svds not working for some matrices - wrong result - matlab

Here is my testing function:
function diff = svdtester()
y = rand(500,20);
[U,S,V] = svd(y);
y = sprand(500,20,.1);
[U,S,V] = svds(y);
diff_mat = y - U*S*V';
diff = mean(abs(diff_mat(:)));
There are two very similar parts: one finds the SVD of a random matrix, the other finds the SVD of a random sparse matrix. Regardless of which one you choose to comment (right now the second one is commented-out), we compute the difference between the original matrix and the product of its SVD components and return that average absolute difference.
When using rand/svd, the typical return (mean error) value is around 8.8e-16, basically zero. When using sprand/svds, the typical return values is around 0.07, which is fairly terrible considering the sparse matrix is 90% 0's to start with.
Am I misunderstanding how SVD should work for sparse matrices, or is something wrong with these functions?

Yes, the behavior of svds is a little bit different from svd. According to MATLAB's documentation:
[U,S,V] = svds(A,...) returns three output arguments, and if A is m-by-n:
U is m-by-k with orthonormal columns
S is k-by-k diagonal
V is n-by-k with orthonormal columns
U*S*V' is the closest rank k approximation to A
In fact, usually k will be somethings about 6, so you will get rather "rude" approximation. To get more exact approximation specify k to be min(size(y)):
[U, S, V] = svds(y, min(size(y)))
and you will get error of the same order of magnitude as in case of svd.
P.S. Also, MATLAB's documentations says:
Note svds is best used to find a few singular values of a large, sparse matrix. To find all the singular values of such a matrix, svd(full(A)) will usually perform better than svds(A,min(size(A))).


Very small numerical issues with hessian symmetry and sparse command

I am using IPOPT in MATLAB to run an optimization and I am running into some issues where it says:
Hessian must be an n x n sparse, symmetric and lower triangular matrix
with row indices in increasing order, where n is the number of variables.
After looking at my Hessian Matrix, I found that the non-symmetric elements it is complaining about are very close, here is an example:
H(k,j) = 2.956404205984938
H(j,k) = 2.956404205984939
Obviously these elements are close enough and there are some numerical round-off issues or something of the like. Also, when I call MATLABs issymmetric function with H as an input, I get false. Is there a way to forget about these very small differences in symmetry?
A little more info:
I am using an optimized matlabFunction to actually calculate the entire hessian (H), then I did some postprocessing before passing it to IPOPT:
H = tril(H);
H = sparse(H);
The tril command generates a lower triangular matrix, so these numeral differences should not come into play. So, the issue might be that it is complaining that the sparse command passes back increasing column indices and not increasing row indices. Is there a way to change this so that it passes back the sparse matrix in increasing row indices?
If H is very close to symmetric but not quite, and you need to force it to be exactly symmetric, a standard way to do this would be to say H = (H+H')./2.

it is possible determinant of matrix(256*256) be infinite

i have (256*1) vectors of feature come from (16*16) of gray images. number of vectors is 550
when i compute Sample covariance of this vectors and compute covariance matrix determinant
answer is inf
it is possible determinant of finite matrix with finite range (0:255) value be infinite or i mistake some where?
in fact i want classification with bayesian estimation , my distribution is gaussian and when
i compute determinant be inf and ultimate Answer(likelihood) is zero .
some part of my code:
Mean = mean(dataSet,2);
MeanMatrix = Mean*ones(1,NoC);
Xc = double(dataSet)-MeanMatrix; % transform data to the origine
Sigma = (1/NoC) *Xc*Xc'; % calculate sample covariance matrix
Parameters(i).M = Mean';
Parameters(i).C = Sigma;
likelihoods(i) = (1/(2*pi*sqrt(det(params(i).C)))) * (exp(-0.5 * (double(X)-params(i).M)' * inv(params(i).C) * (double(X)-params(i).M)));
variable i show my classes;
variable X show my feature vector;
Can the determinant of such matrix be infinite? No it cannot.
Can it evaluate as infinite? Yes definitely.
Here is an example of a matrix with a finite amount of elements, that are not too big, yet the determinant will rarely evaluate as a finite number:
In your case, probably what is happening is that you have too few datapoints to produce a full-rank covariance matrix.
For instance, if you have N examples, each with dimension d, and N<d, then your d x d covariance matrix will not be full rank and will have a determinant of zero.
In this case, a matrix inverse (precision matrix) does not exist. However, attempting to compute the determinant of the inverse (by taking 1/|X'*X|=1/0 -> \infty) will produce an infinite value.
One way to get around this problem is to set the covariance to X'*X+eps*eye(d), where eps is a small value. This technique corresponds to placing a weak prior distribution on elements of X.
no it is not possible. it may be singular but taking elements a large value has will have a determinant value.

