Matlab using r divide twice in one expression - matlab

If I want to calculate:
where sigma and k are constants, I_p is an identity matrix of the correct dimension and X is an n*p matrix
in MATLAB is this the correct syntax?
where Gamma=(X'X) and lambda=k*eye(p).

If you want to do it via the / and \ operators, it would be
However, I'd prefer to precompute the inverse
iGl = inv(Gamma+lambda);
If you are worried about numerical stability, use pinv instead:
iGl = pinv(Gamma+lambda);
Since the matrix you are inverting is probably well-conditioned because of the lambda part, I wouldn't expect large differences between the three ways to compute it.


Very small numerical issues with hessian symmetry and sparse command

I am using IPOPT in MATLAB to run an optimization and I am running into some issues where it says:
Hessian must be an n x n sparse, symmetric and lower triangular matrix
with row indices in increasing order, where n is the number of variables.
After looking at my Hessian Matrix, I found that the non-symmetric elements it is complaining about are very close, here is an example:
H(k,j) = 2.956404205984938
H(j,k) = 2.956404205984939
Obviously these elements are close enough and there are some numerical round-off issues or something of the like. Also, when I call MATLABs issymmetric function with H as an input, I get false. Is there a way to forget about these very small differences in symmetry?
A little more info:
I am using an optimized matlabFunction to actually calculate the entire hessian (H), then I did some postprocessing before passing it to IPOPT:
H = tril(H);
H = sparse(H);
The tril command generates a lower triangular matrix, so these numeral differences should not come into play. So, the issue might be that it is complaining that the sparse command passes back increasing column indices and not increasing row indices. Is there a way to change this so that it passes back the sparse matrix in increasing row indices?
If H is very close to symmetric but not quite, and you need to force it to be exactly symmetric, a standard way to do this would be to say H = (H+H')./2.

MATLAB complicated integration

I have an integration function which does not have indefinite integral expression.
Specifically, the function is f(y)=h(y)+integral(#(x) exp(-x-1/x),0,y) where h(y) is a simple function.
Matlab numerically computes f(y) well, but I want to compute the following function.
g(w)=w*integral(1-f(y).^(1/w),0,inf) where w is a real number in [0,1].
The problem for computing g(w) is handling f(y).^(1/w) numerically.
How can I calculate g(w) with MATLAB? Is it impossible?
Expressions containing e^(-1/x) are generally difficult to compute near x = 0. Actually, I am surprised that Matlab computes f(y) well in the first place. I'd suggest trying to compute g(w)=w*integral(1-f(y).^(1/w),epsilon,inf) for epsilon greater than zero, then gradually decreasing epsilon toward 0 to check if you can get numerical convergence at all. Convergence is certainly not guaranteed!
You can calculate g(w) using the functions you have, but you need to add the (ArrayValued,true) name-value pair.
The option allows you to specify a vector-valued w and allows the nested integral call to receive a vector of y values, which is how integral naturally works.
f = #(y) h(y)+integral(#(x) exp(-x-1/x),0,y,'ArrayValued',true);
g = #(w) w .* integral(1-f(y).^(1./w),0,Inf,'ArrayValued',true);
At least, that works on my R2014b installation.
Note: While h(y) may be simple, if it's integral over the positive real line does not converge, g(w) will more than likely not converge (I don't think I need to qualify that, but I'll hedge my bets).

Exponential curve fit matlab

I have the following equation:
I want to do a exponential curve fitting using MATLAB for the above equation, where y = f(u,a). y is my output while (u,a) are my inputs. I want to find the coefficients A,B for a set of provided data.
I know how to do this for simple polynomials by defining states. As an example, if states= (ones(size(u)), u u.^2), this will give me L+Mu+Nu^2, with L, M and N being regression coefficients.
However, this is not the case for the above equation. How could I do this in MATLAB?
Building on what #eigenchris said, simply take the natural logarithm (log in MATLAB) of both sides of the equation. If we do this, we would in fact be linearizing the equation in log space. In other words, given your original equation:
We get:
However, this isn't exactly polynomial regression. This is more of a least squares fitting of your points. Specifically, what you would do is given a set of y and set pair of (u,a) points, you would build a system of equations and solve for this system via least squares. In other words, given the set y = (y_0, y_1, y_2,...y_N), and (u,a) = ((u_0, a_0), (u_1, a_1), ..., (u_N, a_N)), where N is the number of points that you have, you would build your system of equations like so:
This can be written in matrix form:
To solve for A and B, you simply need to find the least-squares solution. You can see that it's in the form of:
Y = AX
To solve for X, we use what is called the pseudoinverse. As such:
X = A^{*} * Y
A^{*} is the pseudoinverse. This can eloquently be done in MATLAB using the \ or mldivide operator. All you have to do is build a vector of y values with the log taken, as well as building the matrix of u and a values. Therefore, if your points (u,a) are stored in U and A respectively, as well as the values of y stored in Y, you would simply do this:
x = [u.^2 a.^3] \ log(y);
x(1) will contain the coefficient for A, while x(2) will contain the coefficient for B. As A. Donda has noted in his answer (which I embarrassingly forgot about), the values of A and B are obtained assuming that the errors with respect to the exact curve you are trying to fit to are normally (Gaussian) distributed with a constant variance. The errors also need to be additive. If this is not the case, then your parameters achieved may not represent the best fit possible.
See this Wikipedia page for more details on what assumptions least-squares fitting takes:
One approach is to use a linear regression of log(y) with respect to u² and a³:
Assuming that u, a, and y are column vectors of the same length:
AB = [u .^ 2, a .^ 3] \ log(y)
After this, AB(1) is the fit value for A and AB(2) is the fit value for B. The computation uses Matlab's mldivide operator; an alternative would be to use the pseudo-inverse.
The fit values found this way are Maximum Likelihood estimates of the parameters under the assumption that deviations from the exact equation are constant-variance normally distributed errors additive to A u² + B a³. If the actual source of deviations differs from this, these estimates may not be optimal.

