Bitwise commands such as Bitor with many inputs? - matlab

Matlab takes only two inputs with bitwise commands such as bitor. bitor(1,2) returns 3 and bitor(1,2,4) does not return 7 but:
ASSUMEDTYPE must be an integer type name.
Currently, I create for-loops to basically create a bitwise command to take as many inputs as needed. I feel the for-loops for this kind of thing is reinvention of the wheel.
Is there some easy way of creating the bitwise operations with many inputs?
Currently an example with some random numbers, must return 127
for term=1:length(indices)

If you don't mind getting strings involved (may be slow):
indicesOR = bin2dec(char(double(any(dec2bin(indices)-'0'))+'0'));
This uses dec2bin to convert to strings of '0' and '1'; converts to numbers 0 and 1 by subtracting '0'; applys an "or" operation column-wise using any; and then converts back.
For AND (instead of OR): replace any by all:
indicesAND = bin2dec(char(double(all(dec2bin(indices)-'0'))+'0'));
For XOR: use rem(sum(...),2):
indicesXOR = bin2dec(char(double(rem(sum(dec2bin(indices)-'0'),2))+'0'))
EDIT: I just found out about functions de2bi and bi2de (Communications Toolbox), which avoid using strings. However, they seem to be slower!
indicesOR = bi2de(double(any(de2bi(indices))));
indicesAND = bi2de(double(all(de2bi(indices))));
indicesXOR = bi2de(double(rem(sum((de2bi(indices))));
Another approach is to define a recursive function, exploiting the fact that AND, OR, XOR operations are (bit-wise) associative, that is, x OR y OR z equals (x OR y) OR z. The operation to be applied is passed as a function handle.
function r = bafun(v, f)
%BAFUN Binary Associative Function
% r = BAFUN(v,f)
% v is a vector with at least two elements
% f is a handle to a function that operates on two numbers
if numel(v) > 2
r = bafun([f(v(1), v(2)) v(3:end)], f);
r = f(v(1), v(2));
>> bafun([1,23,45,7,89,100], #bitor)
ans =


Write a function file that returns the sum of the positive components and the sum of the negative components of the input vector

Question: Write a function file that returns the sum of the positive components and the sum of the negative components of the input vector.
This problem has to be done in MATLAB but I am completely new in MATLAB? Can anyone give idea how to do this?
V= input(Enter a vector)
function [Ps, Ns] = mysmallfunction(V)
Ps== sum(V(V>0));
Ns= sum(V(V<0));
I don't know whether it will work or not.
You pretty much had it. Below is a script that'll guide you through passing the arguments and calling the function. A small issue was the double == for the assignment of Ps within the function (simply use one = unless it's for a conditional statement). To call/test the function simply use the line [Ps, Ns] = mysmallfunction(V); above your function definition (alternatively can put function definitions in separate scripts).
V = input("Enter a vector: ");
%Function call%
[Ps, Ns] = mysmallfunction(V);
%Printing the results to the command window%
fprintf("The positive numbers sum up to %f\n",Ps);
fprintf("The negative numbers sum up to %f\n",Ns);
%FUNCTION DEFINITION (this can alternatively go in a separate script named: mysmallfunction.m)%
function [Ps, Ns] = mysmallfunction(V)
Ps = sum(V(V>0));
Ns = sum(V(V<0));
Command Window (sample input)
Important to include the square brackets, [] in this case when inputting the vector.
Enter a vector: [1 2 3 -2 -5]

