Add custom text after each BBPress topic - bbpress

I am working on a functionality to add some custom text after each BBPress topic. I have tried following hooks with no luck:
Can anyone help with this?

You could edit the content-single-topic.php template


Multiple select format in drop down with different options Using TinyMCE

I am using TinyMCE editor.
Is it possible to have two(multiple) selectformat with different options as shown like below image?
Please suggest us, If there is any option or example.
Thank you.

How can we add custom template in keycloak?

I would like to add some custom tabs(template) in my keycloak? But i cant find the solution. Is anyone here who could help me with this.
Your screenshot suggest that you are still using the old account console. I recommend to upgrade to the new account console which supports adding additional tabs quite easily. Take a look at this blog post for details and check out this quickstart example to get going.

Layout TYPO3-Extension Backend

I need to add a hr-like tag in the TCA of my Extension Backend or a linebreak. Is this possible in some way?
I've tried --linebreak-- in my palettes, but this did not work. Checked for the changes in Admin->Configuration. There comes the --linebreak-- but it does not do anything in the Ext-Backend.
Any help is highly appreciated, thanks.
Can you tell us the reason for the <hr> tag you need?
One simple way would be to use the USER type of the TCA where you are able to render any HTML. It is described here

vbulletin membership list header change

I have a vbulletin website. I need to change the label "Posts" to "Forums". Just the label, not the functionality. If you need to see an example please visit this link, . Here you can see "post" in the table header. I need to change that. It may be very simple, but i have no idea.
in the memberlist template i think your looking for
< vb:if condition="$show['searchcol']">< th>< span class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase find_posts_user}
you want to change the {vb:rawphrase find_posts_user} to Forums
edit: sorry about the spaces in the vb code. it was trying to render it as HTML here.

Multiple TTPickerTextField in TTMessageController

Is there some way to use multiple instances of TTPickerTextField in one TTMessageController? I am currently only using the default "To" field with a .datasource, but I am unsure of how to add the others to the main controller.
Thanks for any help.
There is now a Sample app at GitHub under the Samples that shows a way to handle this.