Very small numerical issues with hessian symmetry and sparse command - matlab

I am using IPOPT in MATLAB to run an optimization and I am running into some issues where it says:
Hessian must be an n x n sparse, symmetric and lower triangular matrix
with row indices in increasing order, where n is the number of variables.
After looking at my Hessian Matrix, I found that the non-symmetric elements it is complaining about are very close, here is an example:
H(k,j) = 2.956404205984938
H(j,k) = 2.956404205984939
Obviously these elements are close enough and there are some numerical round-off issues or something of the like. Also, when I call MATLABs issymmetric function with H as an input, I get false. Is there a way to forget about these very small differences in symmetry?
A little more info:
I am using an optimized matlabFunction to actually calculate the entire hessian (H), then I did some postprocessing before passing it to IPOPT:
H = tril(H);
H = sparse(H);
The tril command generates a lower triangular matrix, so these numeral differences should not come into play. So, the issue might be that it is complaining that the sparse command passes back increasing column indices and not increasing row indices. Is there a way to change this so that it passes back the sparse matrix in increasing row indices?

If H is very close to symmetric but not quite, and you need to force it to be exactly symmetric, a standard way to do this would be to say H = (H+H')./2.


Sparse diagonal matrix solver

I want to solve, in MatLab, a linear system (corresponding to a PDE system of two equations written in finite difference scheme). The action of the system matrix (corresponding to one of the diffusive terms of the PDE system) reads, symbolically (u is one of the unknown fields, n is the time step, j is the grid point):
and fully:
The above matrix has to be intended as A, where A*U^n+1 = B is the system. U contains the 'u' and the 'v' (second unknown field of the PDE system) alternatively: U = [u_1,v_1,u_2,v_2,...,u_J,v_J].
So far I have been filling this matrix using spdiags and diag in the following expensive way:
E(1:2:2*J) = 1;
E(2:2:2*J) = 0;
for i=3:2:2*J-3
for i=4:2:2*J-2
A = diag(Dvec)*spdiags([-E,-E,2*E,2*E,-E,-E],[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2],2*J,2*J)/(dx^2);`
and for the solution
y = L\B;
U(:) =U\y;
where B is the right hand side vector.
This is obviously unreasonably expensive because it needs to build a JxJ matrix, do a JxJ matrix multiplication, etc.
Then comes my question: is there a way to solve the system without passing MatLab a matrix, e.g., by passing the vector Dvec or alternatively directly D_11 and D_22?
This would spare me a lot of memory and processing time!
Matlab doesn't store sparse matrices as JxJ arrays but as lists of size O(J). See
Since you are using the spdiags function to construct A, Matlab should already recognize A as sparse and you should indeed see such a list if you display A in console view.
For a tridiagonal matrix like yours, the L and U matrices should already be sparse.
So you just need to ensure that the \ operator uses the appropriate sparse algorithm according to the rules in It's not clear whether the vector B will already be considered sparse, but you could recast it as a diagonal matrix which should certainly be considered sparse.

How to find if a matrix is Singular in Matlab

I use the function below to generate the betas for a given set of guess lambdas from my optimiser.
When running I often get the following warning message:
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
In NSS_betas at 9
In DElambda at 19
In Individual_Lambdas at 36
I'd like to be able to exclude any betas that form a singular matrix form the solution set, however I don't know how to test for it?
I've been trying to use rcond() but I don't know where to make the cut off between singular and non singular?
Surely if Matlab is generating the warning message it already knows if the matrix is singular or not so if I could just find where that variable was stored I could use that?
function betas=NSS_betas(lambda,data)
G= [ones(nObs,1) (1-exp(-mats./lambda(1)))./(mats./lambda(1)) ((1-exp(-mats./lambda(1)))./(mats./lambda(1))-exp(-mats./lambda(1))) ((1-exp(-mats./lambda(2)))./(mats./lambda(2))-exp(-mats./lambda(2)))];
Thanks for the advice:
I tested all three examples below after setting the lambda values to be equal so guiving a singular matrix
if (~isinf(G))
r=3, r2 =2.602085213965190e-16; r3= 1.075949299504113e-15;
So in this test rank() and rcond () worked assuming I take the benchmark values as given below.
However what happens when I have two values that are close but not exactly equal?
How can I decide what is too close?
rcond is the right way to go here. If it nears the machine precision of zero, your matrix is singular. I usually go with:
if( rcond(A) < 1e-12 )
% This matrix doesn't look good
You can experiment with a value that suites your needs, but taking the inverse of a matrix that is even close to singular with MATLAB can produce garbage results.
You could compare the result of rank(G) with the number of columns of G. If the rank is less than the column dimension, you will have a singular matrix.
you can also check this by:
and verifying that the smallest singular value is larger than eps, or any other numerical tolerance that is relevant to your needs. (the code will return 1 or 0)
Here's more info about it...
Condition number (Maximal singular value/Minimal singular value) is another good method:
It uses svd. It should be as close to 1 as possible. Very large values mean that the matrix is almost singular. Inf means that it is precisely singular.
Note that almost all of the methods mentioned in other answers use somehow svd :
There are special tools designed for this problem, appropriately called "rank revealing matrix factorizations". To my best (albeit a little old) knowledge, a good enough way to decide whether a n x n matrix A is nonsingular is to go with
det(A) <> 0 <=> rank(A) = n
and use a rank-revealing QR factorization of A:
where Q is orthogonal, P is a permutation matrix and R is an upper triangular matrix with the property that the magnitude of the diagonal elements is decreased along the diagonal.