Make vector of elements less than each element of another vector

I have a vector, v, of N positive integers whose values I do not know ahead of time. I would like to construct another vector, a, where the values in this new vector are determined by the values in v according to the following rules:
- The elements in a are all integers up to and including the value of each element in v
- 0 entries are included only once, but positive integers appear twice in a row
For example, if v is [1,0,2] then a should be: [0,1,1,0,0,1,1,2,2].
Is there a way to do this without just doing a for-loop with lots of if statements?
I've written the code in loop format but would like a vectorized function to handle it.
The classical version of your problem is to create a vector a with the concatenation of 1:n(i) where n(i) is the ith entry in a vector b, e.g.
b = [1,4,2];
gives a vector a
a = [1,1,2,3,4,1,2];
This problem is solved using cumsum on a vector ones(1,sum(b)) but resetting the sum at the points 1+cumsum(b(1:end-1)) corresponding to where the next sequence starts.
To solve your specific problem, we can do something similar. As you need two entries per step, we use a vector 0.5 * ones(1,sum(b*2+1)) together with floor. As you in addition only want the entry 0 to occur once, we will just have to start each sequence at 0.5 instead of at 0 (which would yield floor([0,0.5,...]) = [0,0,...]).
So in total we have something like
% construct the list of 0.5s
a = 0.5*ones(1,sum(b*2+1))
% Reset the sum where a new sequence should start
a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1) =a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1)*2 -(b(1:end-1)+1)
% Cumulate it and find the floor
a = floor(cumsum(a))
Note that all operations here are vectorised!
You can do a benchmark using the following code
function SO()
b =randi([0,100],[1,1000]);
t1 = timeit(#() Nicky(b));
t2 = timeit(#() Recursive(b));
t3 = timeit(#() oneliner(b));
if all(Nicky(b) == Recursive(b)) && all(Recursive(b) == oneliner(b))
disp("All methods give the same result")
disp("Something wrong!")
disp("Vectorised time: "+t1+"s")
disp("Recursive time: "+t2+"s")
disp("One-Liner time: "+t3+"s")
function [a] = Nicky(b)
a = 0.5*ones(1,sum(b*2+1));
a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1) =a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1)*2 -(b(1:end-1)+1);
a = floor(cumsum(a));
function out=Recursive(arr)
function local_out=myfun(arr)
if isscalar(arr)
if arr
local_out=sort([0,1:arr,1:arr]); % this is faster
function b = oneliner(a)
b = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(x)sort([0,1:x,1:x]),a,'UniformOutput',false));
Which gives me
All methods give the same result
Vectorised time: 0.00083574s
Recursive time: 0.0074404s
One-Liner time: 0.0099933s
So the vectorised one is indeed the fastest, by a factor approximately 10.
This can be done with a one-liner using eval:
a = eval(['[' sprintf('sort([0 1:%i 1:%i]) ',[v(:) v(:)]') ']']);
Here is another solution that does not use eval. Not sure what is intended by "vectorized function" but the following code is compact and can be easily made into a function:
a = [];
for i = 1:numel(v)
a = [a sort([0 1:v(i) 1:v(i)])];
Is there a way to do this without just doing a for loop with lots of if statements?
Sure. How about recursion? Of course, there is no guarantee that Matlab has tail call optimization.
For example, in a file named filename.m
function out=filename(arr)
function local_out=myfun(arr)
if isscalar(arr)
if arr
local_out=sort([0,1:arr,1:arr]); % this is faster
in cmd, type
You can take off the parent function. I added it just hoping Matlab can spot the recursion within filename.m and optimize for it.
would like a vectorized function to handle it.
Sure. Although I don't see the point of vectorizing in such a unique puzzle that is not generalizable to other applications. I also don't foresee a performance boost.
For example, assuming input is 1-by-N. In cmd, type
In R2018a
>> clear all
>> in=randi([0,100],[1,100]); N=10000;
>> T=zeros(N,1);tic; for i=1:N; filename(in) ;T(i)=toc;end; mean(T),
ans =
>> T=zeros(N,1);tic; for i=1:N; cell2mat(arrayfun(#(x)sort([0,1:x,1:x]),in,'UniformOutput',false)); T(i)=toc;end; mean(T),
ans =
Ofc, I tested with a few more different inputs. The 'vectorized' method is always about twice as long.
Conclusion: Recursion is faster.

Matlab nchoosek got difference answer using int64 and sym

This is a question about the function nchoosek in Matlab.
I want to find nchoosek(54,25), which is the same as 54C25. Since the answer is about 10^15, I originally use int64. However the answer is wrong with respect to the symbolic one.
You can see that they differ by one. This is not really an urgent problem since I now use sym. However can someone tell me why this happens?
I am using R2013a.
I take a look at the nchoosek.m, and find that if the input are in int64, the code can be simplified into
function c = nchoosek2(v,k)
n = v; % rename v to be n. the algorithm is more readable this way.
classOut = 'int64';
nd = double(n);
kd = double(k);
nums = (nd-kd+1):nd;
dens = 1:kd;
nums = nums./dens; %%
c = round(prod(nums));
c = cast(c,classOut);
However, the outcome of int64(prod(nums./dens)) is different from prod(sym(nums)./sym(dens)) for me. Is this the same for everyone?
I don't have this problem on R2014a:
>> n = int64(54);
>> k = int64(25);
>> nchoosek(n,k)
ans =
1683191473897752 % class(ans) == int64
>> nn = sym(n);
>> kk = sym(k);
>> nchoosek(nn,kk)
ans =
1683191473897752 % class(ans) == sym
% N!/((N-K)! K!)
>> factorial(nn) / (factorial(nn-kk) * factorial(kk))
ans =
1683191473897752 % class(ans) == sym
If you check the source code of the function edit nchoosek.m, you'll see it specifically handles the case of 64-bit integers using a separate algorithm. I won't reproduce the code here, but here are the highlights:
function c = nchoosek(v,k)
if int64type
% For 64-bit integers, use an algorithm that avoids
% converting to doubles
c = binCoef(n,k,classOut);
% Do the computation in doubles.
function c = binCoef(n,k,classOut)
% For integers, compute N!/((N-K)! K!) using prime factor cancellations
In 2013a this can be reproduced...
There is as #Amro shows a special case in nchoosek for classOut of int64 or unit64,
however in 2013a this is only applied when the answer is between
flintmax (with no argument) and
double(intmax(classOut)) + 2*eps(double(intmax(classOut)))
which for int64 gives 9007199254740992 & 9223372036854775808, which the solution does not lie between...
If the solution had fallen between these values it would be recalculated using the subfunction binCoef
for which the help states: For integers, compute N!/((N-K)! M!) using prime factor cancellations
The binCoef function would have produced the right answer for the given int64 inputs
In 2013a with these inputs binCoef is not called
Instead the "default" pascals triangle method is used in which:
Inputs are cast to double
The product of the vector ((n-k+1):n)./(1:k) is taken
this vector contains k double representations of fractions.
So what we have is almost certainly floating point error.
What can be done?
Two options I can see;
Make your own function based on the code in binCoef,
Modify nchoosek and remove && c >= flintmax from line 81
Removing this expression will force Matlab to use the more accurate integer based calculation for inputs of int64 and uint64 for any values within their precision. This will be slightly slower but will avoid floating point errors, which are rightfully unexpected when working with integer types.
Option one - should be fairly straight forward...
Option two - I recommend keeping an unchanged backup of the original function, or makeing a copy of the function with the modification and use that instead.

Matlab dec2bin gives wrong values

I'm using Matlab's dec2bin to convert decimal number to binary string. However, I'm getting wrong results. For example:
>> dec2bin(13339262925365424727)
ans =
I checked both in a C++ implementation and in wolfram alpha and the correct result is:
Is there any problem with my usage of Matlab's desc2bin?
Your code is equivalent to:
but if you check the value of x, you will notice that it outruns double precision. The number is simply to large to be stored in a 64bit double. The precision is 2^11, check eps(x)
To deal with large numbers, using vpa from the symbolic toolbox is a good option, is this available?
Here is a solution using vpa:
function l=ldec2bin(x)
if x>2^52
>> ldec2bin(vpa('13339262925365424727'))
ans =
I came across a much shorter implementation of dec2bin for symbolic variables:
>> sdec2bin=#(x)(feval(symengine,'int2text',x,2))
sdec2bin =
>> sdec2bin(sym('13339262925365424727'))
ans =
The integer seems to long, maybe you should try de2bi function;
Assuming that the input is less than intmax('uint64'), as in the example, here is a solution that doesn't require the Symbolic Math toolbox. This supports two input arguments, matching dec2bin, is vectorized, and should be much faster:
function s=int2bin(d,n)
%INT2BIN Convert nonnegative integer to a binary string
if isempty(d)
s = '';
d = d(:);
if ~isinteger(d) || any(d < 0)
'First input must be a nonnegative integer class array.');
if nargin < 2
n = 1
n = round(double(n));
m = double(nextpow2(max(d)));
s = [repmat('0',length(d),n-m) rem(bsxfun(#bitshift,d,1-m:0),2)+'0'];
If you don't mind a bit less performance and prefer a one-line anonymous function, try:
int2bin = #(d,n)char(rem(bsxfun(#bitshift,d(:),1-max(n,double(nextpow2(max(d(:))))):0),2)+'0');
or this one that uses bitand instead of bitshift:
int2bin = #(d,n)char(~~bsxfun(#bitand,d(:),2.^(max(n,nextpow2(max(d(:)))):-1:0))+'0');
All versions above assume that d is a nonnegative integer class variable, e.g., uint64(13339262925365424727), and that n is a nonnegative numeric scalar. You can find full-featured int2bin and bin2int functions on my GitHub.

Is there a Matlab conditional IF operator that can be placed INLINE like VBA's IIF

In VBA I can do the following:
A = B + IIF(C>0, C, 0)
so that if C>0 I get A=B+C and C<=0 I get A=B
Is there an operator or function that will let me do these conditionals inline in MATLAB code?
How about simply using the fact that MATLAB automatically converts variable types when required by the operation? E.g., logical to double.
If your variables are scalar double, your code, I believe, can be replaced by
a = b + (c > 0) * c;
In this case, the operator (c > 0) values 1 (logical type) whenever c > 0 and values to 0 otherwise.
There is no ternary operator in Matlab. You can, of course, write a function that would do it. For example, the following function works as iif with n-d input for the condition, and with numbers and cells for the outcomes a and b:
function out = iif(cond,a,b)
%IIF implements a ternary operator
% pre-assign out
out = repmat(b,size(cond));
out(cond) = a;
For a more advanced solution, there's a way to create an inline function that can even do elseif, as outlined in this blog post about anonymous function shenanigans:
iif = #(varargin) varargin{2*find([varargin{1:2:end}], 1, 'first')}();
You use this function as
where you replace the dots with any number of additional condition/value pairs.
The way this works is that it picks among the values the first one whose condition is true. 2*find(),1,'first') provides the index into the value arguments.
There is no built-in solution for this, but you can write an IIF yourself.
function result=iif(cond, t, f)
%IIF - Conditional function that returns T or F, depending of condition COND
% Detailed
% Conditional matrix or scalar double function that returns a matrix
% of same size than COND, with T or F depending of COND boolean evaluation
% if T or/and F has the same dimensions than COND, it uses the corresponding
% element in the assignment
% if COND is scalar, returns T or F in according with COND evaluation,
% even if T or F is matrices like char array.
% Syntax
% Result = iif(COND, T, F)
% COND - Matrix or scalar condition
% T - expression if COND is true
% F - expression if COND is false
% Result - Matrix or scalar of same dimensions than COND, containing
% T if COND element is true or F if COND element is false.
if isscalar(cond)
if cond
result = t;
result = f;
result = (cond).*t + (~cond).*f;
Others have said already that there is no ternary ?: operator in Matlab. As a solution I suggest this function, which takes three functions instead of values. Therefore the amount of unnecessary calculations is minimized and you can check conditions before starting calculations, e.g. if a value is really numeric, or finite, or nonzero:
function [ out ] = iif( condition, thenF, elseF, in, out)
%iif Implements the ternary ?: operator
% out = iif (#condition, #thenF, #elseF, in[, out])
% The result is equivalent to:
% condition(x) ? thenF(x) : elseF(x)
% The optional argument out serves as a template, if the output type is
% different from the input type, e.g. for mapping arrays to cells and
% vice versa.
% This code is in the public domain.
mask = condition(in);
if nargin <= 4
out = in;
if sum(mask)
out(mask) = thenF(in(mask));
if sum(~mask)
out(~mask) = elseF(in(~mask));
Use it like this:
f = #(y)(iif(#(x)(x > 3), #(x)(x.^2), #(x)(x/2), y))
Inspired by Jonas' answer the function below also works for mixed type input and chars, for which his function isn't stable.
function out = iif(cond, a, b)
%IIF implements a ternary operator
% Use cell output for either char or mixed type input
if ischar(a) || ischar(b) || ~strcmp(class(a), class(b))
out = cell(size(cond));
[out{cond}] = deal(a);
[out{~cond}] = deal(b);
% Use array output and logical indexing
out = repmat(b, size(cond));
out(cond) = a;
Edit: weeded out the extra conditional options in the cell branch, which were apparently remnants of a previous mistake, this is probably faster, and definitely cleaner.
What you refer to is a ternary operator, in C-like notation, ?:. The expression
tern = bool ? T : F
