Portal effect/Non euclidean - unity3d

I am looking for a solution to the effect used in Valve's portal games and seen in the "portalizer" unity package. I have searched almost every related question on many forums, however none seem to offer the help I need. I have tried re-working the mirror reflection script found on the wiki, however I have a lot of problems when they are out of the camera's view, and it never seems to work. I feel like I have spent hours on this, if you know anywhere which details the logic and explanation of this effect such as camera matrices and stuff it would be great, or just a working block of code for me to look through.
By the way i'm actually not hoping to explicitly use it for potals, Im attempting to make a room similar to Doctor Who's Tardis which is bigger on the inside, kind of mimicking the effect of Non-Euclidean space. Im also looking for something more advanced than a simple camera with render-to-texture. Im also using the pro version.
Thanks in advance.


Have you had user specific bugs with Unity builds that you have sent out

I have a build which I send out to players and 50% of them get different unique bugs, where Stats reset, Array values match up differently, Certain attributes increase by zero.
This only seems exclusive to their computers and are all very different.
I've attempt sleep nights trying to replicate these bugs on multiple computers, but it I cannot replicate it.
The other 50% of players (Although I don't the actual ratio)
The build works fine, all the bugs and issues that occurs are ones that I know about and easily fix.
I'm desperate to know what's going here, if its something in player settings like changing .NET 2.0 to 4.0 or something like that, but honestly I'm not so well experienced in that area.
Playmaker is mixed into the project for arrays and simpler things, but I've scoured the forums and I can't find anything related to that.
Maybe I need to upgrade my version of unity?
I'm on Unity 2020.1.1f1 Personal, if that has anything to do with how the game builds, but at this point I'm just throwing punch's in the dark.
Thank you.
I also use Playmaker and I've recently experienced a similar bug.
It turns out different CultureSettings on users were causing the issue.
Try this:
using System.Globalization;
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
Wish you a great weekend :)

Using MRTK 2.4.0, Unity, Tutorials Do Not Work, Can't Figure Out How to Configure it to Work

Brand new HoloLens 2 using latest versions of all the tools. I can't get the most basic tutorial to produce the expected output. I have done the whole thing multiple times to ensure I am following the directions exactly. It builds in Unity and loads to my HL2 device. I have gone all the way to lesson 6 and things don't work as the documentation says. Can anyone point me to something that actually works for a point of beginning. Right now MRTK is just a trial and error operation. Thanks
There is a pretty annoying problem in the MRTK which is about 'solvers' and project built in Release ARM64.
MixedRealityToolkit-Unity Issue
It's probably a very specific case for a lot of people but I was naturally building like that all of my projects and MRTK demos and nothing was working as expected.
I spent a lot of time to identify what I was doing wrong.
Maybe you are in this case ...
As others guys asked, we need more infos about what is not working, your differents tries etc .. to help you.

How to display a point cloud in Unreal Engine?

I'm attempting to display a point cloud in Unreal Engine using the technique described in this UE4 forum post.
I think I followed the description, but I'm not getting any points displayed. The code¹²³⁴ is here. Any ideas on what I got wrong would be much appreciated!
¹ "Code" is a bit of a misnomer, since I didn't write any actual code here, just strung stuff together in the Unreal Editor with Blueprints and the Cascade particle system editor using the instructions in the forum post.
² A secondary question would be how to do this in Unreal using pure C++ code instead of Blueprints and Cascade. For my purposes this would make things much easier. But since the forum post used the visual editors I figured I would try to get that working first.
³ Really off topic but I have to vent: I wish the Unreal Engine peer-help community revolved around sharing actual code, and especially sharing actual working projects, instead of forum posts with incomplete instructions describing how to do something in the GUI that you just might get working if you already know what you're doing. It makes it a tough way to learn!
⁴ I also realize that Stack Overflow wants to see code in the question itself and not just a link. But given the nature of the "code" involved, that wasn't possible. Sorry! :-)

Translucent material/shader

I want to achieve this result.
Light passes from thin areas of object (lower density) and cannot pass from higher density areas.
Is it possible? I also want to export it as WebGL to use it in web App.
I never tried myself but as far as I know it's possible. I've come across this post before:
It's a bit old but it may be a good starting point. There's a link to an old GDC presentation as well explaining a bit how this stuff works which may be helpful.
If I'll ever going to have the freetime I'll try it at home, sadly the coming holidays kept me away from working with Unity recently.
Hope this helps.

Creating a plugin for CEF3 in Unity 3D

I was able to find a basic implementation of CEF3 in Ogre3D -- but I was hoping there would be something similar for Unity3D.
I am currently using Awesomium, however, I now need to use RTCPeerConnection (which requires Chromium 29+). Currently, Awesomium is only on Chromium 18, and its unclear how long it will take for that to be udpated (not going to hold my breath).
CEF is open source and updated very frequently.
I would do this myself, but I have no clue where to start. I am hoping:
Someone with enough Unity experience has either already created a CEF3 wrapper that they would be willing to share with the community, or
Someone knows how this could be accomplished and can (hopefully thoroughly) explain
i took a look at your link and the video and i think i have some useful resources to share.
i have a bit of experience on unity3d. i've never tried to embed webpages within it, HOWEVER i've stumbled accross and read a few conversations on the subject in my travels.
there is one discussion here on the unity site, that i think would interest you
UnityWebCore plugin
Also on the unity boards - someone has gone ahead and done some of the paving the way, provided a project with some demos and downloadable source here.
its not exactly Chromium Embedded Frames, but from best i can tell from your link this will accomplish what you need. (or at least get you started)
another discussion specifically relating to doing this with awesomium here