I make eshell autocomplete behave like Bash and Emacs in general i.e. it offers a list of choices rather than arbitrary selects one for you?
For example, if I have two directories "Download" and "Downloads", when I type "Down" and hit TAB, I expect another buffer pops up and shows me the choices. But eshell just completes it for me, i.e. if I press TAB, it completes to "Download"; hit TAB again, it changes to "Downloads".
Use this:
(lambda ()
(setq pcomplete-cycle-completions nil)))
(lambda ()
(setq pcomplete-cycle-completions nil)))
(setq eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil)
Both do as you ask and show a buffer listing the completions when I run my emacs as 'emacs -q' to avoid my own customizations. This is with emacs 23.3, are you running a much older version?
Also see which is where I first went to check this out.
Steps to try this out:
Start emacs using 'emacs -q' as the command -- no other arguments.
Change to the *scratch* buffer
Paste or type in one of the above code snippets
Put your cursor at the end of the snippet and press 'C-e' to execute the code.
Start eshell
if neither one works, report back here with your version info and any other relevant details
You only need to have the following line:
(setq eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil)
eshell-mode automatically set pcomplete-cycle-completions to the value of eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions locally.

perltidy-mode autorun in Emacs

I have a perltidy-mode.el lisp file, which is being loaded - I can call it manually by M-x perltidy-mode.
What would be the proper way to run it automatically after a file is opened (or emacs is loaded)?
(defalias 'perl-mode 'cperl-mode)
(defalias 'perl-mode 'perltidy-mode)
doesn't seem to work.
It seems I've forgotten a lot of lisp/emacs
If you would like to activate it for every opened perl file, you can add it to a hook:
(defun my-perl-hook ()
(perltidy-mode 1))
(add-hook 'perl-mode-hook 'my-perl-hook)
Note: I know nothing about this mode, or about the different perl modes, so you might to add your function to other hooks as well.

emacs ( recompile -y )

Is it possible to pass a "-yes" flag to the 'recompile' command in emacs?
Excuse my complete lack of (e)lisp know-how. I got sick of going outside Emacs to compile my latex code, so i added the following key binding to my .emacs:
(global-set-key (kbd "<f12>") 'recompile);
Is it possible to automatically answer 'yes' to the following prompt that might appear:
"A compilation process is running; kill it? (yes or no)."
Also, is it possible to make the window that opens and shows the output to scroll to the bottom automatically. The interesting stuff is typically down there. Maybe its possible to chain the following command after recompile: "C-x o, end-of-buffer".
Here's some code to solve your first problem (interrupting the current compilation):
(defun interrupt-and-recompile ()
"Interrupt old compilation, if any, and recompile."
(ignore-errors (kill-compilation))
For your second problem (scrolling the compilation output), just customize the user setting compilation-scroll-output.
This behaviour is governed by the compilation-always-kill global variable. Customize it via customize-variable and set it to t.
Not sure which version of emacs first had this, but 26 and newer certainly does.
I somehow need to put kill-compilation into a ignore-errors with Emacs 23.2 to get it to work when no process is running. Otherwise works great.
(defun interrupt-and-recompile ()
"Interrupt old compilation, if any, and recompile."
Whenever I tried using kill-compilation with latex/pdflatex it did not work. I assume it is because latex does not respond to SIGINT.
Instead I am using the following hack, which first sets the process-kill-without-query bit of the compilation-buffer and then closes it (which kills the running process).
(defun interrupt-and-recompile ()
"Interrupt old compilation, if any, and recompile."
(get-buffer "*compilation*"))))
(kill-buffer "*compilation*"))
The other solutions didn't work for me for the same reason as sfeuz, but I didn't like the nuclear option of killing the hardcoded buffer by name.
Here's a short solution that autoanswers yes to that specific question by advising yes-or-no-p:

Saving the org-agenda

I'd like to save the output of org-agenda to a text file, every time that the org-agenda is calculated. This way, I can use an external program (like ATNotes on windows or conky on linux), to pick up this text file and display it on my desktop.
How can I do this?
I feel like I'm raining on your parade after you went to the trouble to write this code snipped (and used a piece of around advice, too!), but actually this feature is already baked into org-mode, and documented in the manual. The command you want is org-write-agenda (C-x C-w in an agenda buffer). See the section of the org-mode info entitled "Exporting Agenda Views."
If you want to do it while you have emacs open, you can just call save-buffer on the *Agenda* buffer via M-x save-buffer (since orgmode binds C-x C-s to org-save-all-org-buffer. You could bind save-buffer to something else in the org-mode-map if you wanted.
If you want to do it via a cron, you should be able to use the snippet in this thread on the org-mode mailing list to pipe the output to a file. I've used this in the past:
emacs -batch -eval '(org-batch-agenda "a" org-agenda-ndays 7 org-agenda-include-diary nil org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org/")))' > agenda.txt
So I finally decided to open the emacs lisp manual and figure this out myself. I wrote this bit of code, which seems to be working just fine! :)
;; Save the org-agenda for display with conky
(defadvice org-todo-list (after saveorgagenda activate)
"save this output to my todo file"
(get-buffer-create "todo")
(with-current-buffer "todo"
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(kill-buffer "todo")
(write-file "~/todo"))
1) Without kill-buffer, the defadvice creates a new todo buffer on every execution of org-todo-list. This gets pretty irritating.
2) Without the get-buffer-create function, kill-buffers fails the first time since there is no buffer named todo at that time.
3) Without set-buffer-modified-p, the function will keep telling you "todo buffer is modified. Really kill it? (y or n)" which would defeat the whole purpose really.
Whew! I'm so happy I actually took the time and effort to figure this out! :D

How to do use C-x k to kill an Emacs buffer opened in server mode?

I use windows batch file to open files in an already-running instance of Emacs using emacsclientw.exe. However, any file opened that way is opened in server mode, which means that I have to use C-x # to kill it, instead of the usual C-x k. How do I change this behavior?
My solution was to rebind it (well M-w actually) to:
(lambda ()
(if server-buffer-clients
[edit: having now read the code for server-edit, it might be better to use server-done (depending on what you want). server-edit will switch you to a server-edited buffer (if any still exist) but server-done will simply switch you to the next buffer. You could also use the output of server-done to see if the buffer was actually killed (not the case if the file was open before invoking emacsclient) and then kill it if not. Or use server-kill-buffer as suggested elsewhere.]
Here is what i put in my .emacs to do this :
(add-hook 'server-switch-hook
(lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "C-x k") '(lambda ()
(if server-buffer-clients
Like this C-x k work the usual way when i'm not finding a file from emacsclient (which for me is ido-kill-buffer), and if i'm using emacsclient, C-x k does server-edit if the client is waiting, or run ido-kill-buffer otherwise (if i used emacsclient -n).
D:\> emacsclientw -n foo.txt
the -n says "no wait". This is in GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-03-26 on RELEASE (and many prior versions, IIRC).
You know, I hate to suggest workarounds instead of a real solution... but after reading the server code, I am confused as to how emacs even determines that a buffer is a server buffer.
With that in mind, why not open up files like:
emacsclient --eval '(find-file "/path/to/file")'
This way emacs doesn't know that your buffer was opened via emacsclient, which sounds like what you really want.
I'm not really happy with this, but it seems to work:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x k") (lambda () (interactive) (server-kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
Okay, THIS did work for me:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x k") '(lambda ()
(if server-buffer-clients
(this is the code from IvanAndrus's answer with the explicit changes from edits and comments, and using jrockway's keybinding.)
And, yes -- I am rebinding a standard keybinding. BUT it's a functional replacement NOT something completely different (eg, replacing kill-ring-save with kill-buffer stuff).
BTW, EmacsWiki has a couple of pages on this topic-- KillKey and KillingBuffer -- neither of which shed better light for me than the above (although the first-function on KillKey also used "server-edit"...).
I am not sure if that will work on windows, but on linux, emacs -daemon is just great.
With it, you don't have to run a different program, and your bindings are the same. I guess there are other advantages, but since I could never learn those emacsclient bindings, I never really used it, and can't say.
I don't think -daemon had been released yet, I am using from CVS.