Identifying hidden characters in text - postgresql

I have an ETL process that regularly extracts code from an ODBC data source, manipulates it, and inserts it into my postgres database. One of the columns from this data source regularly has odd characters in it.
For the most part I can catch and convert all of the characters appropriately, but I have one character that exists in the ODBC data source, cannot be brought into postgres (all of the text after that character gets truncated), and I'm having a hard time identifying what the character is.
I can't even insert an example of the character directly into this post because it gets stripped out :/ The closest I can get is a screen shot of the character in textmate (the only application I can actually see the character in):
There character is the diamond between the 1 and 0. When my data comes in, everything after the 0 is truncated.
Is there a good way of identifying what this character is so I can figure out a way of stripping it out?

Per tripleee's comment on the original question post:
To identify the character I grabbed the hex value of the text to identify the hex value of the offending character in question.
There are a number of ways to do this, but the quickest way for me was to use a utility application I have called HexFiend so dump the text into. Once the text was in and I highlighted the character it returned the hex value "00".
A bit more investigation pointed towards the hex null value being used as a line terminator in C applications (which makes sense given the context of my project).
I've fit this null value into my ETL process so that it gets switched out with a new line and now everything is sunshine and daises.
Thanks again for the help!


PostgreSQL Escape Microsoft Special Characters In Select Query

PostgreSQL, DBvisualizer and Salesforce
I'm selecting records from a database table and exporting them to a csv file: comma-separated and UTF8 encoded. I send the file to a user who is uploading the data into Saleforce. I do not know Salesforce, so I'm totally ignorant on that side of this. She is reporting that some data in the file is showing up as gibberish (non UTF8) characters (see below).
It seems that some of our users are copy/pasting emails into a web form which then inserts them into our db. Dates from the email headers (I believe) are the text that are showing as gibberish.
11‎/‎17‎/‎2015‎ ‎7‎:‎26‎:‎26‎ ‎AM
‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2015‎ ‎07‎:‎26‎:‎26‎ ‎AM
The text in the db field looks normal. It's when it is exported to a csv file and then that file is viewed in a text-editor like Wordpad or Salesforce. Then she sees the odd characters.
This only happens with dates from the text that is copy/pasted into the form/db. I have no idea how, or if there is a way, remove these "unseen" characters.
It's the same three-characters each time: ‎ I did a regex_replace() on these to strip them out, but it doesn't work. I think since they are not seen in the db field, the regex does see them.
It seems like even though I cannot see these characters, they must be there in some form that is making them show in text-editors like Wordpad or the Salesforce client after being exported to csv.
I can probably do a mass search/find/replace in the text editor, but it would be nice to do this in the sql and avoid the extra step each time.
Hoping someone has seen this and knows an easy fix.
Thanks for any ideas or pointers that may help.
The sequence ‎ is a left-to-right mark, encoded in UTF-8 (as 0xE2 0x80 0x8E), but being read as if it were in Windows-1252.
A left-to-right mark is invisible, so the fact that you can't see it in the database suggests that it's encoded correctly, but without knowing precisely what path the data took after that, it's hard to guess exactly where it was misinterpreted.
In any case, you should be able to replace the character in your Postgres query by using its Unicode escape sequence: E'\u200E'

Null pointer Exception in the case of reading in emoticons

I have a text file that looks like this:
shooting-stars 💫 "are cool"
I have a lexical analyzer that uses FileInputStream to read the characters one at a time, passing those characters to a switch statement that returns the corresponding lexeme.
In this case, 💫 represents assignment so this case passes:
case 'ð' :
return new Lexeme("ASSIGN");
For some reason, the file reader stops at that point, returning a null pointer even though it has yet to process the string (or whatever is after the 💫). Any time it reads in an emoticon it does this. If there were no emoticons, it gets to the end of file. Any ideas?
I suspect the problem is that the character 💫 (Unicode code point U+1F4AB) is outside the range of characters that Java represents internally as single char values. Instead, Java represents characters above U+FFFF as two characters known as surrogate pairs, in this case U+D83D followed by U+DCAB. (See this thread for more info and some links.)
It's hard to know exactly what's going on with the little bit of code that you presented, but my guess is that you are not handling this situation correctly. You will need to adjust your processing logic to deal with your emoticons arriving in two pieces.

How do I create a character set like ASCII?

I'm curious about the way that in the past it was implemented and I want to get information about how can I implement a character set of my own.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) was the "original" characterset, and remains the basis for most text data. ASCII is actually a 7-bit code (the numeric values range from 0 to 127) with the most significant bit of a byte indicating if the rest of the byte refers to ASCII (if zero) or the current Codepage.
Extra (non-ascii) characters were then added to these codepages, and the user's computer would load a specific codepage to use. Unfortunately this meant that you needed to load the correct codepage before viewing a file or the wrong characters would appear.
We have now moved on, and most systems use Unicode which is a variable character length (rather than the single-byte characters used previously) which can contain thousands upon thousands of characters, allowing for a single encoding to cater for what would have been multiple codepages using the ASCII+Codepage method of old.
That's the brief history; As to how to create your own characterset, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve - You can create your own fonts, but if you're talking about an actual characterset (i.e. characters that do not already exist) then you'll have to get your characterset added to a standard such as Unicode so that other computers can make use of your new characters, which would be a considerable amount of work (and I have no idea how you'd even go about it) -- It's worth considering, however, that almost every character in existence already exists in Unicode so you may want to review what's already been done before you try and take on a mammoth undertaking such as creating an entirely new characterset.

Bad MySQL import, now we have garbage showing in place of utf-8 chars

We restored from a backup in a different format to a new MySQL structure (which is setup correctly for UTF-8 support). We have weird characters showing in the browser, but we're not sure what they're called so we can find a master list of what they translate to.
I have noticed that they do, in fact, correlate to a specific character. For example:
â„¢ always translates to ™
— always translates to —
• always translates to ·
I referenced this post, which got me started, but this is far from a complete list. Either I'm not searching for the correct name, or the "master list" of these bad-to-good conversions as a reference doesn't exist.
Detecting utf8 broken characters in MySQL
Also, when trying to search via MySQL query, if I search for â, I always get MySQL treating it as an "a". Is there any way to tweak my MySQL queries so that they are more literal searches? We don't use internationalization much so I can safely assume any fields containing the â character is considered to be a problematic entry, which would need to be remedied by our "fixit" script we're building.
Instead of designing a "fixit" script to go through and replace this data, I think it would be better to simply fix the issue directly. It seems like the data was originally stored in a different format than UTF-8 so that when you brought it into the table that was set up for UTF-8, it garbled the text. If you have the opportunity, go back to your original backup to determine the format the data was stored in. If you can't do that, you will probably need to do a bit of trial and error to figure out which format the data is in. However, once you know that, conversion is easy. Read the following article's section on Repairing:
Basically you are going to set the column to BINARY and then set it to the original charset. That should make the text appear properly (a good check to know you are using the correct charset). Once that is done, set the column to UTF-8. This will convert the data properly and it will correct the problems you are currently experiencing.

JMeter CSV Data Set is corrupting Japanese strings stored as proper UTF-8, I get Question Marks instead

I read in search terms from a simple text file to send to a search engine.
It works fine in English, but gives me ???? for any Japanese text.
Text with mixed English and Japanese does show the English text, so I know it's reading it.
What I'm seeing:
Input text:
Snow Leopard をインストールする場合、新しい
Turns into:
Snow Leopard ???????????????
This is in my POST field of an HTTP.
If I set JMeter to encode the data, it just puts in the percent sequence for question marks.
About the Data:
The CSV file is very simple in
There's only one field / one column,
which I name TERM, and later use as
I don't really need full CSV because it's only one string per line.
There's no commas or quotes.
It's UTF-8 and when I run the Unix "file" command on the file, it says UTF-8 text.
I've also verified UTF-8 in command line and graphical mode on two machines.
Interesting note:
An interesting coincidence that I noticed: if there are 15 Japanese characters then I get 15 question marks, so at some point it's being seen as full characters and not just bytes.
JMeter CSV Dataset Config:
Filename: japanese-searches.csv
File encoding: UTF-8 (also tried without)
Variable names: TERM
Delimiter: ,
Allow Quoted Data: False (I also tried True, different, but still wrong)
Recycle at EOF: True
Stop at EOF: False
Staring mode: All threads
A few things I've tried:
- Tried Allow quoted Data. It changed to other strange characters.
- Added -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
- Tried encoding the POST stage, but it just turned into a bunch of %nn for question marks
And I'm not sure how "debug" just after the each line of the CSV is read in. I think it's corrupted right away, but I'm not sure.
If it's only mangled when I reference it, then instead of ${TERM} perhaps there's some other "to bytes" function call. I'll start checking into that. I haven't done anything with the JMeter functions yet.
Edited Dec 24:
Changed formatting and added bullet
points for more clarity.
Clarified that the file is UTF-8, and have verified that.
A new theory:
Is it possible that the Japanese characters are making it through, and the issue is that EVERY SINGLE place that shows them maps them to a "?" at DISPLAY TIME only. So even though I've checked in a bunch of places, they all have a display issue just in the UI?
Is there a way in JMeter to see the numeric value of a character or string? Actually, to tell JMeter to display the list of Unicode code points?
I'll look at my last log files... although I suppose even the server logs could mis-mapped the characters.
Also, perhaps when doing variable expansion inside of the text field that I POST, where I reference the ${TERM}, maybe at that point it also maps to question marks, but that the corruption happens at that later point. If that happened, AND it was mis-displayed in the UI, then it might lead to a false conclusion.
What I'd really like to do is pause JMeter after the first CSV record, just after that line is loaded, and look at it with a "data scope" or byte editor or something. Not sure if this is possible.
Found the issue, there was another place the UTF-8 had to be specified.
In the HTTP Request, to the right of the Method, you have to also set Content Encoding to UTF-8
Yes, in hindsight, this seems obvious, but there were a number of reasons I didn't think this was needed. Some of my incorrect assumptions might be helpful for others who are debugging, so here goes - I would have thought that:
1: Once text has made it into Java as Unicode, it stays as Unicode, and goes in and out by UTF-8. Obviously not in this case.
2: I sort of thought HTTP defaulted to UTF-8 unless you say otherwise, but maybe I'm just used to XML, but probably not a good practice to assume that, and maybe HTTP defaults to ISO-Latin1 or something, or even if there's a spec, maybe folks don't follow it.
3: And if I don't specific it, I'd think the "do no harm" approach would be to pass the characters on, and let the receiver on the other end deal with it. Wrong again!
(OK, so points 1, 2 and 3 overlap a bit)
4: Even though my HTTP Request POST, I did still try the Encode checkbox. I certainly thought that would have encoded it, but all I got was the repeating % hex for question marks, so seemed to me that the data was already corrupted at that point. Wrong again. I suspect WITHIN the HTTP phase, there's TWO character transitions, first from Unicode to whatever encoding it thinks you have, and THEN a second encoding into the %signs, and my data was mis-encoded at the first step.
5: And I would have thought JMeter would say something or warn, but from my reading, apparently it's not helpful in that respect. You can do logging or whatever.
And the "?" is Java's way of reporting a problem BY default, this started in the Java 1.4x timeframe. In my Java code I prefer to set encoding errors to report as an exception, but again, not the default, and not what JMeter does.
So I learned my lesson.
The HINT that the Unicode was at least starting out OK was that the number of question marks equaled the number of Japanese characters, instead of having 2 or 3 times as many question marks. If the length of "???" matches your Japanese (or Chinese) string, then Java DID see actual Unicode characters at some point along the journey. Whereas if you see 3 times as many ?'s as input text, then Java always saw them as bytes or ints or whatever, and NEVER as valid codepoints.
Came across this topic when searching for solution to use parameters from csv file that contained some columns written in Hebrew.
I used Excel 2007 to create a 1000 lines data for user registrations. The first and the last names had to be in Hebrew.
I exported the file to "Unicode text" file. It became tab delimited.
"Unicode Text" saves in UTF-16 LE (Little Endian), not in UTF-8. That is important.
I opened the result in Notepad++. I could see the Hebrew letters properly. The Notepad++ has the "Encoding" menu item, where you can check the encoding or change it. So I changed the Little Endian to UTF-8.
Then I replaced tabs with commas (just selected the tab and pasted it into the Find box.
The parameters were substituted ok, but after running the script I saw the following:
In the "View Results Tree" listener I opened the "Result" tab of the "Http Request".
The parameters were substituted, but the HTTP view tab (on the bottom) of the Request showed me some gibberish.
But when I looked at the Raw view, I saw that the request parameters actually contained strings like %D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%98%D7%94 that when taken in pairs (%D7 %A9) corersponded properly to Hebrew letters.
To my mind, the JMeter has a bug and can not properly display the unicode chars. But it sends (POSTs) them out ok.
Hope I am right and hope it will help someone.
You can try to use "SHIFT-JIS" in Content encoding (it's nearby Method selection). Then you should uncheck "Encode?" for parameter that included Japanese.
Hope it works you.