How can I debug a funcargs function? - pytest

How can I drop into pdb inside a funcargs function? And how can I see output from print statements in funcargs functions?
My original question included the following, but it turns out I was simply instrumenting the wrong funcarg. Sigh.
I tried:
print "hi from inside funcargs"
invoking with and without -s.
I tried:
import pytest
import pdb
raise "hi from inside funcargs"
None produced any output or caused a test failure.

first thing that comes to mind is py.test -s
but by default funcargs give you tracebacks and output/error - what plugins are you using? something is clearly hiding it
for example for the program
def pytest_funcarg__foo(request):
print 'hi'
raise IOError
def test_fun(foo):
a py.test call gives me both - a traceback in the funcarg function and text

To debug a funcarg:
def pytest_funcarg__myfuncarg(request):
import pytest
def test_function(myfuncarg):
python -m pytest
As Ronny answered, to see output from a funcarg, pytest -s works.


Pytest skipping a test class that inherits from a builtin

The question is maximally easy: Please look at the code base case. Pytest just ignoring this class. How I should run tests on a such class?
I just started switching from a simple python tests (with just assert) to testing with pytest and come across with this problem. Most of my tests is are classes that extending a real classes with test methods. One of my classes inherit from collections.UserDict. Pytest just ignoring this class. How I should run tests on a such class?
# Inheritance from object are ok, Inheritance from dict are not ok. Need dict :(
class TestFoo(dict):
def test_foo(self):
assert 1
/home/david/PycharmProjects/proj/venv/bin/python /snap/pycharm-professional/302/plugins/python/helpers/pydev/ --multiprocess --qt-support=auto --client --port 44145 --file /snap/pycharm-professional/302/plugins/python/helpers/pycharm/ --path /home/david/PycharmProjects/proj/tests/
Testing started at 11:07 ...
Launching pytest with arguments /home/david/PycharmProjects/proj/tests/ --no-header --no-summary -q in /home/david/PycharmProjects/proj/tests
============================= test session starts ==============================
collecting ... collected 0 items
============================= 2 warnings in 0.03s ==============================
Process finished with exit code 5
Empty suite
UPD Thanks for #Teejay Bruno, running tests from pycharm hiding a warning from me:
PytestCollectionWarning: cannot collect test class 'TestFoo' because it has a __init__ constructor
The warning tells you the problem:
PytestCollectionWarning: cannot collect test class 'TestFoo' because it has a __init__ constructor
If I understand what you're trying to do, why not just pass the object as a fixture?
import pytest
def my_dict():
return dict()
class TestFoo:
def test_foo(self, my_dict):
assert len(my_dict) == 0

How to force pytest return error code error code

I have following structure:
Koholo job that calling python script, the script returns error code (1 - failed, 0 - passed) as it ends. Koholo wait for the error code to continue to next job step (next scrips).
Now instead of python script I'm running pytest scrips (with command: python -m pytest test_name) but pytest is not returning error code, so the Kohola job timeouts.
Please let me know if there is a way that pytest will return error code as it finish's?
example you can pass any pytest argument that you normaly pass in the cli, i am just using the markers as an example
import sys
import pytest
results = pytest.main(["-m", "my_marker"])
if you want more details
when pytest finish it calls pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus) method.
try to add sys.exit(exitstatus) to this method.
import sys
def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):
""" whole test run finishes. """
also you can check by running this script to check the exit code
start /wait python -m pytest test_name
echo %errorlevel%

Unhelpful output from pytest

TLDR: How can I get better output from pytest?
I'm using Django with regular python3 unittests.
I've just switched to pytest-django for running tests.
pytest throws an error for almost all my tests (149 in total).
Pages and pages with this error.
self = <RegexURLResolver 'project.urls' (None:None) ^/>
def reverse_dict(self):
language_code = get_language()
if language_code not in self._reverse_dict:
> return self._reverse_dict[language_code]
E KeyError: 'en-us'
Which wasn't the problem. It led me down to a wrong path.
I had a syntax error in one of my files.
./ test resulted in:
File "/home/roland/project/", line 20
code = zip(list1, list2])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Notice the last: ] which was the problem.
So: How can I get more useful output on problems when using pytest?
After finding this and scrolling back into the pytest output there was mention of the syntax error. It was just buried in the output.
You can use the --maxfail=1 option so it will stop immediately on first failure.
Also, make sure your pytest.ini is setup properly so that pytest knows it should be using django-pyest.
For my workflow, I usually do the following:
run pytest --maxfail=1 &> pytest-output.txt
tail, grep, or search he text file for errors.
Fix and iterate
There are a lot of other configuration options that will help you to get more meaningful input from pytest.

How can I debug my python unit tests within Tox with PUDB?

I'm trying to debug a python codebase that uses tox for unit tests. One of the failing tests is proving difficult due to figure out, and I'd like to use pudb to step through the code.
At first thought, one would think to just pip install pudb then in the unit test code add in import pudb and pudb.settrace(). But that results in a ModuleNotFoundError:
> import pudb
>E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pudb'
>tests/ ModuleNotFoundError
> ERROR: InvocationError for command '/Users/me/myproject/.tox/py3/bin/pytest tests' (exited with code 1)
Noticing the .tox project folder leads one to realize there's a site-packages folder within tox, which makes sense since the point of tox is to manage testing under different virtualenv scenarios. This also means there's a tox.ini configuration file, with a deps section that may look like this:
envlist = lint, py3
deps =
commands = pytest tests
adding pudb to the deps list should solve the ModuleNotFoundError, but leads to another error:
self = <_pytest.capture.DontReadFromInput object at 0x103bd2b00>
def fileno(self):
> raise UnsupportedOperation("redirected stdin is pseudofile, "
"has no fileno()")
E io.UnsupportedOperation: redirected stdin is pseudofile, has no fileno()
.tox/py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/_pytest/ UnsupportedOperation
So, I'm stuck at this point. Is it not possible to use pudb instead of pdb within Tox?
There's a package called pytest-pudb which overrides the pudb entry points within an automated test environment like tox to successfully jump into the debugger.
To use it, just make your tox.ini file have both the pudb and pytest-pudb entries in its testenv dependencies, similar to this:
envlist = lint, py3
deps =
commands = pytest tests
Using the original PDB (not PUDB) could work too. At least it works on Django and Nose testers. Without changing tox.ini, simply add a pdb breakpoint wherever you need, with:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
Then, when it get to that breakpoint, you can use the regular PDB commands:
w - print stacktrace
s - step into
n - step over
c - continue
p - print an argument value
a - print arguments of current function

Why is pytest hook defined in the same file not running?

In the py.test documentation (v3.0.3) it states that I can make a test hook like this:
import pytest
#pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
print "Running hook!"
print "Doing interesting stuff inside hook!"
def test_call_fails():
assert False
But running it (pytest -s, I don't get any printed output.
I believe this is because the hook is never run -- why is this?
I figured out that I need to put the hook in a separate file (in the same folder) in order for it to be run:
import pytest
#pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
print "Running hook!"
print "Doing interesting stuff inside hook!"
def test_call_fails():
assert False
And now it works!
this is also shown in the documentation with the comment # contents of but this unfortunately wasn't clear to me at all in my numerous readthroughs :/