Can't Facebook App in new Meta branded page - facebook

I am trying to create a Facebook App so I can share to Facebook an image from a mobile.
I am following this guide:
The problem is that now if I click on
There are no apps to display here. Would you like to create a new app?
The only thing I am getting to is
Which is just a useless loop.


Facebook - Confusion between facebook page and facebook app

I want to create an app in facebook. But I have little confusion about facebook pages and app.
I created canvas app in facbook using localhost setup and it works fine for me.
Question 1:
My question is top bar with like button comes in facebook app or facebook page.(Image included of some random app)
I'm also curious to know whether is facebook app or page.Because it is not in domain "" and works like app (Not only this there are some other app/page which looks like webpage inside iframe )
If this is an app how to setup topbar with like in myapp
Question 2:
I was referring Sephora (Just random app,nothing to do with this app) which allow user to see content only after we like that app which also not in "" domain.
Can we implement same thing in app (
I got one solution. Is there any other way?
You clearly got confused between an app and a page tab.
A Facebook app is simply the app that you see with the domain, whereas a page tab is an app which is used in the context of the page and comes as
You can find out more about page tabs here and implement it easily. Also here's a link about Facebook apps.

link an app with an already created page?

I just created an app on facebook in order to publish the content of my website in a fan page, but I created the fan page before the app, now I don't know how to link my new app to my prev page; I just have the option of create a new page.
Hi Fran kinldy follow the below steps to link your apps with Fb page.
Fill canvas url and other details in the app settings.
Make the app to live & copy the app id and change the below URL. appid&pages=1
Then check your FB Page.Your apps will be linked.

Is it possible to create a Facebook app page without uploading an app?

I am working on making a game that we plan to upload to Facebook in just under 3 months. However, we would like to make a Facebook page to try to get publicity before we upload it. I'm not sure if we should categorize it as a Games/Toys page or an App Page.
Yes, the app page just lets you have the codes for the API. You can change the catagory later.

Tab App (FB) wont show on Facebook iPhone App

I created a facebook and placed it on my facebook brand page, I also created a post on the wall of that page with the link to the app.
all works well until people started calling me saying that when accessing using FB iPhone app it will redirect to an error page "the page your requested was not found"
I tried adding a link (same page) to the "Mobile Web" link of my app in the FB Developer App.
it still doesn't work..
I need people accessing the app page to get some content.. I know it is possible but cant find how..
thanks for your help
Tabs aren't supported via the app or mobile site. Best you could do is add the query parameter "ref=ts" to prevent the page from going switching to mobile. It helps in the browser but not the app itself.
So add ?ref=ts to the end of your app url and at least mobile users can see it in their browser.

Facebook new page for iphone app with download button

I have a number of facebook pages devoted to my published iOS apps and I would of course like users to be able to download the apps from them. Previously I managed the issue by having the apple page in the frame, but in the new Facebook page all those kind of features are all but disappeared and the button that once lead to the page takes instead to an empty Facebook page, as you may see at:
What should I do instead to allow the link to the app page in the AppStore when pressing the AppStore button?
Thanks, Fabrizio
You can use this iframe app from woobox: