Eclipse hangs while creating a node.js express project - eclipse

I have Eclipse 3.7 on Windows XP. I have also installed NodeEclipse. I can create a regular node project fine. But when I try to create a new express project, eclipse just hands and I cannot even close the window. Killing the process is the only option. Is this a known issue?

Get the latest version of eclipse, and run it using the latest version of JDK, first off.
You can also configure your eclipse.ini to allow it to use more memory.
Here is an answer to another question that had a similar problem:
Just note that it depends on your system, and whether your eclipse is 32bit or 64bit


eclipse is not installing at all

I've installed jdk-8u65-windows-i586.exe and downloaded the latest version of Eclipse IDE.
When I double click on the eclipse-inst-win31.exe absolutely nothing happens.
MY OS is Windows Vista.
How can I resolve this problem?
Make sure you have a working java sdk in java_home variable - type java - version in cmd prompt
If you don't, reinstall java sdk and eclipse it should start.
Instead of using the Eclipse installer (which is still a rather new part of the Eclipse downloads), just take one of the complete distributions (scroll down below the installer on the download page).
While the installer first needs to download additional pieces from the Internet, those distributions are ready to start developing.

Upgrade Eclipse without opening it

I have Eclipse Juno with Java EE, PHP, C++ and PyDev in it and it was working perfectly under Ubuntu 12.04 and later under 14.04.
Yet, when I upgraded my OS to Ubuntu 14.10, Eclipse doesn't work anymore, whenever I try to open it, it shuts down immediately.
I want to upgrade it to Luna but it doesn't give me the chance to launch the upgrade, I have an idea I have and wish to hear your advice on whether it is right or wrong.
What I'd like to do is to download Luna and extract it over the older version.
Will this work? Or will it make it even worse?
Is there anyone who tired it before?
You may even download Luna, and extract it to a different folder (not necessary on top of the older version).
Afterwards, launch Luna and try to load your previous workspace(s). You might want to backup your workspaces folder, before letting Luna attempt and load from there.
Updating the eclipse through the command line is safer. Try it using eclipse site
and also refer to this answer
I find solution here on comment 20
This seems to be a bug in GTK according to
(there a similar problem for Meld was reported).
Another workaround mentioned there is
For oxygen, edit the normally already existing file "/usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" and change
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 1
GtkComboBox::appears-as-list = 0
This workaround is working for me.

How to get Aptana studio for older Eclipse versions

I have an existing Eclipse library tool -- quite an old one -- running on Eclipse 3.4, and I would like to add in Aptana Studio. However, the current download specifies that it requires Eclipse 3.5 or better. A colleague of mine has Aptana running in his exactly the same version of the same tool -- presumably he got an older version that would work on the older Eclipse.
Can I download a version of Aptana to plug in to Eclipse 3.4?
Or, if not, can I grab the copy of Aptana from my colleague's machine and drop it into my own Eclipse?
Note that there are specific reasons why I need to use this older version of Eclipse, so replies along the lines of "upgrade your version of Eclipse to 3.5 or later!", while undoubtedly well-intentioned, won't be much use to me....
Edited on November 30: it is Eclipse 3.4 which I have, and I originally put 2.4 by mistake (which doesn't even exist!).
You can grab the Studio's from your colleague's machine. The Studio is pretty much contained to the folder it's installed at (with some minor exception that should not stop you).
No packages are available for 2.x.

