Creating a plugin for CEF3 in Unity 3D - unity3d

I was able to find a basic implementation of CEF3 in Ogre3D -- but I was hoping there would be something similar for Unity3D.
I am currently using Awesomium, however, I now need to use RTCPeerConnection (which requires Chromium 29+). Currently, Awesomium is only on Chromium 18, and its unclear how long it will take for that to be udpated (not going to hold my breath).
CEF is open source and updated very frequently.
I would do this myself, but I have no clue where to start. I am hoping:
Someone with enough Unity experience has either already created a CEF3 wrapper that they would be willing to share with the community, or
Someone knows how this could be accomplished and can (hopefully thoroughly) explain

i took a look at your link and the video and i think i have some useful resources to share.
i have a bit of experience on unity3d. i've never tried to embed webpages within it, HOWEVER i've stumbled accross and read a few conversations on the subject in my travels.
there is one discussion here on the unity site, that i think would interest you
UnityWebCore plugin
Also on the unity boards - someone has gone ahead and done some of the paving the way, provided a project with some demos and downloadable source here.
its not exactly Chromium Embedded Frames, but from best i can tell from your link this will accomplish what you need. (or at least get you started)
another discussion specifically relating to doing this with awesomium here


How to install chaos physics

I am really interested in chaos physics and went to plugins to see if it was enabled and it is: I have looked up tutorials on it and everything and none say how to install it so I assume it is basic. They select on the modes panel but for some reason for there isn't one. Modes is a drop down panel on the same bar as the play button and stuff. The chaos physics engine isnt one of the options it only has the default. I am on Unreal 4.25.3 windows 10 and this project is blueprints but I prefer to work in c++ blueprints is just better and faster for tests. I have looked at multiple forums and videos and noone seems to have the issue I do which is it just doesn't show up. Could I please get some help on this as it looks amazing and fun. Also if there is an easy way to get the modes selector back where it used to be and not as a dropdown. Thank you.
From what I understand, the Chaos Physics Beta is out since Unreal 4.3 but until its out of beta a source build is required to play around with it. You have to get the demo from the epic games launcher. You will also have to request to join the epic games github and download the unreal engine files, move the ChaosDestructionDemo folder to the same folder that you have your GitHub build in. You then run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat, open the created UE4.sln and then build the ChasoDestructionDemo for Development editor.
This will rebuild the whole engine with the Chaos plugin installed and then you can launch the uproject from the epic games launcher.
There are a lot of details on this forum and a couple of videos that you can have a look at too.
If you have any more questions, let me know and ill try my best to help you out.
Hope you have a good time destroying stuff :)

How to display a point cloud in Unreal Engine?

I'm attempting to display a point cloud in Unreal Engine using the technique described in this UE4 forum post.
I think I followed the description, but I'm not getting any points displayed. The code¹²³⁴ is here. Any ideas on what I got wrong would be much appreciated!
¹ "Code" is a bit of a misnomer, since I didn't write any actual code here, just strung stuff together in the Unreal Editor with Blueprints and the Cascade particle system editor using the instructions in the forum post.
² A secondary question would be how to do this in Unreal using pure C++ code instead of Blueprints and Cascade. For my purposes this would make things much easier. But since the forum post used the visual editors I figured I would try to get that working first.
³ Really off topic but I have to vent: I wish the Unreal Engine peer-help community revolved around sharing actual code, and especially sharing actual working projects, instead of forum posts with incomplete instructions describing how to do something in the GUI that you just might get working if you already know what you're doing. It makes it a tough way to learn!
⁴ I also realize that Stack Overflow wants to see code in the question itself and not just a link. But given the nature of the "code" involved, that wasn't possible. Sorry! :-)

Offline Technet Library (Powershell) Reference

Is there any way to obtain, or has someone already obtained and compiled documentation from MS Technet Library for offline use?
I know of the Visual Studio Help Downloader at codeplex and I am looking for something similar for the Technet Library.
The Library itself has an option to select articles for export however, it is very limited in number of pages to add per click. This means you have to drill down on every subject and add it to your selection. Not very usable, besides the examples state you should be able to download as pdf or html, but I only get the html option, which is annoyingly impractical.
Ideally I would like to have the complete offline documentation for a single top-level subject (e.g. "Scripting with Windows PowerShell" at If possible, including an index/TOC.
I know of the built-in Get-Help, the books available etc. but the Technet Library has more detailed information available which I'm after. Any known method of downloading this in bulk would be greatly appreciated.
All my google search results seem to either point to the built in export funcion, or people reminiscing about the old offline Technet subscription.
Ok, its not great. But its better than the above... I know this is old. But I was looking for this. This is the best I found. So Ill leave my breadcrumbs for the next fool to stumble down this road. If someone else finds better, hopefully theyll continue to pass it on.
On Github, you can download the entire Doc repo as a zip. Read it with microsoft code and a markdown extension.
Ideally, Id like to see this as a CHM (rather than a PDF).
I was surprised to find that this is well documented, and actually is a thing:
Taking TechNet Offline
When you start the process, it'll give you some instructions, and once you click "Start," you'll be shown the hierarchy of the entirety of that root page you linked on the left. Note the instructions in orange at the top.
I didn't go much further then this, but let us know if this worked in full, and as you expected it to. Nice feature there! I learned something myself today.
I have had mixed success with HTTrack You can give it a site a page and it will go through all links and resources recursively, saving them locally.
It requires some tuning and playing around with to get right, There might even be a newer better equivalent these days.

Cocos2D game tutorials/game suggestions

I use Ray's link to learn Cocos2D, any other good links or tutorials I can use for developing?
Any suggestions about game developing?
Since you weren't too specific on what kind of links you wanted...
This is a bit philosophical but helped me stay focused on getting some simple games finished and polished rather than leaving them half done and moving to the next thing:
Here's a ton of links to all sorts of game related topics:
For cocos2d I'd suggest grabbing the full source code and opening up the cocos2d-ios workspace and then compiling and running all the test applications. They'll let you see a bunch of cocos2d's capabilities and give you a starting point to answer those "How would I do X..." type of questions. So after running the TileMapTest you'll know the different type of modes (ortho, iso, etc) it supports and know that there's sample code you look at to get it working.

CKEditor Plugins Documentation

I looked on CKEditor's website and I noticed that there's no plugins documentation yet.
But I'm wondering if there is any anywhere else?
I'd like to make a little plugin to add youtube video from CKEditor. Pretty simple plugin but still I'd like to know how to make it.
Documentation is sparse at the moment, but not completely non-existent.
Check out my CKEDitor link survival pack from a previous question.
As a starting point, you may want to copy and use one of the existing plugins (the unpacked ones from the _source directory, of course).
The symbols plugin is extremely simple but shows the basic points of inserting HTML into the editor
The links plugin may be a good starting point for how to add input fields, tabs, and make them interact (If you want to go the road of understanding CKEditor's highly sophisticated dialog layout system, that is. My cup of tea, it wasn't. You may want to just set up an Iframe dialog, and do everything by yourself).
Since this question was first posted, CK has added documentation for creating plugins -