Null pointer Exception in the case of reading in emoticons - unicode

I have a text file that looks like this:
shooting-stars 💫 "are cool"
I have a lexical analyzer that uses FileInputStream to read the characters one at a time, passing those characters to a switch statement that returns the corresponding lexeme.
In this case, 💫 represents assignment so this case passes:
case 'ð' :
return new Lexeme("ASSIGN");
For some reason, the file reader stops at that point, returning a null pointer even though it has yet to process the string (or whatever is after the 💫). Any time it reads in an emoticon it does this. If there were no emoticons, it gets to the end of file. Any ideas?

I suspect the problem is that the character 💫 (Unicode code point U+1F4AB) is outside the range of characters that Java represents internally as single char values. Instead, Java represents characters above U+FFFF as two characters known as surrogate pairs, in this case U+D83D followed by U+DCAB. (See this thread for more info and some links.)
It's hard to know exactly what's going on with the little bit of code that you presented, but my guess is that you are not handling this situation correctly. You will need to adjust your processing logic to deal with your emoticons arriving in two pieces.


In Python (or any language) what does an "upper" function do to Hindi, Amharric and other non-Latin character sets?

Subject says it all. Been looking for an answer, but cannot seem to find it.
I am writing a web app that will store data in a database and also have language files translated into a wide variety of character sets. At various moments, the text will be presented. I want to control presentation such as spurious blank spaces at the beginning and end of strings. Also I want to ensure some letters are upper or lower case.
My question is: what happens in upper/lower case functions when the character set only has one case?
EDIT Sub question: Are there any unexpected side effects to be aware of?
My guess is that you simply get back the one and only character.
EDIT - Added Description
The main reason for asking this question is that I am writing a webapp that will be distributed and run on machines in remote areas with little or no chance to fix "on-the-spot" bugs. It's not a complicated webapp, but will run with many different language char sets. I want to be certain of my footing before releasing the server.
First of all the upper() and lower() method in python can be applied to Hindi, Amharric and non-letter character sets.
For instance will the upper() method converts the lowercase characters if an equivalent uppercase of this char exists. If not, then not.
Or better said, if there is nothing to convert, it stays the same.

How do I create a character set like ASCII?

I'm curious about the way that in the past it was implemented and I want to get information about how can I implement a character set of my own.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) was the "original" characterset, and remains the basis for most text data. ASCII is actually a 7-bit code (the numeric values range from 0 to 127) with the most significant bit of a byte indicating if the rest of the byte refers to ASCII (if zero) or the current Codepage.
Extra (non-ascii) characters were then added to these codepages, and the user's computer would load a specific codepage to use. Unfortunately this meant that you needed to load the correct codepage before viewing a file or the wrong characters would appear.
We have now moved on, and most systems use Unicode which is a variable character length (rather than the single-byte characters used previously) which can contain thousands upon thousands of characters, allowing for a single encoding to cater for what would have been multiple codepages using the ASCII+Codepage method of old.
That's the brief history; As to how to create your own characterset, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve - You can create your own fonts, but if you're talking about an actual characterset (i.e. characters that do not already exist) then you'll have to get your characterset added to a standard such as Unicode so that other computers can make use of your new characters, which would be a considerable amount of work (and I have no idea how you'd even go about it) -- It's worth considering, however, that almost every character in existence already exists in Unicode so you may want to review what's already been done before you try and take on a mammoth undertaking such as creating an entirely new characterset.

Detecting non-character Unicode characters

I'm working on an application that eventually reads and prints arbitrary and untrustable Unicode characters to the screen.
There are a number of ways to wreck havoc using Unicode strings, and I would like my program to behave correctly for "dangerous" strings. For instance, the RTL override character will make strings look like they're backwards.
Since the audience is mostly programmers, my solution would be to, first, get the type C canonical form of the string, and then replace anything that's not a printable character on its own with the Unicode code point in the form \uXXXXXX. (The intent is not to have a perfectly accurate representation of the string, it is to have a mostly good representation. The full string data is still available.)
My problem, then, is determining what's an actual printable character and what's a non-printable character. Swift has a Character class, but contrary to, say, Java's Character class, the Swift one doesn't seem to have any method to find out the classification of a character.
How could I carry that plan? Is there anything else I should consider?

Identifying hidden characters in text

I have an ETL process that regularly extracts code from an ODBC data source, manipulates it, and inserts it into my postgres database. One of the columns from this data source regularly has odd characters in it.
For the most part I can catch and convert all of the characters appropriately, but I have one character that exists in the ODBC data source, cannot be brought into postgres (all of the text after that character gets truncated), and I'm having a hard time identifying what the character is.
I can't even insert an example of the character directly into this post because it gets stripped out :/ The closest I can get is a screen shot of the character in textmate (the only application I can actually see the character in):
There character is the diamond between the 1 and 0. When my data comes in, everything after the 0 is truncated.
Is there a good way of identifying what this character is so I can figure out a way of stripping it out?
Per tripleee's comment on the original question post:
To identify the character I grabbed the hex value of the text to identify the hex value of the offending character in question.
There are a number of ways to do this, but the quickest way for me was to use a utility application I have called HexFiend so dump the text into. Once the text was in and I highlighted the character it returned the hex value "00".
A bit more investigation pointed towards the hex null value being used as a line terminator in C applications (which makes sense given the context of my project).
I've fit this null value into my ETL process so that it gets switched out with a new line and now everything is sunshine and daises.
Thanks again for the help!

Encoding special chars in XSLT output

I have built a set of scripts, part of which transform XML documents from one vocabulary to a subset of the document in another vocabulary.
For reasons that are opaque to me, but apparently non-negotiable, the target platform (Java-based) requires the output document to have 'encoding="UTF-8"' in the XML declaration, but some special characters within text nodes must be encoded with their hex unicode value - e.g. '”' must be replaced with '”' and so forth. I have not been able to acquire a definitive list of which chars must be encoded, but it does not appear to be as simple as "all non-ASCII".
Currently, I have a horrid mess of VBScript using ADODB to directly check each line of the output file after processing, and replace characters where necessary. This is painfully slow, and unsurprisingly some characters get missed (and are consequently nuked by the target platform).
While I could waste time "refining" the VBScript, the long-term aim is to get rid of that entirely, and I'm sure there must be a faster and more accurate way of achieving this, ideally within the XSLT stage itself.
Can anyone suggest any fruitful avenues of investigation?
(edit: I'm not convinced that character maps are the answer - I've looked at them before, and unless I'm mistaken, since my input could conceivably contain any unicode character, I would need to have a map containing all of them except the ones I don't want encoded...)
<xsl:output encoding="us-ascii"/>
Tells the serialiser that it has to produce ASCII-compatible output. That should force it to produce character references for all non-ASCII characters in text content and attribute values. (Should there be non-ASCII in other places like tag or attribute names, serialisation will fail.)
Well with XSLT 2.0 you have tagged your post with you can use a character map, see