Visual Studio Code, code command does not start new file - visual-studio-code

I'm having an issue where if I do code <filename> where the file does not already exist, it does not create a new file.
Normally, vscode would (almost) create a new file, I could write some code, and then save it and it would appear in my file manager. But this just stopped working.
I had a look through all my extensions and uninstalled all the recent extensions. I've reinstalled vscode, still no luck.
I am using windows with wsl, this affects me when running vscode both in windows and in wsl.
Did some googling around, can't find anything useful. Any advice?

I figured out what caused this in case anyone else is having the same problem.
I installed Rust in windows and that seemed to have messed up the code command.
Sorry, can't remember which version it was, I just uninstalled it on windows and noticed that it fixed it.
(p.s: Rust is great, but I have it installed in WSL so don't need it in windows.)

If you are using npm on windows, you can install touch by running npm i -g touch and creating a folder in a specific location by navigating in the location and creating by mkdir <foldername> navigating inside it and using touch <filename>. From there you can simply launch VS Code by running code . in that folder namespace
If you are using WSL (Ubuntu), it comes preinstalled and you can run mkdir <foldername> && touch <filename> && code .
Not exactly what you are looking for but it can work!


How to uninstall VS code completely from manjaro linux, when terminal doesn't see it at all?

I am very new here, and also in programming.
I have found out that I have VS Code two times installed with different ways. When I started it from the KDE it ran well, but when I have started it from the current directory with "code ." it was an oss version without some extension and accounts.
Now I want to uninstall completely both of them. One version I could from terminal with yay --remove code. So the terminal can't see any versoion of vs code any more. But in the application launcher is vs code still there, I can run it and use completely. But I have no idea how to uninstall it.
I have already tried this:
you can uninstall from manjaro linux by visiting the add software>installed>code and clicking the trashcan near the name of the software. this will queue the action of deletion. Now just click apply on the bottom right of the screen and confirm all the things it will ask you. then it will uninstall code.
So I also had this problem, I found this command for uninstall vs code,
sudo pacman -R visual-studio-code-bin

Code-OSS doesn't open folder or files from terminal command 'code-oss .'

A few days ago I installed Kali Linux. I'm trying to use Code-OSS instead of VSCode, since newest version of Kali doesn't have the libraries needed to install the normal one.
If I try to open a folder in Code-OSS from terminal using code-oss . or code ., it just opens Code on a new 'untitled-1' document, or opens the folder I was before closing Code-OSS. It doesn't open the folder I was in the terminal.
In these cases I need to open the folder I want through File > Open folder > search for folder and then open it.
The same just occurred with git commit or git commit --amend; it opens a new document, not the one I want to open.
I spent sometime searching for a solution on documentation, stackoverflow, google but could not find anything.
I cannot find any way to resolve this problem on Code-oss. Apparently it happened just with me.
Surprisingly for me, I was able to install VSCode following this tutorial, and it apparently managed to ignore the lack of libraries of Kali Linux that I mentioned above.
I hope this solution prevent any person in the future to get stuck on this.
I had the same issue when I first installed Kali-linux on my VM. Pretty anoying.
Just intall vscode by running :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code
It will unistall code-oss and install VsCode, and it works now.

Not able to open VS Code from Terminal in my MacBook BigSur11.3.1

Good day community. I have installed VS Code in my MacBook Air M1 chip running on BigSur 11.3.1 but whenever I set the code command in PATH (using Command+Shift+P) it only appears to be working for current session and doesn't work if I restart VSCode. I have to set the code command in PATH again. Please help me in configuring code command permanently so that i can open VSCode from any directory whenever I want. Thanks
I think I have got the solution. After installing VSCode in your Mac (which will be in download folder) move VS Studio file to Application Folder and then again install the code command in PATH from VSCode(using Command+Shift+P) and thats it.

Couldn't start client Rust Language Server

I'm trying to figure out how to use rustc & cargo from my WSL. I use VS Code and Rust (rls) plugin and can compile my code but there is a problem with RLS:
Couldn't start client Rust Language Server
Rustup not available. Install from
How i can solve this problem?
Set rust-client.rustupPath in VSCode settings:
"rust-client.rustupPath": "~/.cargo/bin/rustup"
If you're using WSL on Windows then make sure you edit Rust extension WSL settings, not user/local settings.
I had this problem as well with WSL and Visual Studio Code. The problem seems to stem from the fact that the Rust Language Server needs to find rustup in your path. We both probably followed the same path of using a package manager to install cargo, and therefore, the rust compiler tools. This does not include rustup which you can actually use to keep the rust toolchain up-to-date. rustup also appears to be the preferred method of installing the rust toolchain on your system.
After installing rustup with the default setup, you should see a .rustup directory in your home directory. This is where the toolchain lives. The install text all stated that it would add the toolchain to your environment path after logging out and back in, but I didn't have luck with this. I'm currently using fish instead of bash and had to update the configuration to include the toolchain at startup. Once I did that, I was able to have VSCode properly install and run the RLS.
This worked for me for in a remote SSH environment with Ubuntu 20.04
Edit .profile and .bashrc files in the user home directory
In .profile, comment the following line:
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
In both, add the following line:
[[ ":$PATH:" != *":$HOME/.cargo/bin:"* ]] && PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:${PATH}"
Even though if I run:
which rustup
A simple entry of rustup in the VSCode settings for:
"Rust-client: Rustup Path Path to rustup executable. Ignored if rustup
is disabled."
wasn't enough and I had to put the absolute path to the rustup binary as shown above. After doing so, I reloaded the window and was then asked to download missing components (or dependencies - the prompt is gone now I forgot). After doing this, the VSCode plugin seems to be working fine. I can format the code at least.
So it looks like it's some mismatch with VSCode's PATH and the PATH on my system. I'm not sure what it is but if you just want to get the extension to work, try using the absolute path to rustup in your Settings.
(Note: source "$HOME/.cargo/env" is added automatically to your startup files like .bashrc. First thing I tried was adding it to the startup file of zsh; the shell I'm using and to which it wasn't added. But that doesn't work either. I'm using rustc 1.49.0 (e1884a8e3 2020-12-29) ).
So... I'm running Rust on Windows 10 and I experienced this same issue. My Rust version is 1.24.3, my VSCode version is 1.63.2.
The first thing you need to do is add "%USERPROFILE%.cargo\bin" to your environment variables
The next solution that worked for me can be found in this tutorial: Rust on Windows and Visual Studio Code
i am running VSCode on mac, and using remote development.the remote server is
ubuntu 20. i had this problem, added rust-client.rustupPath to vscode settings and killed the vscode-server on remote server to fix this problem. now it work.

How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on linux?

I know I can use command "code" to open VS code or file, but I don't know what should I do to make it possible after I install VS code in Ubuntu.Thanks.
Launching from the Command Line
You can launch VS Code from the command line to quickly open a file, folder, or project. Typically, you open VS Code within the context of a folder. We find the best way to do this is to simply type:
code .
Tip: We have instructions for Mac users in our Setup topic that enable you to start VS Code from within a terminal. We add the VS Code executable to the PATH environment variable on Windows and Linux automatically during installation.
Sometimes you will want to open or create a file. If the specified files does not exist, VS Code will create them for you:
code index.html style.css
Tip: You can have as many file names as you want separated by spaces.
So, there are a couple of solutions for this.
I've linked a video that shows you how to add vscode to $PATH
(which didn't work for me because I couldn't find the "shell:install path" command)
I uninstalled the vscode from my ubuntu and re-installed using sudo snap install --classic code
(This method worked for me)
Tell me which one works for you... and if you have extensions installed to your vscode then i guess you ought to make a backup or something.
Link to the video: