Issue Editor and Browser for SonarQube in Eclipse are Blank - eclipse

I recently installed SonarQube 5.1 on machine on my local network. I have successfully run the Maven plugin on one of my projects and everything seems to be working fine. I also installed the Eclipse plugin (Luna) from the marketplace and have been able to run an analysis within eclipse. The issues show up in the SonarQube Issues view. However, both the SonarQube Issue Editor and SonarQube Web Browser are completely blank.
This appears to be similar to this SO post, but the bug referenced there has been marked fixed. I would post a screenshot, but I don't have the required reputation.
Has anyone else encountered this?

Thanks Julien, the tip on the embedded browser led me to the solution. The problem was in fact caused by missing libraries on my system that were preventing the internal browser from functioning properly. The solution was to install the proper webkit-gtk libraries for my system. On Gentoo, the default is to install webkit-gtk:3, which is incompatible with SWT. The correct version can be installed by running emerge net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 on the command line as described in this SO answer.


Eclipse plugin view is empty when installed

I'm developing an eclipse plugin with a view. When launched in dev mode it's displaying and working perfectly fine:
But when I packaged and installed the plugin in the Eclipse instance, the view is empty when launched:
Looking at Error Log view, sometimes there is the following error:
org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: swing2swt/layout/BorderLayout
It might be relevant because a swing2swt.jar was magically automatically added to my plugin project by Eclipse. I tried including it in the build but the build failed complaining there is no value set for source.swing2swt.jar which I totally don't understand why it needs setting.
I have found the solution to this problem.
The problem itself is caused by swing2swt.jar not included in the build. For some reason WindowBuilder automatically added this jar to the project but didn't mark it for inclusion in the build.
However the struggle here is because Eclipse doesn't delete plugin jar files when uninstalling "software" that was previously installed. So if the version does not advance, the cached old, wrong plugin jar file will be reused when reinstalling the feature, causing any non-version-advancing fixes uneffective when reinstalling the feature/plugin.
It is so very common that during the development of a plugin, version does not advance for small fixes when trying distribution so I think this needs to be fixed. A ticket has been created at Eclipse site.
Bug 509781

Unable to read repository at

I have read and researched this issue through stackoverflow and other sites to no avail. I am stuck and would like to know if anyone has a definitive answer,
I have downloaded and tried "installing new software" for eclipse mars, juno and kepler - all with the same result (unable to read...).
I have turned off firewall and disabled anti-virus.
I have been able to download repositories from other sites (listed as default in the combobox for available sites) - just not the respositories for the above versions.
I have various versions of eclipse (on various machines and platforms too) to manage Android, Java and Python (and have never had a problem with the repositories). Each version is physically separate.
I am using Vista Ultimate on a home network - so no proxy issues.
I have tried changing the ini file for -vmargs again to no avail. I have tried deleting and reloading the repository.
The best answer I have read so far was that "it suddenly started working again" leading me to believe that the problem is at Eclipse's end.
Is there something I have missed or have not tried?
All I want is an Eclipse based Javascript editor!
The release repository is specific to the release of Eclipse, for Eclipse Mars it is This should already be in your Available Software Sites list.

Error eclipse kepler when trying to install new software

I installed Eclipse kepler recently and I am having trouble installing new softwear. When I try to reload the repository site I get an error every time:
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Unable to read repository at
Read timed out
I have tried every solution mentioned on this site, but nothing works for me.
Help me please, I really need this to work!!
If you're not behind a proxy or firewall it might be an issue with Java 7. Running your eclipse on Java 6 might fix it, more details here:
Unable to install new software/check for updates eclipse
The message means that there is a firewall between Eclipse and it's update server. Make sure you have configured the proxy settings correctly in Eclipse.
Note: Eclipse usually uses "Native" as default proxy setting. I have seen at least one instance where Eclipse wasn't able to read the proxy settings from Windows. If it fails for you, ask your system admins for the correct values for you and configure Eclipse manually.
The solution of adding the port number as suggested above, i.e., worked for me. In my case, I was using Luna.

Eclipse Indigo crashes after installing GWT

I was trying to set up GWT(Google Web Toolkit) on my system using it as a plugin for eclipse Indigo. I am currently on a Ubuntu workstation. Upon restart after the installation, eclipse simply crashes without any error info. I did look around here on stack overflow , as well as on google about what could be done, but the things which seemed to work for others do not seem to work for me.( deleting certain .jar files, deleting the metadata folder in the workspace).
Any help would be great.
Problem solved. There is a bug in Indigo , exposed by the plugin. All that needs to be done is to check for updates first and then install the plugin. The bug has been fixed in one of the point updates.

cannot install Google plugin in Eclipse

I want to install Google plugin, GAE and GWT on Eclipse i tried in different ways by trying to install all at once and only one at a time but i get this error
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.3.0 2.3.0.r36v201105191508 ( 2.3.0.r36v201105191508)
Missing requirement: Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.6 2.3.2.r36v201106211634 ( 2.3.2.r36v201106211634) requires 'org.eclipse.pde.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
i could install Android without any trouble.
can anybody help me to solve this?
Thanks !!!
EDIT : i am using Eclipse 3.6 - Helios
I had this problem as well, and neither running as administrator nor changing the eclipse directory permissions fixed the issue for me.
Eventually, I discovered that the Eclipse download site ( was disabled in my "Available Software Sites" preferences. Enabling it solved the issue for me.
I got same problem and solved by launching Eclipse as administrator.
I post this for people who face this error in future.
Firstly I changed permissions on the directory where I put Eclipse as CobaltBlue suggest but it didn't work. Next I launched Eclipse as administrator and tried again, then installation is completed!
I'm not sure it is necessary to change the access permission of the directory of Eclipse.
I am using Eclipse Juno and OS is windows 7.
If you're running on Windows, check the permissions on the directory where Eclipse was installed. Test if this is the problem by adding the user "Everyone" and give them read/write/execute access to that directory. If it works, then that was the issue.
Also, if you are not running Eclipse as Administrator, you'll want to update the shortcut you use to launch Eclipse and select "Run as Administrator."
The part of the error message that says following looks kind of odd to me
requires 'org.eclipse.pde.core 0.0.0'
If 0.0.0 is the required version of org.eclipse.pde.core plugin then something must be wrong in the dependencies being detected by eclipse's dependency resolution system. 0.0.0 just doesn't seems to be a valid version.
What update site are you using? Is it the correct one for eclipse 3.6?