How do you write a Scala script that will react to file changes - scala

I would like to change the following batch script to Scala (just for fun), however, the script must keep running and listen for changes to the *.mkd files. If any file is changed, then the script should re-generate the affected doc. File IO has always been my Achilles heel...
for file in *.mkd
pandoc --number-sections $file -o "${file%%.*}.pdf"
Any ideas around a good approach to this will be appreciated.

The following code, taken from my answer on: Watch for project files also can watch a directory and execute a specific command:
#!/usr/bin/env scala
import java.nio.file._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.sys.process._
val file = Paths.get(args(0))
val cmd = args(1)
val watcher = FileSystems.getDefault.newWatchService
def exec = cmd run true
def watch(proc: Process): Unit = {
val key = watcher.take
val events = key.pollEvents
val newProc =
if (!events.isEmpty) {
} else proc
if (key.reset) watch(newProc)
else println("aborted")
watchr.scala markdownFolder/ "echo \"Something changed!\""
Extensions have to be made to the script to inject file names into the command. As of now this snippet should just be regarded as a building block for the actual answer.
Modifying the script to incorporate the *.mkd wildcards would be non-trivial as you'd have to manually search for the files and register a watch on all of them. Re-using the script above and placing all files in a directory has the added advantage of picking up new files when they are created.
As you can see it gets pretty big and messy pretty quick just relying on Scala & Java APIs, you would be better of relying on alternative libraries or just sticking to bash while using INotify.


Ammonite: how to use another script from an Ivy dependency?

I have an Ammonite Script that I want to deliver in a JAR.
In another project I want to use this Script - but so far with no success.
I tried according to the documentation (
import $ivy.`mycompany:myproject_2.12:2.1.0-SNAPSHOT`, local_build
def doit():Unit =
println(local_build.curl("http://localhost:8080")) is in the Script I want to use.
This is the exception I get: '.' expected but eof found.
The script must be compiled on the fly.
Put your script in a standard sbt project
inside a directory, example directory name: "test1"
Put your external script (example name: "")
println("Hello world!")
into the resource directory ("test1\src\main\resources\") of the test1 project
Publish the projekt local, i.e. sbt publishLocal
It is published to ".ivy2\local\default\test1_2.12\0.1-SNAPSHOT\ ... " directory.
Now you can use the following ammonite script "".
It reads the "" from the jar in the local ivy repository
and writes it to the local directory (must have read/write access) and then executes an external process,
which calls the scala "interpreter" and executes the script.
import $ivy.`default:test1_2.12:0.1-SNAPSHOT`
val scriptCode = scala.util.Try {"").mkString} getOrElse """Println("Script-file not found!")"""
println("*" * 30)
println("*" * 30)
java.nio.file.Files.write(java.nio.file.Paths.get(""), scriptCode.getBytes(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
val cmd = Seq("cmd.exe", "/c", "scala", "")
val output = sys.process.Process(cmd).!!
Executing the script the Ammonite REPL, you get:
println("Hello world!")
Hello world!
The script has no error handling and leaves the file in the running directory.
You can speed up the execution with the "-savecompiled" compiler switch, i.e
val cmd = Seq("cmd.exe", "/c", "scala", "-savecompiled", "")
An additional .jar file is created then in the running directory.
Scala Scripts are not really interpreted, but are compiled "under the hood"
as every normal Scala programm.
Therefor all code must be reachable during compile time
and you cannot call a function inside the other script from the jar-file!
But Ammonite has a buid in multi-stage feature.
It compiles one part, executes it and then compiles the next part!
Little improved ammonite-script.
It's not error free but runs.
Maybe there is better way to get the script out of the jar.
You should ask Li Haoyi!
// using ammonite ops
// in subdirectoy /test1
// Ammonite REPL:
// import $exec.test1.test_ammo
// # Ammonite-multi-stage
import $ivy.`default::test1:0.1-SNAPSHOT`
//import scala.util.Properties
import scala.sys.process.Process
val scriptFileName = ""
write.over(pwd/"test1"/scriptFileName, read(resource(getClass.getClassLoader)/scriptFileName))
val cmd = Seq("cmd.exe", "/c", "scala", scriptFileName)
val output = Process(cmd).!!
import $exec.script // no .sc suffix
ppp() // is a function inside inside resources folder of project
published local with "sbt publishLocal":
println("Hello world!")
def ppp() = println("Hello world from ppp!")
For completeness, I could solve my problem as follows:
Just create a Scala File in this project.
Copy the Script content in
an Object.
package mycompany.myproject
object LocalBuild {
def curl(..)...
Add the dependencies to your sbt file (e.g. ammonite.ops)
Use it like:
$ivy.`mycompany:myproject_2.12:2.1.0-SNAPSHOT`, mycompany.myproject.LocalBuild
def doit():Unit =

pytest implementing a logfile per test method

I would like to create a separate log file for each test method. And i would like to do this in the file and pass the logfile instance to the test method. This way, whenever i log something in a test method it would log to a separate log file and will be very easy to analyse.
I tried the following.
Inside file i added this:
logs_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("test_results", "logs")
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
test_method_name =
testpath ='.py')
path = '%s/%s' % (logs_dir, testpath)
if not os.path.exists(path):
log = logger.make_logger(test_method_name, path) # Make logger takes care of creating the logfile and returns the python logging object.
The problem here is that pytest_runtest_setup does not have the ability to return anything to the test method. Atleast, i am not aware of it.
So, i thought of creating a fixture method inside the file with scope="function" and call this fixture from the test methods. But, the fixture method does not know about the the Pytest.Item object. In case of pytest_runtest_setup method, it receives the item parameter and using that we are able to find out the test method name and test method path.
Please help!
I found this solution by researching further upon webh's answer. I tried to use pytest-logger but their file structure is very rigid and it was not really useful for me. I found this code working without any plugin. It is based on set_log_path, which is an experimental feature.
Pytest 6.1.1 and Python 3.8.4
# Required modules
import pytest
from pathlib import Path
# Configure logging
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
Notice that the use of Path can be substituted by os.path.join. Moreover, different tests can be set up in different folders and keep a record of all tests done historically by using a timestamp on the filename. One could use the following filename for example:
# Required modules
import pytest
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
# Configure logging
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
Additionally, if one would like to modify the log format, one can change it in pytest configuration file as described in the documentation.
# pytest.ini
log_file_level = INFO
log_file_format = %(name)s [%(levelname)s]: %(message)
My first stackoverflow answer!
I found the answer i was looking for.
I was able to achieve it using the function scoped fixture like this:
def log(request):
test_path =".py")
test_name =
node_id = request.node.nodeid
log_file_path = '%s/%s' % (logs_dir, test_path)
if not os.path.exists(log_file_path):
logger_obj = logger.make_logger(test_name, log_file_path, node_id)
yield logger_obj
handlers = logger_obj.handlers
for handler in handlers:
In newer pytest version this can be achieved with set_log_path.
def manage_logs(request, autouse=True):
"""Set log file name same as test name"""
.set_log_path(os.path.join('log', + '.log'))

going to specific path in scala using scala.sys.process

I have to go to the path of an application to deploy it, I tried using scala.sys.process and did "cd /home/path/somepath" !
It is throwing an exception, Can anyone guide me how I can go to the directory, I cannot deploy it using absolute path because of the dependency the run file has.
Thanks in advance
Although this question is a couple of years old, it's a good question.
To use scala.sys.process to execute something from a specific working directory, pass the required directory as a parameter to ProcessBuilder, as in this working example:
import scala.sys.process._
val scriptPath = "/home/path/"
val command = Seq("/bin/bash","-c",scriptPath)
val proc = Process(command,new"."))
var output = Vector.empty[String]
val exitValue = proc ! ProcessLogger (
(out) => if( out.trim.length > 0 )
output +:= out.trim,
(err) =>
System.err.printf("e:%s\n",err) // can be quite noisy!
printf("exit value: %d\n",exitValue)
If the goal instead is to insure that the environment of the caller defaults to a specific working directory, that can be accomplished by setting the required working directory before launching the jvm.

