How to open Eclipse -- tegra development pack -- in ubuntu - eclipse

After i installed "tegra development pack" on my ubuntu, the installation opened eclipse IDE for me and then i closed and then figured out that there isn't any shortcut or anything i could launch it from.
I followed "Venzen" solution till step 3 and used the filtering command. That showed me that there is another folder named "NVPACK" is located in username > NVPACK > eclipse which I didn't know about, I kept locking tipping in "eclipse" in the terminal.
Also, there is something stupid I did I would like to share; what happened here is that I kept looking at NVPACK installation folder at windows files not in linux files. (I'm using ubuntu in windows).

You could open a terminal and try to launch Eclipse from the command line:
$ eclipse
If this does not work it could mean that the eclipse binary was installed somewhere outside of your PATH and you will have to look for it. I am not familiar with Tegra, but here is a general purpose "process of elimination" to find a file in *nix:
update the locate database
$ sudo updatedb
use the which command to interrogate the updated locate database
$ which eclipse
you should have found it by now. If you haven't all is not lost - run the locate command just for good measure
$ sudo locate eclipse
locate could potentially output lots of matches since it outputs any match to your search term whether its a file or a folder. If the output of locate scrolls off the screen then use grep to filter out only matches where eclipse is a file:
$ sudo locate eclipse | grep '.*eclipse$'
If this produces several matches then choose the eclipse file which resides in a bin folder.
If, by now, a file called eclipse has not yet shown itself, then there are 2 more options left - a long way and a short way...
use the find command
post the method (or source) from where you installed
either way, kindly post here should steps 1-3 above not reveal eclipse.


Code-OSS doesn't open folder or files from terminal command 'code-oss .'

A few days ago I installed Kali Linux. I'm trying to use Code-OSS instead of VSCode, since newest version of Kali doesn't have the libraries needed to install the normal one.
If I try to open a folder in Code-OSS from terminal using code-oss . or code ., it just opens Code on a new 'untitled-1' document, or opens the folder I was before closing Code-OSS. It doesn't open the folder I was in the terminal.
In these cases I need to open the folder I want through File > Open folder > search for folder and then open it.
The same just occurred with git commit or git commit --amend; it opens a new document, not the one I want to open.
I spent sometime searching for a solution on documentation, stackoverflow, google but could not find anything.
I cannot find any way to resolve this problem on Code-oss. Apparently it happened just with me.
Surprisingly for me, I was able to install VSCode following this tutorial, and it apparently managed to ignore the lack of libraries of Kali Linux that I mentioned above.
I hope this solution prevent any person in the future to get stuck on this.
I had the same issue when I first installed Kali-linux on my VM. Pretty anoying.
Just intall vscode by running :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code
It will unistall code-oss and install VsCode, and it works now.

How to execute shell script by double clicking in centos?

As the tile,I have a shell script needs to run every time I have to open a terminal and type "./" .it is annoying when it gets too frequent now how do I execute by double clicking like the way you do it in windows?
I know there is an option just for that in Ubuntu but I can't see that here in CentOS.
I did a little bit of digging up and found these two links. Let me know if they were helpful
The first link is an askUbuntu link I know. But gnome uses nautilus as the file explorer program.
In my arch linux installation where I am running a cinnamon desktop environment, I just had to add a shebang (#!/usr/bin/bash) at the head of the file and use chmod to make the file an executable and I could run the script from by double clicking on it. I hope you have already tried this?
For the record this is how I do it:
In terminal
[youname#localhost ~]$ gedit ~/Desktop/YourApplication.desktop
In the file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Application
Comment=My Application run script
save and done.Apparently CentOS should give a GUI for this function.

How do I use Eclipse for Scheme development?

Has anyone succeeded in running and debugging Scheme with Eclipse?
I've tied several plug-ins (scheme 48, schemeway) and couldn't get them working. I'm not sure why they won't work; I downloaded an interpreter (kawa, mit-scheme) and tried to configure it in the plugin but nothing happened (except that mit-scheme threw some errors).
I know there is another way - Racket, but I prefer not to use another IDE. I work with many languages and I'd like to be able to use one IDE for all of them.
Any suggestions?
I tried to run the simplest .scm file (that has only (+ 1 1) in it). By configuration of the plug-ins I mean that I choose an external interpreter and then choose the kawa/mit-scheme interpreter exe file. When I choose kawa with schemeway it open a new window and waited for my input (I didn't have any input - JUST wanted to run the file...). When I did it with mit-scheme interpreter I got this error...
I am using linux-centOS 6.
Found the solution - here it is if someone else will encounter the same error:
There are 2 step when trying to work with Scheme 48 in Eclipse:
install the plugin - just follow
install the interpreter - I finally found 2 that I can work with :
Scheme 48 (I use ubuntu so I typed scheme48 in the command line and it gave me the package that I need to install (I think it was
sudo apt-get install scheme48)). Then open the preferences in
Eclipse and go to scheme48->interpreter and check that the
command line is scheme48.
guile - I think that it is supported by gnu. It also the one I prefer. It had less errors and more understandable error output in the consul. Again, to install it I just typed guile in the command line and it gave me 3 versions. I installed 1.8. after installation I created a scheme project and a simple file. go to the preferences and changed the command line to "guile" and the working directory to the path of the project I just created. to load the file just search for the load file into interpreter button (or press Ctrl+F6).

Can't use drop down menus of Mulestudio on Ubuntu13.10

I just newly upgraded my ubuntu to 13.10, and I found the menus of Mule Studio (64-bit linux) upon the unity bar freezing up, i.e. can't open any menu from there.
Has anyone else come across the same issue? And is there a possible solution?
Create a file with any Name. Example. Mule
Add the following line in to the file
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio
Make sure the path /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio is your MuleStudio executable path
Save the file and Exit
Got to command prompt and execute the below like to give executable permission to the file.
~$ cd [your file path]
~$ chmod 777 Mule
and then execute the file using the below command,
~$ ./Mule
Now you can get your Menu in your Mule studio...
Hope it helps.
The problem is caused by a bug in Ubuntu affecting both eclipse and studio. I was able to work around it by following the steps available here

Open multiple Eclipse workspaces on the Mac

How can I open multiple Eclipse workspaces at the same time on the Mac?
On other platforms, I can just launch extra Eclipse instances, but the Mac will not let me open the same application twice. Is there a better way than keeping two copies of Eclipse?
This seems to be the supported native method in OS X:
cd /Applications/eclipse/
open -n
Be sure to specify the ".app" version (directory); in OS X Mountain Lion erroneously using the symbolic link such as open -n eclipse, might get one GateKeeper stopping access:
"eclipse" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers.
Even removing the extended attribute does not fix that. Instead, simply using the ".app" version will rely on your previous consent, or prompt you once:
"Eclipse" is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?
By far the best solution is the OSX Eclipse Launcher presented in It can be downloaded in the Marketplace
I use it everyday and like it very much! To demonstrate the simplicity of usage just take a look at the following image:
EDIT: Milhous's answer seems to be the officially supported way to do this as of 10.5. Earlier version of OS X and even 10.5 and up should still work using the following instructions though.
Open the command line (Terminal)
Navigate to your Eclipse installation folder, for instance:
cd /Applications/eclipse/
cd /Developer/Eclipse/
cd /Applications/eclipse/
cd /Users/<usernamehere>/eclipse/jee-neon/
Launch Eclipse: ./eclipse &
This last command will launch eclipse and immediately background the process.
Rinse and repeat to open as many unique instances of Eclipse as you want.
You might have to change the Tomcat server ports in order to run your project in different/multiple Tomcat instances, see Tomcat Server Error - Port 8080 already in use
To make this you need to navigate to the directory and use the following command:
open -n
Actually a much better (GUI) solution is to copy the to e.g. and you'll have two Eclipse icons in Dock as well as Eclipse2 in Spotlight. Repeat as necessary.
If the question is how to easily use Eclipse with multiple different workspaces, then you have to use a kludge because shortcuts in OS X do not provide a mechanism for passing command line arguments, for example the "--data" argument that Eclipse takes to specify the workspace. While there may be different reasons to create a duplicate copy of your Eclipse install, doing it for this purpose is, IMNSHO, lame (now you have to maintain multiple eclipse configurations, plugins, etc?).
In any case, here is a workaround. Create the following script in the (single) Eclipse directory (the directory that contains, and give it a ".command" suffix (e.g. eclipse-workspace2.command) so that you can create an alias from it:
# open, as suggested by Milhous
open -n $(dirname $0)/ --args -data /path/to/your/other/workspace
Now create an alias to that file on your desktop or wherever you want it.
You will probably have to repeat this process for each different workspace, but at least it will use the same Eclipse installation.
2018 Update since many answers are no longer valid
OS X Heigh Sierra (10.13) with Eclipse Oxygen
Go to wherever your Eclipse is installed. Right-click -> Show Package Contents -> Contents -> MacOS -> Double-click the executable called eclipse
A terminal window will open and a new instance of eclipse will start.
Note that if you close the terminal window, the new Eclipse instance will be closed also.
To make your life easier, you can drag the executable to your dock for easy access
Instead of copying around, create an automator that runs the shell script above.
Run automator, create Application.
choose Utilities->Run shell script, and add in the above script (need full path to eclipse)
Then you can drag this to your Dock as a normal app.
Repeat for other workspaces.
You can even simply change the icon -
One another way is just to duplicate only the "" file instead of making multiple copies of entire eclipse directory. Right-Click on the "" file and click the duplicate option to create a duplicate.
If you're like me, you probably have terminal running most of the time as well.
You could just create an alias in /Users//.bash_profile like this
alias eclipse='open -n'
then all you have to do is just open the terminal and type eclipse.
Based on a previous answer that helped me, but different directory:
cd /Applications/
./eclipse &
You can create an AppleScript file to open Eclipse with a given workspace. You can even save the AppleScript file as an Application, which is equivalent to creating an alias with arguments in Windows OS.
Open Script Editor and type the following:
do shell script "open '/path/to/your/Eclipse/installation' -n --args -data /path/to/your/workspace"
For instance:
do shell script "open '/Applications/' -n --args -data /MyWorkspaces/Personal"
Press the Run button to check it's working.
This script can be saved as such, but I prefer to save it as an Application. That way I can customize the icon by copying the *.icns icon from the original bundle to the script application bundle.
To open an App folder, use the "see contents" contextual menu option. It should look like this:
Where "main.scpt" is the AppleScript file and "applet.icns" is the icon from the original Eclipse bundle.
Launch terminal and run open -n /Applications/ for a new instance.
I found this solution a while back, can't remember where but it still seems to work well for me.
Create a copy of for each workspace you want to work in (for this example, then open and add these two lines at the beginning of the file:
... substituting where your workspace is located. When you launch it will automatically start with that workspace instead of prompting for a location, and you should be able to run it at the same time as other Eclipse instances with no problem.
In Terminal simply paste below line and hit enter ..
/Applications/ ; exit;
If you want to open multiple workspaces and you are not a terminal guy, just locate the Unix executable file in your eclipse folder and click it.
The path to the said file is
Eclipse(folder) -> eclipse(right click) -> Show package
Contents -> Contents -> MacOs -> eclipse(unix executable file)
Clicking on this executable will open a separate instance of eclipse.
A more convenient way:
Create an executable script as mentioned above:
cd /Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.6
open -n Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\
In you current instance of Flashbuilder or Eclipse, add a new external tool configuration. This is the button next to the debug/run/profile buttons on your toolbar. In that dialog, click on "Program" and add a new one. Give it the name you want and in the "Location" field, put the path to the script from step 1:
You can stop at step 2, but I prefer adding a custom icon to the toolbar. I use a the Quick Launch plugin to do that:
After adding the plugin, go to "Run"->"Organize Quick Lauches" and add the external tool config from step 2. Then you can configure the icon for it.
After you save that, you'll see the icon in your toolbar. Now you can just click it every time you want a new Flashbuilder/Eclipse instance.
You can run multiple instances of Eclipse by creating a pseudonym for Eclipse application in it's folder and using it for running new Eclipse instance
Lets try downloading this in your eclipse on Mac you will be able to open multiple eclipse at a time Link
Name : macOS Eclipse Launcher
Steps :
Go to eclipse Market place.
Search for "macOS Eclipse Launcher" and install.
It will restart .
Now under file menu check for open option > there you will find other projects to open also at same time .
Window -> New Window
This opens a new window and you can then open another project in it. You can use this as a workaround hopefully.
It actually allows you to work in same workspace.