how to execute a command in scala? - scala

I want to execute this command "dot -Tpng > overview.png ", which is used to generate an image by Graphviz.
The code in scala:
Process(Seq("dot -Tpng > overview.png"))
It does not work.
And I also want to open this image in scala. I work under Ubuntu. By default, images will be opened by image viewer. But I type "eog overview.png" in terminal, it reports error
** (eog:18371): WARNING **: The connection is closed
Thus, I do not know how to let scala open this image.
Thanks in advance.

You can't redirect stdout using > in command string. You should use #> and #| operators. See examples in process package documentation.
This writes test into test.txt:
import scala.sys.process._
// use scala.bat instead of scala on Windows
val cmd = Seq("scala", "-e", """println(\"test\")""") #> new File("test.txt")
In your case:
val cmd = "dot -Tpng" #> new File("overview.png")
Or just this (since dot accepts output file name as -ooutfile):
"dot -Tpng -ooverview.png".!


Unable to execute nested Unix commands in Spark scala

I'm trying to list the folder in aws s3 and get only the filename out of it. The nested unix commands is not getting executed in Spark-shell and throwing error. I know we have other ways to do it by importing org.apache.hadoop.fs._
The command that I'm trying are :
import sys.process._
var cmd_exec = "aws s3 ls s3://<bucket-name>/<folder-name>/"
cmd_exec !!
If I execute it by nesting the cut command to the ls. It's throwing error.
import sys.process._
var cmd_exec = "aws s3 ls s3://<bucket-name>/<folder-name>/ | cut -d' ' -f9-"
cmd_exec !!
Error message: Unknown options: |,cut,-d',',-f9-
java.lang.RuntimeException: Nonzero exit value: 255
Any suggestion please?
AFAIK this is natural.
import scala.sys.process._
val returnValue: Int = Process("cat mycsv.csv | grep -i Lazio")!
above code also wont work...
| is redirect operator to execute another command. so instead of that....
capture the output and execute one more time..
you can see this article - A Scala shell script example as well.. where scala program can be executed as shell script... it might be useful.

Use a variable in a shell command in a Scala program (not REPL)

Inside a program - not the REPL - is it possible to introduce a string variable to represent the shell command to be executed ?
import sys.process._
val npath = opath.substring(0,opath.lastIndexOf("/"))
s"rm -rf $npath/*" !
s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/" !
The compiler says:
:103: error: type mismatch;
found : String
required: scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger
s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/" !
Note that in the REPL this can be fixed by using
But .. we're not in the REPL here.
I found a useful workaround that mostly preserves the intended structure:
Use the
syntax. But by using spaces as a delimiter we can still write it out in a kind of wysiwig way
import sys.process._
val npath = opath.substring(0,opath.lastIndexOf("/"))
s"rm -rf $npath/*".split(" ").toSeq.!
s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/".split(" ").toSeq.!
The limitation here is that embedded spaces in the command would not work - they would require an explicit Seq of each portion of the command.
Here is a bit nicer if there were a set of commands to run:
Seq(s"rm -rf $npath/*",s"mv $tmpName/* $npath/").foreach{ cmd=>
cmd.split(" ").toSeq.!

Erlang: running custom module

Windows 7 x64, Erlang-OTP 17.
I wrote simple module like this:
-module (somequery).
-export ([fbquery/2]).
fbquery(P1,P2) ->
token = "78a8shd67tyajsndweiu03hr83h19j",
Encoded = {"Authorization","Basic " ++ base64:encode_to_string(lists:append([token,":",""]))},
ContentType = "application/xml",
Headers = [Encoded, {"Content-Type",ContentType}],
Options = [{body_format,binary}],
{ok, File}=file:read_file(P1),
Res = httpc:request(post, {"", Headers, ContentType, File}, [], Options),
file:write_file(P2, io_lib:fwrite("~p.\n", [Res])).
This code working in interactive mode (werl.exe), and compiling into beam.
The question is how use *.erl or compiled *.beam module now? How import it and run fbquery/2 method?
First of, you need to add the directory containing your beam with the argument -pa Dir1 Dir2 .... It will add the directory to the erlang path and you will be able to type somequery:fbquery(Arg1,Arg2) in your shell.
Then, you can use the argument -s module function [args..] to launch erl with the specified function.
You can read about it in the erlang documentation for erl.

How do you write a Scala script that will react to file changes

I would like to change the following batch script to Scala (just for fun), however, the script must keep running and listen for changes to the *.mkd files. If any file is changed, then the script should re-generate the affected doc. File IO has always been my Achilles heel...
for file in *.mkd
pandoc --number-sections $file -o "${file%%.*}.pdf"
Any ideas around a good approach to this will be appreciated.
The following code, taken from my answer on: Watch for project files also can watch a directory and execute a specific command:
#!/usr/bin/env scala
import java.nio.file._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.sys.process._
val file = Paths.get(args(0))
val cmd = args(1)
val watcher = FileSystems.getDefault.newWatchService
def exec = cmd run true
def watch(proc: Process): Unit = {
val key = watcher.take
val events = key.pollEvents
val newProc =
if (!events.isEmpty) {
} else proc
if (key.reset) watch(newProc)
else println("aborted")
watchr.scala markdownFolder/ "echo \"Something changed!\""
Extensions have to be made to the script to inject file names into the command. As of now this snippet should just be regarded as a building block for the actual answer.
Modifying the script to incorporate the *.mkd wildcards would be non-trivial as you'd have to manually search for the files and register a watch on all of them. Re-using the script above and placing all files in a directory has the added advantage of picking up new files when they are created.
As you can see it gets pretty big and messy pretty quick just relying on Scala & Java APIs, you would be better of relying on alternative libraries or just sticking to bash while using INotify.

How can I debug a funcargs function?

How can I drop into pdb inside a funcargs function? And how can I see output from print statements in funcargs functions?
My original question included the following, but it turns out I was simply instrumenting the wrong funcarg. Sigh.
I tried:
print "hi from inside funcargs"
invoking with and without -s.
I tried:
import pytest
import pdb
raise "hi from inside funcargs"
None produced any output or caused a test failure.
first thing that comes to mind is py.test -s
but by default funcargs give you tracebacks and output/error - what plugins are you using? something is clearly hiding it
for example for the program
def pytest_funcarg__foo(request):
print 'hi'
raise IOError
def test_fun(foo):
a py.test call gives me both - a traceback in the funcarg function and text
To debug a funcarg:
def pytest_funcarg__myfuncarg(request):
import pytest
def test_function(myfuncarg):
python -m pytest
As Ronny answered, to see output from a funcarg, pytest -s works.