Docopt and Classes

Ive gotten quite comfortable over the last year coding in python on an off, but I have stayed away from Classes (as in structuring my code in them) because I have not understood them.
I am now trying to get my head around what I need to change in my coding practices to take advantage of using Classes in all their glory.
I have been trying to use an example script I wrote and pipe that to a Class based version. Safe to say I am sucking bad and cant get my simple script to work. Im sure there are a myriad of this Im most likely doing incorrectly. I would really appreciate someone pointing them out to me.
I dont mind finger points and belly laughs too ^_^
Coder After (not working)
This script is used to walk a directory and print out each filename and directory including the full path.
Author: Name
Usage: (-d <directory>) -h | --help --version
-d <directory> The top level directory you want to list files and directories from.
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
import os
from docopt import docopt
class walking:
def __init__(self, directory): = arguments['-d']
def walk(self, directory):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(
for filename in files:
print os.path.join(root, filename)
if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version= '1.0.0')
print arguments
if arguments['-d'] is None:
print __doc__
Original Non-Class Based Code (working)
This script is used to walk a directory and print out each filename and directory including the full path.
Author: Name
Usage: (-d <directory>) -h | --help --version
-d <directory> The top level directory you want to list files and directories from.
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
import os
from docopt import docopt
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version= '1.0.0')
def walk(dir):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
for filename in files:
print os.path.join(root, filename)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if arguments['-d'] is None:
print __doc__
You've forgotten to post the error you get (since you say it's not working).
But indeed there are several issues. First, I'd call the class Walking.
Then in your __init__ function, you try to access arguments which is neither a global variable nor an argument; you wanted to write:
def __init__(self, directory): = directory
But you also need to create an instance of your class in you main:
walking = Walking(arguments['-d'])
That assumes that the name of the class is Walking instead of walking. I advise you to look at PEP8 for the naming conventions.
The general idea is that the class is the type of an object, but not the object itself*, so the class Walking: block is basically defining a new kind of objects. And then you can create objects that are instances of this class. It's the same when you create a list: mylist = list() (but there are also other ways for lists like mylist = [1, 2]).
*It happens that most things in Python are objects, including classes, but they have obviously other methods and they have another base class.

How to do File creation and manipulation in functional style?

I need to write a program where I run a set of instructions and create a file in a directory. Once the file is created, when the same code block is run again, it should not run the same set of instructions since it has already been executed before, here the file is used as a guard.
var Directory: String = "Dir1"
var dir: File = new File("Directory");
var FileName: String = Directory + File.separator + "samplefile" + ".log"
val FileObj: File = new File(FileName)
// blahblah
// set of instructions to create the file
When the programs runs initially, the file won't be present, so it should run the set of instructions in else and also create the file, and after the first run, the second run it should exit since the file exists.
The problem is that I do not understand new File, and when the file is created? Should I use file.CreateNewFile? Also, how to write this in functional style using case?
It's important to understand that a is not a physical file on the file system, but a representation of a pathname -- per the javadoc: "An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames". So new File(...) has nothing to do with creating an actual file - you are just defining a pathname, which may or may not correspond to an existing file.
To create an empty file, you can use:
val file = new File("filepath/filename")
If running on JRE 7 or higher, you can use the new java.nio.file API:
val path = Paths.get("filepath/filename")
If you're not happy with the default IO APIs, you an consider a number of alternative. Scala-specific ones that I know of are:
Or you can use libraries from the Java world, such as Google Guava or Apache Commons IO.
Edit: One thing I did not consider initially: I understood "creating a file" as "creating an empty file"; but if you intend to write something immediately in the file, you generally don't need to create an empty file first.