Principal Components calculated using different functions in Matlab

I am trying to understand principal component analysis in Matlab,
There seems to be at least 3 different functions that do it.
I have some questions re the code below:
Am I creating approximate x values using only one eigenvector (the one corresponding to the largest eigenvalue) correctly? I think so??
Why are PC and V which are both meant to be the loadings for (x'x) presented differently? The column order is reversed because eig does not order the eigenvalues with the largest value first but why are they the negative of each other?
Why are the eig values not in ordered with the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue in the first column?
Using the code below I get back to the input matrix x when using svd and eig, but the results from princomp seem to be totally different? What so I have to do to make princomp match the other two functions?
x=[1 2;3 4;5 6;7 8 ]
[U,sigma,V] = svd(x,econFlag);%[U,sigma,coeff] = svd(z,econFlag);
[PC, D] = eig(x'*x)
[o1 o2 o3]=princomp(x);
Yes. According to the documentation of svd, diagonal elements of the output S are in decreasing order. There is no such guarantee for the the output D of eig though.
Eigenvectors and singular vectors have no defined sign. If a is an eigenvector, so is -a.
I've often wondered the same. Laziness on the part of TMW? Optimization, because sorting would be an additional step and not everybody needs 'em sorted?
princomp centers the input data before computing the principal components. This makes sense as normally the PCA is computed with respect to the covariance matrix, and the eigenvectors of x' * x are only identical to those of the covariance matrix if x is mean-free.
I would compute the PCA by transforming to the basis of the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix (centered data), but apply this transform to the original (uncentered) data. This allows to capture a maximum of variance with as few principal components as possible, but still to recover the orginal data from all of them:
[V, D] = eig(cov(x));
score = x * V;
test = score * V';
test is identical to x, up to numerical error.
In order to easily pick the components with the most variance, let's fix that lack of sorting ourselves:
[V, D] = eig(cov(x));
[D, ind] = sort(diag(D), 'descend');
V = V(:, ind);
score = x * V;
test = score * V';
Reconstruct the signal using the strongest principal component only:
test_partial = score(:, 1) * V(:, 1)';
In response to Amro's comments: It is of course also possible to first remove the means from the input data, and transform these "centered" data. In that case, for perfect reconstruction of the original data it would be necessary to add the means again. The way to compute the PCA given above is the one described by Neil H. Timm, Applied Multivariate Analysis, Springer 2002, page 446:
Given an observation vector Y with mean mu and covariance matrix Sigma of full rank p, the goal of PCA is to create a new set of variables called principal components (PCs) or principal variates. The principal components are linear combinations of the variables of the vector Y that are uncorrelated such that the variance of the jth component is maximal.
Timm later defines "standardized components" as those which have been computed from centered data and are then divided by the square root of the eigenvalues (i.e. variances), i.e. "standardized principal components" have mean 0 and variance 1.

Multivariate Random Number Generation in Matlab

I'm probably being a little dense but I'm not very mathsy and can't seem to understand the covariance element of creating multivariate data.
I'm after two columns of random data (representing two correlated variables).
I think I am right in needing to use the mvnrnd function and I understand that 'mu' must be a column of my mean vectors. As I need 4 distinct classes within my data these are going to be (1, 1) (-1 1) (1 -1) and (-1 -1). I assume I will have to do the function 4x with a different column of mean vectors each time and then combine them to get my full data set.
I don't understand what I should put for SIGMA - Matlab help tells me that it must be 'a d-by-d symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, or a d-by-d-by-n array' i.e. a covariance matrix. I don't understand how I create a covariance matrix for numbers that I am yet to generate.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Assuming that I understood your case properly, I would go this way:
data = [normrnd(0,1,5000,1),normrnd(0,1,5000,1)]; %% your starting data series
MU = mean(data,1);
SIGMA = cov(data);
Now, it should be possible to feed mvnrnd with MU and SIGMA:
r = mvnrnd(MU,SIGMA,5000);
plot(r(:,1),r(:,2),'+') %% in case you wanna plot the results
I hope this helps.
I think your aim is to generate the simulated multivariate gaussian distributed data. For example, I use
k = 6; % feature dimension
mu = rand(1,k);
sigma = 10*eye(k,k);
unit matrix by 10 times is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix. And the gaussian distribution will be more round than other type of sigma.
then you can use it as the above example of mvnrnd function and see the plot.

MATLAB's "SIGMA must be symmetric and positive definite" error sometimes not making sense

I am not sure if this is a programming or statistics question, but I am %99 sure that there should be a numerical problem. So maybe a programmatic solution can be proposed.
I am using MATLAB's mvnpdf function to calculate multi-variate Gaussian PDF of some observations. Frequently I get "SIGMA must be symmetric and positive definite" errors.
However, I am obtaining the covarince matrix from the data, so the data should be legal. A code to regenerate the problem is:
err_cnt = 0;
for i = 1:1000
a = rand(3);
c = cov(a);
m = mean(a);
mvnpdf(a, m, c);
catch me
err_cnt = err_cnt + 1;
I get ~500-600 errors each time I run.
P.S. I do not generate random data in my case, just generated here to demonstrate.
This is a linear algebra problem rather than a programming one. Recall the formula for the PDF of a k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution:
When your matrix is not strictly positive definite (i.e., it is singular), the determinant in the denominator is zero and the inverse in the exponent is not defined, which is why you're getting the errors.
However, it is a common misconception that covariance matrices must be positive definite. This is not true — covariance matrices only need to be positive semidefinite. It is perfectly possible for your data to have a covariance matrix that is singular. Also, since what you're forming is the sample covariance matrix of your observed data, you can have singularities arising from not having sufficient observations.
This happens if the diagonal values of the covariance matrix are (very close to) zero. A simple fix is add a very small constant number to c.
err_cnt = 0;
for i = 1:1000
a = rand(3);
c = cov(a) + .0001 * eye(3);
m = mean(a);
mvnpdf(a, m, c);
catch me
err_cnt = err_cnt + 1;
Results in 0 errors.
When your data lives in a subspace (singular covariance matrix), the probability density is singular in the full space. Loosely speaking, this means that your density is infinite at each point which is not very useful. Therefore, if this is the case, and it is NOT numerical, then you may want to consider the probability density in the subspace for which the data spans. Here the density is well defined. Adding a diagonal value as #Junuxx results in very different values in this case.