IBM Worklight 6.0 - Search option is not working - eclipse

using IBM worklight enterprise edition in Eclipse Juno.Find & replace (ctrl+f) is not working often and issue still exist even after restarting the eclipse. It automatically resumes the issue and starts to work fine without doing any changes in the eclipse or restarting eclipse.
Any solutions or updates to fix this instability?

This is likely the same issue as in: IBM Worklight 6.0 - Copy/paste is not working
Not at all related to Worklight.

WL Studio is just an Eclipse plugin, and I doubt it's causing this issue. One way to find out is just grab another Eclipse Juno instance and try it there. If it works, install studio there and try again. If it's still working, use that instance instead and just move your workspace over.


Issue Editor and Browser for SonarQube in Eclipse are Blank

I recently installed SonarQube 5.1 on machine on my local network. I have successfully run the Maven plugin on one of my projects and everything seems to be working fine. I also installed the Eclipse plugin (Luna) from the marketplace and have been able to run an analysis within eclipse. The issues show up in the SonarQube Issues view. However, both the SonarQube Issue Editor and SonarQube Web Browser are completely blank.
This appears to be similar to this SO post, but the bug referenced there has been marked fixed. I would post a screenshot, but I don't have the required reputation.
Has anyone else encountered this?
Thanks Julien, the tip on the embedded browser led me to the solution. The problem was in fact caused by missing libraries on my system that were preventing the internal browser from functioning properly. The solution was to install the proper webkit-gtk libraries for my system. On Gentoo, the default is to install webkit-gtk:3, which is incompatible with SWT. The correct version can be installed by running emerge net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 on the command line as described in this SO answer.

Upgrade Eclipse without opening it

I have Eclipse Juno with Java EE, PHP, C++ and PyDev in it and it was working perfectly under Ubuntu 12.04 and later under 14.04.
Yet, when I upgraded my OS to Ubuntu 14.10, Eclipse doesn't work anymore, whenever I try to open it, it shuts down immediately.
I want to upgrade it to Luna but it doesn't give me the chance to launch the upgrade, I have an idea I have and wish to hear your advice on whether it is right or wrong.
What I'd like to do is to download Luna and extract it over the older version.
Will this work? Or will it make it even worse?
Is there anyone who tired it before?
You may even download Luna, and extract it to a different folder (not necessary on top of the older version).
Afterwards, launch Luna and try to load your previous workspace(s). You might want to backup your workspaces folder, before letting Luna attempt and load from there.
Updating the eclipse through the command line is safer. Try it using eclipse site
and also refer to this answer
I find solution here on comment 20
This seems to be a bug in GTK according to
(there a similar problem for Meld was reported).
Another workaround mentioned there is
For oxygen, edit the normally already existing file "/usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" and change
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 0
This workaround is working for me.

IBM Worklight plugin on Eclipse Juno disppeared

I downloaded eclipse-jee-juno-SR2-win32 and installed IBM Worklight as a plugin. It worked well for almost 2 months (don't remember exactly how many days). But it disappeared all of a sudden. Now I don't see any work light related options in eclipse. Any idea what could be reason ? & How to install it again ?
It's strange indeed, but easiest solution would be to extract a fresh copy of Eclipse, install Worklight into it and import your existing Worklight project from the workspace of the previous Eclipse installation.

Eclipse hangs while creating a node.js express project

I have Eclipse 3.7 on Windows XP. I have also installed NodeEclipse. I can create a regular node project fine. But when I try to create a new express project, eclipse just hands and I cannot even close the window. Killing the process is the only option. Is this a known issue?
Get the latest version of eclipse, and run it using the latest version of JDK, first off.
You can also configure your eclipse.ini to allow it to use more memory.
Here is an answer to another question that had a similar problem:
Just note that it depends on your system, and whether your eclipse is 32bit or 64bit

Eclipse Indigo crashes after installing GWT

I was trying to set up GWT(Google Web Toolkit) on my system using it as a plugin for eclipse Indigo. I am currently on a Ubuntu workstation. Upon restart after the installation, eclipse simply crashes without any error info. I did look around here on stack overflow , as well as on google about what could be done, but the things which seemed to work for others do not seem to work for me.( deleting certain .jar files, deleting the metadata folder in the workspace).
Any help would be great.
Problem solved. There is a bug in Indigo , exposed by the plugin. All that needs to be done is to check for updates first and then install the plugin. The bug has been fixed in one of the point updates.