Failure creating clojure project in Netbeans

I decided to take a look at Clojure and thought the best and easiest method for me would be to use Netbeans with the Enclojure plugin as I didn't want to have to learn Emacs at the same time. I installed Netbeans 6.9.1 together with the latest JDK using the bundled install (on Windows 7). All went smoothly. I then followed the instructions at for installing the enclojure plugin.
When creating a new Clojure application I get the following and see no project files : Could not connect to URL nbresloc:/org/enclojure/ide/templates/project/ No such resource was found.
Maven is working using mvn --version
I have installed on both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 (same result).
I have looked on the Enclojure forum and there is a recent open thread for this issue, but it is not solved by anybody presently.
I have Java SE enabled in Netbeans
I have tried enabling the different platform versions of Clojure, 1.0.0, 1.1.0, etc..
The REPL seems to be working happily in Netbeans : (printf "hello") hellonill
I did try ClojureBox on Windows 7, but again that's Emacs, but emacs failed to start the server and hung there and became totally unresponsive.
I come from a .Net background (not Java) so my knowledge of the Java environment is somewhat lacking. My reason for looking at Clojure and not Java.
I am new to Netbeans
If you're interested in a working Maven pom, here is one I've used with Enclojure successfully:
There are some project settings you'll need to change and a few dependencies to remove but it might be a good start. In general, I usually create the pom first and then just import the project into NetBeans rather than using the NetBeans options to create projects.
By the way, the REPL work in Enclojure has been split and is coming soon to the Eclipse plugin Counterclockwise.
I had written a small post on it on my blog.
Anyways here is the procedure:
On searching realized that this is a common problem for installing it on > Netbeans 7.. But with some manual tweeks managed to install it. Here are the instructions to install on Netbeans 7. plus:
Install Netbeans 7. You need only the Java SE version.
First Run of Netbeans after installation. Activate feature Java SE
Activate features is on the Start page or from Tools,->Plugins>Installed, click ‘Activate next to the Java SE support
Install Maven: It is HIGHLY recommended that you install maven:
Go to the Netbeans->Preferences, click on the Miscellaneous tab and make sure the External Maven Home path is pointed to your maven install
Download the EnClojure 1.5 version from here. If you want to manually build, you can do that by following the instructions from here.
After downloading the file, In Netbeans: Goto:- Tools ->Plugins->Downloaded->Add Plugins->Downloaded
Then browse to the downloaded file. Later install by clicking at the “install : button.
Restart and you are on the go.
Visit here to build and run hello world project.Basically building the EnClojure 1.5 manually is the tough job. I hope above was useful.

Eclipse randomly exits after installation of Blackberry plugin/SDK

Since adding the Blackberry Java classes from their website into eclipse, I've had it where eclipse will randomly close, with no discernible pattern, rhyme, error or reason. Here is the environment/software packages that I am using:
Windows XP SP2
Eclipse v3.5.1
Blackberry Java Plugin v1.1.1.200911111641-15
Blackberry Java SDK
I've tried the usual steps of complete uninstall and reinstallation of Eclipse and the accompanying plugins on multiple systems with the same configuration, including one that had a fresh install of Windows XP SP2. Upgrading to Eclipse 3.6 didn't work (the plugin wont' install as it's the wrong version), nor the downgrade to 3.4 for the same reason. I also increased the heap size to 512 (system has two gigs of memory) as some research into Eclipse doing this type of thing with Groovy was resolved that way, but again, no dice. Eclipse works great when the blackberry plugins are not installed, and no entries of errors or issues in the event log are helping to show what the issue with these plug-ins might be.
So if anyone has ran into this issue, and even better, has a solution, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: An additional to my issue, autoComplete with the Blackberry SDK seems to make this extremely unstable, like almost a guaranteed crash. Is this fixable at all?
For anyone that loads this question up trying to find a solution, I've never found a fix. It seems to be a bug with this version of the IDE. If there is a fix, please post.
Did you try to downgrade Eclipse to 3.4 (Ganymede)? I experienced similar issues when I tried upgrading Eclipse to something greater than 3.4.2.
I think the problem is with the plugin, not the IDE. Eclipse has always been stable for me until I installed the BB plugin. Since then it crashes all the time. Since I've installed the release (non-beta) version of the plugin that was recently released I can't even get my project to build.
This could be a manifestation of this bug in Eclipse. Check your C:\eclipse directory for files like hs_err_pidxxxx.log. The file goes on to explain this error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x753ba053, pid=3144, tid=5820
# JRE version: 6.0_20-b02
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [USP10.dll+0x1a053]
I've been experiencing this as well. It's completely debilitating. It causes Eclipse to just up and crash out of nowhere (and programming in a language as verbose as Java without Content-Assist is insane).
The bug has been fixed in Eclipse 3.6M7, but unfortunately I can't get the JDE Plug-in to install in the latest release candidate.
This is a known issue with Eclipse 3.5.X and has been fixed for 3.6.0
Bug Ticket link on Eclipse Bugzilla:
Looks like we are stuck with this until the next update to the BB Eclipse plugin.