Find approximation of sine using least squares

I am doing a project where i find an approximation of the Sine function, using the Least Squares method. Also i can use 12 values of my own choice.Since i couldn't figure out how to solve it i thought of using Taylor's series for Sine and then solving it as a polynomial of order 5. Here is my code :
%% Find the sine of the 12 known values
for i=1:12
%% Find the sums to populate the matrix A and matrix B
sxy2=sum( (x.^2).*y);
sxy3=sum( (x.^3).*y);
sxy4=sum( (x.^4).*y);
sxy5=sum( (x.^5).*y);
Then at matlab i get this result
>> a=A^-1*B
a =
However when i try to replace the values of a in the taylor series and solve f.e t=pi/2 i get wrong results
>> t=pi/2;
fun =
I am doing something wrong when i replace the values of a matrix in the Taylor series or is my initial thought flawed ?
Note: i can't use any built-in function
If you need a least-squares approximation, simply decide on a fixed interval that you want to approximate on and generate some x abscissae on that interval (possibly equally spaced abscissae using linspace - or non-uniformly spaced as you have in your example). Then evaluate your sine function at each point such that you have
y = sin(x)
Then simply use the polyfit function (documented here) to obtain least squares parameters
b = polyfit(x,y,n)
where n is the degree of the polynomial you want to approximate. You can then use polyval (documented here) to obtain the values of your approximation at other values of x.
EDIT: As you can't use polyfit you can generate the Vandermonde matrix for the least-squares approximation directly (the below assumes x is a row vector).
A = ones(length(x),1);
x = x';
for i=1:n
A = [A x.^i];
then simply obtain the least squares parameters using
b = A\y;
You can clearly optimise the clumsy Vandermonde generation loop above I have just written to illustrate the concept. For better numerical stability you would also be better to use a nice orthogonal polynomial system like Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. If you are not even allowed to use the matrix divide \ function then you will need to code up your own implementation of a QR factorisation and solve the system that way (or some other numerically stable method).

svds not working for some matrices - wrong result

Here is my testing function:
function diff = svdtester()
y = rand(500,20);
[U,S,V] = svd(y);
y = sprand(500,20,.1);
[U,S,V] = svds(y);
diff_mat = y - U*S*V';
diff = mean(abs(diff_mat(:)));
There are two very similar parts: one finds the SVD of a random matrix, the other finds the SVD of a random sparse matrix. Regardless of which one you choose to comment (right now the second one is commented-out), we compute the difference between the original matrix and the product of its SVD components and return that average absolute difference.
When using rand/svd, the typical return (mean error) value is around 8.8e-16, basically zero. When using sprand/svds, the typical return values is around 0.07, which is fairly terrible considering the sparse matrix is 90% 0's to start with.
Am I misunderstanding how SVD should work for sparse matrices, or is something wrong with these functions?
Yes, the behavior of svds is a little bit different from svd. According to MATLAB's documentation:
[U,S,V] = svds(A,...) returns three output arguments, and if A is m-by-n:
U is m-by-k with orthonormal columns
S is k-by-k diagonal
V is n-by-k with orthonormal columns
U*S*V' is the closest rank k approximation to A
In fact, usually k will be somethings about 6, so you will get rather "rude" approximation. To get more exact approximation specify k to be min(size(y)):
[U, S, V] = svds(y, min(size(y)))
and you will get error of the same order of magnitude as in case of svd.
P.S. Also, MATLAB's documentations says:
Note svds is best used to find a few singular values of a large, sparse matrix. To find all the singular values of such a matrix, svd(full(A)) will usually perform better than svds(A,min(size(A))).