returns T if bool evaluates to true, F otherwise. MATLAB has no ternary operator, however it can be implemented in different ways as an inline expression.
% cell array version (any type)
tern = {F,T}{bool+1} % only Octave
tern = subsref({F,T}, struct('type', '{}', 'subs', {{bool+1}}))
% vector array version (numeric types only)
tern = [F,T](bool+1) % only Octave
tern = subsref([F,T], struct('type', '()', 'subs', {{bool+1}}))
Note that T and F have been swapped, and that different brackets are used. The vector array version is a specialization for numeric types. MATLAB does not allow direct indexation of fresh arrays, hence the use of subsref.
Pros: Works for any type and any value. Can be used inline.
Cons: Before returning the result to tern, both T and F
are evaluated.
Logical operators and eval
( bool && eval('tern=T') ) || eval('tern=F')
Note that the logical operators are short-circuited.
Pros: Works for any type and any value. Only one, T or F, is evaluated.
Cons: Works only in Octave. Can't be used inline, but through the variable tern. eval is not efficient but required.
Basic arithmetic
tern = bool*T + !bool*F
Pros: Can be used inline.
Cons: Works only for numeric types, and might fail when T or F are NaN or Inf. Both, T and F, are evaluated.
tern = max(T,F) % bool = T>F
Note that this solution fits the particular requirements of the initial question with max(C,0).
Pros: Can be used inline.
Cons: Works only for numeric types, and might fail when T or F are NaN. Both, T and F, are evaluated. Use is strongly limited.
There is now a tern function on the MathWorks file exchange:
The code is reproduced here:
function varargout = tern(condition, true_action, false_action)
% out = tern(condition, true_action, false_action)
% Ternary operator. If the first input is true, it returns the second
% input. Otherwise, it returns the third input. This is useful for writing
% compact functions and especially anonymous functions. Note that, like
% many other languages, if the condition is true, not only is the false
% condition not returned, it isn't even executed. Likewise, if the
% condition is false, the true action is never executed. The second and
% third arguments can therefore be function handles or values.
% Example:
% >> tern(rand < 0.5, #() fprintf('hi\n'), pi)
% ans =
% 3.1416
% >> tern(rand < 0.5, #() fprintf('hi\n'), pi)
% hi
% It works with multiple outputs as well.
% >> [min_or_max, index] = tern(rand < 0.5, ...
% #() min([4 3 5]), ...
% #() max([4 3 5]))
% min_or_max =
% 5
% index =
% 3
% Tucker McClure
% Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
if condition() % Works for either a value or function handle.
[varargout{1:nargout}] = true_action();
[varargout{1:nargout}] = false_action();
This is more of an addenum to Alex's answer.
Alex's method doesn't work when you want to return inf
In these cases you often end up getting a 0*inf figure, which MATLAB will evaluate to NaN. Problematic... We can avoid this multiplication using a lookup instead.
As an example, a useful barrier function in convex optimization is something that behaves like log everywhere positive, and -inf elsewhere. Here is how you might create such a function using a lookup:
INF_CONDITION = [0, inf];
fn_logbr = #(x) (x>0)*log(x) - INF_CONDITION( 1+(x<=0) )
Inline conditionals are a hack, and you lose lazy evaluation. You have to be careful. However, having semantic code is really nice, and its easier to share your code when you can't guarantee everyone's environments are the same.
If you're looking for an option that doesn't force you to build a function and can take care fairly simple expressions, you can take advantage of anonymous functions. The anonymous function returns a logical, which can be a numeral 1 or 0. Because of this, they can be used to multiply with other numbers to determine if they still hold a value after the expression, or lose their value.
For your case (including if A, B, and C are vectors or not): A = B .+ (#() C>0)()
eval('input;', 'input = 1;');
is very helpful where 'input' might not exist in the first place.