scipy generalized eigenproblem with positive semidefinite

Hi, guys!!!
I want to compute generalized eigendecomposition of the form:
Lf = lambda Af
by using scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs function, but get this error:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scipy/linalg/ RuntimeWarning: Diagonal number 65 is exactly zero. Singular matrix.
** On entry to DLASCL parameter number 4 had an illegal value
I am passing three arguments, a diagonal matrix, a positive semi-definite (PSD) matrix and numeric value K (first K eigenvalues). Matlab's eigs function performs well using the same input parameters, but in SciPy as I have understood, in order to compute with PSD I need to specify sigma parameter as well.
So, my question is: is there a way to avoid setting sigma parameter, as it is in MatLab, or if not, how to pick up sigma value?
Looking forward to getting advices or hints...
Thank you in advance!
The error appears to mean that in your generalized eigenproblem
L x = lambda A x
the matrix A is not positive definite (check the eigs docstring -- in your case the matrix is probably singular). This is a requirement for ARPACK mode 2. However, you can try specifying sigma=0 to switch to ARPACK mode 3 (but note that the meaning of the which parameter is inverted in this case!).
Now, I'm not sure what Matlab does, but a possibility is that it's calculating the pseudoinverse rather than the inverse of A. To emulate this, do
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
from scipy.linalg import lstsq
Ainv = LinearOperator(matvec=lambda x: lstsq(A, x)[0], shape=A.shape)
w, v = eigs(L, M=A, Minv=Ainv)
Check the results --- I don't know what will happen in this case.
Alternatively, you may try to specify a nonzero sigma. What you should select depends on the matrices involved. It affects the eigenvalues that are picked --- for instance with which='LM' are those for which lambda' = 1/(lambda - sigma) is large. Otherwise, it can probably be chosen arbitrarily, of course it's probably better for the Krylov progress if the transformed eigenvalues lambda' which you are interested in become well separated from the other eigenvalues.

det of a matrix returns 0 in matlab

I have been give a very large matrix (I cannot change the values of the matrix) and I need to calculate the inverse of a (covariance) matrix.
Sometimes I get the error saying
Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
Results may be inaccurate
In these situations I see that the value of the det returns 0.
Before calculating inverse (of a covariance matrix) I want to check the value of the det and perform something like this
if(covdet ==0)
%calculate the covariance using this new det
Is there any way to use the new det and then use this to calculate the inverse of the covariance matrix?
Sigh. Computation of the determinant to determine singularity is a ridiculous thing to do, utterly so. Especially so for a large matrix. Sorry, but it is. Why? Yes, some books tell you to do it. Maybe even your instructor.
Analytical singularity is one thing. But how about numerical determination of singularity? Unless you are using a symbolic tool, MATLAB uses floating point arithmetic. This means it stores numbers as floating point, double precision values. Those numbers cannot be smaller in magnitude than
>> realmin
ans =
(Actually, MATLAB goes a bit lower than that, in terms of denormalized numbers, which can go down to approximately 1e-323.) See that when I try to store a number smaller than that, MATLAB thinks it is zero.
>> A = 1e-323
A =
>> A = 1e-324
A =
What happens with a large matrix? For example, is this matrix singular:
M = eye(1000);
Since M is an identity matrix, it is fairly clearly non-singular. In fact, det does suggest that it is non-singular.
>> det(M)
ans =
But, multiply it by some constant. Does that make it non-singular? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course not. But try it anyway.
>> det(M*0.1)
ans =
Hmm. Thats is odd. MATLAB tells me the determinant is zero. But we know that the determinant is 1e-1000. Oh, yes. Gosh, 1e-1000 is smaller, by a considerable amount than the smallest number that I just showed you that MATLAB can store as a double. So the determinant underflows, even though it is obviously non-zero. Is the matrix singular? Of course not. But does the use of det fail here? Of course it will, and this is completely expected.
Instead, use a good tool for the determination of singularity. Use a tool like cond, or rank. For example, can we fool rank?
>> rank(M)
ans =
>> rank(M*.1)
ans =
See that rank knows this is a full rank matrix, regardless of whether we scale it or not. The same is true of cond, computing the condition number of M.
>> cond(M)
ans =
>> cond(M*.1)
ans =
Welcome to the world of floating point arithmetic. And oh, by the way, forget about det as a tool for almost any computation using floating point arithmetic. It is a poor choice almost always.
Woodchips has given you a very good explanation for why you shouldn't use the determinant. This seems to be a common misconception and your question is very related to another question on inverting matrices: Is there a fast way to invert a matrix in Matlab?, where the OP decided that because the determinant of his matrix was 1, it was definitely invertible! Here's a snippet from my answer
Rather than det(A)=1, it is the condition number of your matrix that dictates how accurate or stable the inverse will be. Note that det(A)=∏i=1:n λi. So just setting λ1=M, λn=1/M and λi≠1,n=1 will give you det(A)=1. However, as M → ∞, cond(A) = M2 → ∞ and λn → 0, meaning your matrix is approaching singularity and there will be large numerical errors in computing the inverse.
You can test this in MATLAB with the following simple example:
A = eye(10);
A([1 2]) = [1e15 1e-15];
%# calculate determinant
ans =
%# calculate condition number
ans =
In such a scenario, calculating an inverse is not a very good idea. If you just have to do it, I would suggest using this to increase display precision:
format long;
Other suggestion could be to try using an SVD of the matrix and tinker around with singular values there.
A = U∑V'
inv(A) = V*inv(∑)*U'
∑ is a diagonal matrix where you will see one of the diagonal entries close to 0. Try playing around with this number if you want some sort of an approximation.

Determinants of huge matrices in MATLAB

from a simulation problem, I want to calculate complex square matrices on the order of 1000x1000 in MATLAB. Since the values refer to those of Bessel functions, the matrices are not at all sparse.
Since I am interested in the change of the determinant with respect to some parameter (the energy of a searched eigenfunction in my case), I overcome the problem at the moment by first searching a rescaling factor for the studied range and then calculate the determinants,
result(k) = det(pre_factor*Matrix{k});
Now this is a very awkward solution and only works for matrix dimensions of, say, maximum 500x500.
Does anybody know a nice solution to the problem? Interfacing to Mathematica might work in principle but I have my doubts concerning feasibility.
Thank you in advance
Edit: I did not find a convient solution to the calculation problem since this would require changing to a higher precision. Instead, I used that
ln det M = trace ln M
which is, when I derive it with respect to k
A = trace(inv(M(k))*dM/dk)
So I at least had the change of the logarithm of the determinant with respect to k. From the physical background of the problem I could derive constraints on A which in the end gave me a workaround valid for my problem. Unfortunately I do not know if such a workaround could be generalized.
You should realize that when you multiply a matrix by a constant k, then you scale the determinant of the matrix by k^n, where n is the dimension of the matrix. So for n = 1000, and k = 2, you scale the determinant by
>> 2^1000
ans =
This is of course a huge number, so you might expect that it should fail, since in double precision, MATLAB will only represent floating point numbers as large as realmax.
>> realmax
ans =
There is no need to do all the work of recomputing that determinant, not that computing the determinant of a huge matrix like that is a terribly well-posed problem anyway.
If speed is not a concern, you may want to use det(e^A) = e^(tr A) and take as A some scaling constant times your matrix (so that A - I has spectral radius less than one).
EDIT: In MatLab, the log of a matrix (logm) is calculated via trigonalization. So it is better for you to compute the eigenvalues of your matrix and multiply them (or better, add their logarithm). You did not specify whether your matrix was symmetric or not: if it is, finding eigenvalues are easier than if it is not.
You said the current value of the determinant is about 10^-300.
Are you trying to get the determinant at a certain value, say 1? If so, rescaling is awkward: the matrix you are considering is ill-conditioned, and, considering the precision of the machine, you should consider the output determinant to be zero. It is impossible to get a reliable inverse in other words.
I would suggest to modify the columns or lines of the matrix rather than rescale it.
I used R to make a small test with a random matrix (random normal values), it seems the determinant should be clearly non-zero.
> n=100
> M=matrix(rnorm(n**2),n,n)
> det(M)
[1] -1.977380e+77
> kappa(M)
[1] 2318.188
This is not strictly a matlab solution, but you might want to consider using Mahout. It's specifically designed for large-scale linear algebra. (1000x1000 is no problem for the scales it's used to.)
You would call into java to pass data to/from Mahout.